Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 322: Naughty children are regardless of age and race

This move is to catch the cicada in eight steps, which can make a bronze man step up unscientifically on the swaying and uneven arms, but the specific principle is not clear to Owen himself.

Although magic can do this, the monks obviously use martial arts instead of magic. Unfortunately, as more and more martial arts are integrated, the meridian-like magic routes that are opened become more complex, and the monks change more and more. , even he is a little unsure now, and can't even predict the next changes. Maybe the most perfect puppet he makes will be the monk.

At this time, the energy cores installed in the monk's body according to the five internal organs continuously release energy, and then it is absorbed by the three largest magic nodes, upper, middle and lower, and is transmitted to the magic circuit. After the operation of the magic routes and nodes like meridians and acupuncture points, it is transformed into A very strange energy.

The bronze man-like monk's body surface has lines that resemble muscle textures and runes. At this time, the lines seem to be injected with liquefied energy, which gathers and flows in the ditch-like lines, and finally pours into the palm, forming a giant golden palm. He took out his hand and slapped the oak guard on the head. There was a click, and the oak guard fell to the ground with his head tilted. He couldn't move for a moment and a half. It can be seen that this move is very powerful. It is indeed a powerful King Kong. Palm, the Buddhist great monk’s name is well-deserved.

Owen was in a daze when he witnessed this scene. He knew that the monk was powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. You must know that he did not control the monk, nor did he provide any blessing.

And this was just the beginning. After taking down the oak guard with a powerful Vajra Palm, the monk who fell from the air tapped his toes on the ground. His seemingly heavy body once again rose into the air unreasonably, and rushed towards the jungle hunter like a roc. His hands resembled those of a dragon and an eagle. If he were caught, it might not be as simple as ten bloody holes.

The jungle hunter, who was already inferior to Ninsha in terms of melee combat, sensed that the second enemy had joined, and the combat mode inevitably caused a moment of confusion due to adjustments. However, Ninsha, who was good at seizing the opportunity, flashed his eyes with lightning, and retreated. The sword was drawn out only in an instant.

The jungle hunter who was about to deal with the two-sided attack suddenly stopped moving, and then his upper body slid down diagonally, and was unexpectedly slashed into two pieces by Shinobu with his sword. Although it is a man-made object, such damage will not lead to destruction, but major damage is inevitable. of.

At this moment, the crows dancing in the air also ignited the flammable gas that had been quietly released before.

In a very short period of time, the expanding flame instantly filled the entire duel field. Although the temperature was not high, there was no problem in burning out the petals. Without the petals, the Flower Dancer lost most of its means and had to His whole body fell to the ground covered in charred black, but he still had the elegance from before.

To be honest, Cortana's Oak Guard, Jungle Hunter, and Flower Dancer are not weak. The problem is that when they were first created, the purpose of these three works was not to deal with the unconventional puppets in Owen's hands.

The huge oak guard is enough to demolish the city wall. Unless it is hit by continuous fire magic, it is a ruthless demolition machine. But it can be hit on the head by the monk's extremely explosive Vajra Palm. Using the lever principle on the upper side, the neck was damaged and fell down with a slap.

The Jungle Hunter is equally miserable. As a man-made object of the same type as the Ninja Killer, if it is in a complex environment such as a forest, or there is a stable shooting space, it will not be able to play such a role, at least it will not be forced to fight in close combat.

Of course, the saddest thing is the Flower Dancer, because it uses illusion as the main means of assistance. As a result, the puppet is not affected by illusion at all. Even if it releases petals to block the sight, it has no effect, and it ends up in disgrace. end.

For various reasons, there were three shots in a row, and all the creations belonging to Cortana fell to the field. The battle was over so fast that even Owen didn't react.

Cortana's face didn't look very good at this moment. Previously, because of her equal status and the fact that she was both a royal elf, she behaved elegantly, but essentially she was still a child. As a princess in the original world, her living environment did not require much. Having said that, even after I came here unexpectedly, I was pampered by a legendary mage. When had I ever suffered such a big loss, I was immediately unhappy.

There are naughty children regardless of age and race, especially those who are pampered like Cortana. Once they become willful, even her teacher will have a headache. After all, the other party is an elf princess who not only has royal blood, but also has An elf kingdom as the background, such as

It seems we need to be more serious. Cortana tilted her head and said a little innocently, but also a little seriously.

Owen immediately felt something bad. He forgot that his body was just smaller, but inside he had the mind of an adult. Therefore, he ignored that the other person was a real child. Even if the actual age was not young, the long life cycle made the other person Always maintain the way of thinking of a child, which is unpredictable.

When aqua blue lines appeared on Cortana's forehead, and a strange spear with a head like an elongated drop of water appeared in her hand, and a large sapphire embedded in the fist, her aura suddenly changed.

Just like a pebble dropped into a pond, invisible water waves spread out in all directions with Cortana as the center. Kevin Flynn's expression changed on the spot. Before he could stop him, teleportation waves lit up around him. He immediately sighed and asked Karl to step back and make room.

What's going on? Why did little Cortana use water drops in the academy city?! The old mage who was teleported over in a hurry almost tripped over his one-meter-long beard, but he didn't care about it and jumped up and grabbed Kai. Vinflin's collar snarled.

Children's anger. Kevin Flynn said helplessly and painfully, while pointing at the duel field.

This was none other than Phoenix, the oldest legendary mage in Academy City, who was also Cortana's teacher. So after hearing this, he immediately let Kevin Flynn go and lay on the fence to look down.

Hey! When did Academy City gain another elf royal family? As Cortana's teacher, Phoenix immediately recognized Owen's identity and said in surprise.

Kevin Flynn rubbed his eyebrows with a headache. Originally, he was not 100% sure, but now that Phoenix opened his mouth, he was 99% sure that the little guy named Owen, who claimed to be a Northland noble, was indeed a The royal family of elves from other worlds still master cross-border teleportation, which is even more troublesome.

Visitors from other worlds are not uncommon for Academy City. They are everywhere in the secret realm, but they are intercepted outside the seal. Occasionally, some enter directly, but most of them are either eaten by wild monsters or become new wild monsters. , only people like Cortana who can't hide their light will be remembered.

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