Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 312 The blood and hatred of Kara’s sister and brother

In fact, a steam tank is nothing, because the related technology has long been mature. It is just a chassis with a steam engine and riveted iron plates, and then mounted with a small cannon and machine gun.

Although there is only one small bean tank that has been finalized, it can be used to deal with ordinary armies. After all, there are definitely not many ordinary people who can destroy iron plates with cold weapons, at least they must be professionals.

In addition, the roads from the ruins to Greenyin Town and Greenyin Town to North City have long been repaired and are worthy of mass production. Owen took note of this and continued reading.

The steam tank was okay, but the steam helicopter was a bit beyond Owen's expectations. At the same time, he also understood the purpose of building a platform where the entrance to the ruins was divided into a basin.

It's a pity that the goblin's thinking is too out-of-the-box. The designed machine works as a whole, but there are constant minor problems. It depends on the hard-working hobgoblin to constantly maintain and repair it.

The problem is that if a steam tank breaks down, it can be repaired on the spot, but what about the steam helicopter?

Seeing the scattered piles of steam helicopter wreckage lying aside, as well as the goblin pilot lying there groaning with broken legs and arms, Owen quickly stopped the next crazy goblin wearing a tank hat and carrying a parachute. Drivers, let them upload the relevant data to the Flame Queen's database, and the Flame Queen will make reasonable calculation modifications. At least the appearance cannot be like a shoe box. Flying bricks with great force is really not such a way to play.

Then the core components are handed over to the monsters to make them to reduce the failure rate. Owen really doesn't want to see the steam helicopter become disposable, no matter how rich he is, he can't afford it.

The large-scale use of steam machinery has put the territory's productivity in a state of excess. Fortunately, North City is now called the center of Northland, attracting a large number of merchants and Northland lords.

Purchasing supplies and goods from the North City is much more cost-effective than transporting them from the imperial border. At least there are not so many checkpoints to collect taxes along the way, so the supplies are effectively converted into money and people, while also expanding their influence.

The development of the first and second floors of the ruins exceeded Owen's imagination, and the third floor was no less impressive. Emily arranged for several clones to be stationed here permanently to repair and maintain the magic well and some fixed facilities. After the transformation, it has been able to keep pace with Territory system is compatible.

It's just that this place is used as a preparatory experiment center, so it is not fully activated. On weekdays, only Emily's clone is here to study cloning technology and try to clone itself.

Owen did not stay in the ruins for long. After inspecting all the branch cities, he quietly returned to the academy city through the secret realm. However, he did not expect that his toys would be broken after he left for only a few days.

It’s just for fun, and it’s so tattered that I really think I’m dead.

Seeing the severely damaged Kara, who was twitching and leaking engine oil, Owen would be lying if he said he wasn't angry. After all, Kara played a big role in his Hydra infiltration plan.

Who did this? Owen turned his attention to Brody, who suddenly looked panicked. Although he was unwilling to get involved in this matter, he was obviously not allowed to back down now.

In fact, they have been tied together since Owen established the Hydra interest study group in the puppet class. At this time, retreating, unless Brody can directly transfer to another department to become a teacher, would be tantamount to completely isolating himself.

Her brother did it. Brody swallowed and said. Seeing Owen frown, he simply told the whole story.

Kara actually didn't tell Owen the truth at first. Not only was she not conjoined, but she also had a distinguished family background. She was the descendant of a master alchemist. It could be said that she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She was destined to have a bright future, provided that she didn't do anything else. die.

When she was young and playful, she dragged her younger brother into the laboratory where her father strictly prohibited entry, and she ruined everything.

The out-of-control synthesis experiment turned the father who was trying to protect his child into a composite of flesh and metal. Kara, who was lucky enough to survive, also bonded with his brother's flesh and blood, turning into a monster.

After her grandfather, the master of alchemy, arrived in a hurry, he was also unable to deal with this situation, because Kara's father had completely lost his human form and turned into a fusion of flesh and blood that even he could not explain. , with no choice but to save the siblings first.

But because many organs are fused, if you want to separate two people, you must give the main organs to one party, which means you can only save one.

The mother who had just lost her husband had to make a cruel decision in desperation, giving up one child to save another.

In the end, the grandfather completed the separation of the two siblings and took away Carla, who could only rely on instruments to survive.

But all this is not over. The desperate mother finally chose to end her life, watering the seeds of hatred with vital blood as nutrients, so that the seeds named pain and hatred eventually grew into thorns, entangled in the world she witnessed with her own eyes. All in my brother's heart.

Driven by pain, Carla's younger brother Carl fully developed the talents and potential of the descendants of the master alchemist. Perhaps due to the alchemical accident when he was young, he has a unique talent for material synthesis and became an academician at a young age. A disciple of a legendary alchemist and a professor in the alchemy department.

If this life continues, although Karl's heart will be painful, it is not a bad thing. At least it will inspire him to continue moving forward on the road of alchemy, but Kara appears.

Kara, who lost almost half of her body, did not die. With the help of her grandfather, she lived to adulthood. However, it was her fault that caused the accident. So although her grandfather saved her, he was unwilling to do more, so Kara only She was able to transform herself because she wanted to use the rest of her life to compensate her brother, so after she was able to act, she went to work in the college city.

But Kara didn't know what her appearance meant to her brother.

Karl originally thought that his sister was dead, so although the thorn in his heart called pain existed, it was rootless because he had lost the object of his hatred. But the appearance of Karla obviously broke all the psychological defenses Karl had built for himself. The first time it collapsed.

It was also at that time that Kara realized that she had done something wrong again, and it was so wrong. She ruined her younger brother's life, and then ruined his younger brother's life. She filled his heart with despair and pain with her own hands, turning him into a... A monster in human skin.

The strong guilt made Kara want to die in Carl's hands, but Carl was unwilling to kill her because it was too cheap for her.

Now Owen understands why the puppet class is in such a bad state and why Kara is acting so strangely.

Now Kara wants to die but doesn't dare to die. The fact that she doesn't dare to die doesn't mean that she is afraid of death. In fact, death is a kind of relief for her. She really thought that the combination of flesh and blood and machines was a cool thing, but in fact it is A constant torture.

Every day her flesh and blood protested, her bones groaned, and her internal organs wailed. The so-called life was just an illusion maintained by external objects. In fact, she should have died long ago. Otherwise, why didn't Karl, who hated his sister so much, not Kill her.

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