Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 306 Hydra Interest Group in Puppet Class

Kara's body was in very bad shape. The skin on the flesh and blood parts was rough and dull. Many capillaries were blocked and turned into black meshes. There was pus seeping into the places where they were connected to the mechanical parts. You could even smell the rot emanating from them. Stink.

Owen frowned, but still endured his nausea and opened the shell of the torso, revealing the mechanical parts inside.

For some reason, Kara didn't stop Owen's movements and allowed him to do something to her.

This is interesting. Irving doesn't think that the little tricks she just used can scare a ruthless person who dares to change herself into this. Besides, as a teacher of puppet class, does her trick only have one finger? ?

Artificial heart, blood filter, are these using magic potion instead of hormones?

With so much loss of intestines, it is indeed crooked.

The more Owen disassembled it, the more excited he became, and he even took out the baby warmer for scanning.

Owen prefers this more elegant method to inserting his hand into Kara's body, mainly because the pus seeping out is so disgusting that even if it is cleaned up, it is not psychologically acceptable.

The appearance of Nuan Baobao confirmed Kara's suspicion just now. She turned off some targeted equipment in her body and completely showed her inner self to Owen.

But this does not mean that Kara will become at the mercy of others. The mechanical modification of her head is still a restricted area. Owen even guessed that the opponent's mechanical eye must have been specially modified and might be able to shoot a finger of death. There may be similar ray magic coming out, a sound wave device that can release the howl of a banshee may be installed in the mouth, and poisonous needles may even be sprayed out of the nostrils.

After completing the scan, Nuan Baobao projected Kara's body structure, and Owen, who turned on the wisdom technique, quickly absorbed and understood the contents.

Although she teaches puppet classes, Kara uses more alchemical techniques to transform herself. After all, only alchemy can maintain her broken body to this day.

Unfortunately, her skills were not enough, and she did not have the ability to ask the legend to take action. As a result, her situation became worse and worse, and now it has reached an unsustainable level. Otherwise, she would not choose to risk taking action against Irving.

However, Kara did not take action against Owen to kill people and seize his bloodline. It was not because she couldn't bear it, but because it was unrealistic.

You can tell by looking at Owen's bloodline, aura, and attire that he has power and status. There are many such students in the college city. Who doesn't have a few life-saving trump cards? If he really wants to make a move, he will succeed without knowing all the opponent's trump cards. The rate is not even on the third level, unless the person taking action is a legend.

So Kara was gambling, gambling on a chance of survival, and it seemed like she was winning.

Since the other party came to take the puppet class, he was indeed interested in a being like her. Even if he only regarded her as a toy, he had to fix her before he could play with her.

Come with me, the equipment and materials here are too poor. Irving reassembled the dismantled Kara and said with some unfinished thoughts.

Of course Kara, who was counting on Owen to save her life, had no objection. She rolled up all the drawings on the table and followed her to the villa area.

After returning to the room, Owen relaxed a lot, handed the coat he took off to the slime maid, and then said to Kara, who was staring at the slime maid.

Go to my private laboratory. After saying that, the tight ground beneath his feet began to sink, and he entered Owen's carefully built underground laboratory.

It was similar to the laboratory in the castle. It was divided into working area, storage area, living area, and garden area, covering hundreds of square meters. Kara was stunned.

She knew that Owen was a freshman this year. You had only been here a short time and you had already dug such a large space underground. If you were given a few years, wouldn't you have to build an underground city under the college city?

Owen didn't care what Kara was thinking at the moment, he just asked her to lie down, and then started various more detailed tests.

After detailed examination, Owen discovered that Kara's transformation of herself was not completed at one time, but could be seen to have continued intermittently for many years.

The most interesting thing is that the part of her body she lost was caused by a separation operation, which means she is conjoined.

Instead of asking Kara where her other half was or why she was like this, Owen began to transform her.

The T virus enhances its activity, biochemical organs are transplanted, and finally it is mechanically modified.

Kara's situation was very bad. Even Owen spent a lot of money and called Brian and Emily online to form a scientific research team to save her life. However, if he wanted to improve it further, he still needed to It takes time to observe improvements.

After completing the transformation, Kara consciously placed herself under Owen, even though she was a teacher and Owen was just a student.

None of this mattered, Owen gave her hope of living and becoming whole again, and she would do it at any cost.

As a member of the puppet class, I hope to make progress together with other students. To this end, I plan to set up an interest group for puppet masters. I hope the teachers can help spread the word. After Owen cleaned himself up, he changed his clothes and said to Kara said as she was getting familiar with her new body structure.

As ordered. Carla put one hand on her chest and bent down to salute. Her firm look made Owen wonder whether he was just talking about setting up an interest group or a killer organization.

In fact, there is no difference, because the emblem of the interest group is a hydra with obvious puppet and golem style.

Owen has now understood that there are too many people staring at the powerful aristocratic students and talented civilian students in the academy city. Not to mention absorbing them, just contact will attract too many eyes.

Coupled with his current radiant appearance, it is really eye-catching.

So after coming to the puppet classroom, he had new ideas.

A remote classroom, a low-key student, a teacher who changes into his own shape, is there any more suitable place for Hydra to start?

The only problem is Kara. Owen can't guarantee her loyalty, even if her life is in his hands to some extent.

Therefore, Irving does not plan to reveal his purpose now, but to do it bit by bit, starting with interest groups.

Kara is not the only teacher in the puppet class. She is responsible for teaching puppet making, and another younger teacher teaches puppet manipulation.

It's just that compared to the lifeless Carla, the other teacher is more ambitious. Except when you can see him during class, he spends the rest of the time performing his puppet skills in the Alchemy Department, intending to attract more students to take the puppet class.

To put it bluntly, he looks down on the ordinary students in the Puppet Class who have no money, power and talent. He wants to recruit some noble or talented students, so that he can increase his influence in the academy and live a happy life of promotion, salary increase and marriage to Bai Fumei. .

It's a pity that the students are not fools. Since they can have a brighter future, why bother to ask for trouble to learn inferior things? Therefore, Owen's arrival made him unbelievable, and then he was ecstatic. He was like the butler of the puppet classroom for the first time. Come to Owen and provide the most considerate service.

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