There are many professions in the college city, and most of them have specialized teaching points. Especially for the popular professions, there is a complete building complex to accommodate many branches and students. Unfortunately, the puppet master does not live up to the expectations.

Not only does it belong to the branch of the Alchemy Golem, the upper limit is still low, but students with some strength and potential will not choose this profession. You can imagine its status. Not to mention that it is located at the edge of the entire building complex, it is still a very old building. Moreover, the building lacked maintenance. If I didn't mention it, it would be hard to believe that this building with its doors and windows almost covered with vines was a puppet classroom.

Owen did not go directly to the puppet classroom, but asked his senior sister to lead him around the alchemy department. After all, in his plan, after mastering the puppetry in the academy city, he would learn golems and alchemy.

Upon hearing Owen's request, the senior's expression changed slightly, but when she saw Owen's whole body glowing, her heart rested in her stomach.

Only when he came to the Alchemy Department did Owen understand where the senior sister's nervousness came from.

Alchemy is a very large, very high-end, and very profitable department. It attracts a large number of students every year. The senior sister was attracted by the money and scenery of alchemy at first, so she resolutely threw herself into the big pit of alchemy, and then she found out that she needed to Only by using money to climb out of the pit can you see the threshold. If you want to cross the threshold and reach the peak, there are no gold mountains, silver seas or gates.

It can be said that every qualified alchemist must consume gold equal to his own volume. Let alone ordinary students, even noble students will feel distressed if they invest so much.

Of course, this does not mean that civilian students have no chance at all. As long as they show enough talent, there are many people who are willing to invest money.

It's just that money is easy to get, but not easy to pay back, because the money invested cannot be paid back with money.

For someone like my senior sister who has no obvious talent and no outstanding appearance, no one is willing to help her even if she goes all out. She really thinks that rich people are fools and can’t walk around with women. If she is so simple, her money has long been someone else’s. .

Thinking about this, Owen watched as he walked, while his senior followed closely behind him, just like a maid.

The biggest feature of the alchemy department is that everywhere is full of traces of alchemy. From the moving suspended stairs between buildings to the automatic watering machines in the flower beds, they are all products of alchemy. There are also tall golems placed everywhere, which fluctuate from the magic power they contain. From the looks of it, it’s obviously not a show-off.

The biggest characteristic of alchemy students is their arrogance. Whether they are aristocratic students wearing alchemy equipment or shabby students holding a stack of books, they always look down at people.

This is something we are used to, because students from other departments come to buy alchemy equipment every day, and are even willing to pay a lot of money to customize it. This has been the case all year round, so it is strange that students from the alchemy department are not arrogant.

However, arrogance also depends on the target. Someone like Owen is the center of attention no matter where he is. Even the senior students around him take advantage of it. No one scolds or casts disgusting looks, which makes her a little uncomfortable.

The materials, runes, synthesis, structure, and the rooms that were more like classrooms than laboratories made Owen couldn't help but sigh at the wealth of the Alchemy Department.

Although the alchemy department is good, it is only good. Owen is more concerned about the puppets now, so he stopped and told his senior sister.

Let's go and see you next time.

Okay. The senior nodded quickly, obviously feeling a little uncomfortable staying here.

Stepping into the remote path, at the end is the puppet classroom. When she saw the green puppet teaching building, the senior sister immediately breathed a sigh of relief, skillfully dodged the hanging vine leaves, opened the door and walked in.

Because of his ancient bloodline, Owen didn't hate plants, but when he saw the thick layer of plants covering the outer wall of the teaching building, he still couldn't accept it. He could only comfort himself that he shouldn't just look at the surface.

After entering, I discovered that the dilapidation here was not fake at all. There were no various mechanisms or exquisite puppets inside. Apart from the decoration comparable to that of a ghost castle, there were only low-pressure students who lowered their heads and played with their figurines.

Compared with the arrogant Alchemy Department students, most Puppet Department students are very low-key and reserved, and most of them are addicted to their own world, even if this world is small and barren.

It was obviously not the first time for the senior sister to come here. She took Owen to a classroom. There were really few people, and even the classroom that could only accommodate fifty people was not full. Moreover, everyone was full of geekiness, even if the class was about to start, they were still busy. Where to play with the figures in your hands.

Owen frowned, but still found an empty seat to sit down, and the senior sister sat next to him, and at the same time took out a figure from her bag.

Only then did Owen realize that this was not a figure, but a puppet.

Of course, a serious puppet will not be so small, but training students does not need to be so wasteful. It is enough to make it as big as two palms. In this way, the materials of two or three normal puppets are enough for all students in a class. Greatly reduced costs.

Just then, the teacher came.

This is the first time Owen has seen this type of teacher. She is obviously a pretty beauty, but she has undergone extensive body modifications. Although it is only limited to the left half of the body, half of the skull has been replaced with metal, which can be seen. Her transformation of the body has already involved her brain, so the mechanical eyes, mechanical arms, mechanical legs, and the humming fan under the metal ribs are nothing.

However, there was obviously something wrong with her transformation. Her expression was stiff, her movements were a little uncoordinated, and even her voice had a hoarse metallic sound. With this old-fashioned classroom, it was like dragging a student on stage to perform vivisection during her follow-up.

Although Owen doesn't like human body modification technology, he has done considerable research on the Space Marine Project. However, the main person in charge is Brian. This person's own transformation is perfect, and he is short of mechanical ascension. Therefore, he has a lot of research on this person. The puppeteering teacher named Carla is very interested.

In fact, Kara is also very interested in Owen. After all, surrounded by a group of low-pressure otaku students, he is as hard to ignore as a flashlight, especially his strong life source, which makes her almost dry core become more active. point.

Kara inserted the prepared lesson into the projection crystal ball in the classroom, played the main points of the lesson in a loop, and then asked the students to follow the instructions. She would only speak when answering questions. Of course, if the question asked was too stupid, Don't expect any answers.

Compared to the senior student who was familiar with the situation and started to do it, Owen's attention shifted to the projected teaching materials.

The continuously looped clips showed all the key points of this lesson. Irving compared these with the system he mastered and found that the system he mastered was more detailed.

Of course, the teaching materials in the classroom cannot be the real top technology in Academy City, but the foundation is common, and Owen's eyesight can see the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.

Although it is not as good as the puppet system he has mastered, it does not mean that the puppet technology in Academy City has no merits, so Owen takes it very seriously.

When Owen was reading the textbook, he didn't know that he had become the target of everyone's observation, because he was so good-looking that even if he wore a pair of wide glasses to hide his appearance, he still attracted attention as if he was shining.

That is to say, most of the students in the Puppet Department are relatively shy. Otherwise, they would have been doing things around Owen, such as kissing, hugging, lifting him up, etc. It would be better if he could be kidnapped and fed with lollipops. Male students are all Are you getting excited?

Owen's appearance transcended his gender, and since he looked less than ten years old, his gender was not very obvious, so he naturally attracted a group of male students.

Fortunately, with Carla, a Terminator-type teacher, no one dared to take action no matter how much they were ready to take action.

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