Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 296 Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid

Open the Alajo Cave! Owen drew out the Elder Wand and fired it at the city gate. Thanks to various amplifications, the several-ton copper-clad iron-clad city gate slowly opened under the influence of magic power.

Madam first. Owen said to Sylvia with a decent smile, he was an old gentleman.

You are such a lovely little gentleman. Sylvia said with a smile, and then the dark thorns wrapped around her body grew violently, stretching out more than a dozen tentacle-like thorns, forcing the city gate to be completely opened. , the roaring sound made Owen frown, which showed that he was still angry because he said it nicely.

It's not very polite to treat your master like this, it's not gentlemanly enough. Owen looked around and found that there were not hundreds of swordsmen jumping out, so he said with a sigh of relief.

Haha, Master? They're just prisoners. Sylvia said with a sneer, and then walked into the castle without hesitation. After a while, there was the sound of whips, which made Owen's eyelids jump.

Owen first put on an armor to protect himself to prevent accidental injury, and then walked into the castle cautiously with the Elder Wand in one hand and the Unicorn Sword in the other.

The castle is full of undead, but they are not the cheap ones outside, but more powerful skeleton knights.

Skeleton Knights were real knights during their lifetimes. Although they had lost their skin and flesh, their bones, which were constantly tempered by the power of death, were as strong as fine iron. Together with their almost instinctive fighting skills, they were not comparable to ordinary undead. At this time, it was even more so in ancient times. They formed a square formation on the flat square inside the castle and charged towards Sylvia.

Sylvia did not open her weapon loudly. Although her body was surrounded by dark thorns, the area covered was only ten or twenty meters, which was far less powerful than before.

Owen drank several bottles of magic potion, and he still feels a little weak. It's not impossible to explode again, but it's just a bit reluctant, and it might hurt his body, so he will try to avoid it.

As a witch, Sylvia is better than Owen, but she knows better how powerful the Blood Prince is, so naturally she doesn't dare to waste her power, let alone Owen, she needs to reserve some strength to deal with the possibility of someone coming from behind. Gun him.

Owen, who is being guarded, is also wary of Sylvia. After all, the other party is a witch. He doesn't even believe in his own mother, let alone the witches outside, so he also doesn't intend to expose more of his power. , instead try to use magic spells to solve the problem.

The magic system of Hogwarts is actually very interesting. It seems that there is no shortage of wands, spells, and gestures. It is very formal and very magical, but in essence it is an idealistic distortion of reality. In theory, as long as the will is strong enough and the spirit is strong enough, , the wand and the magic spell are not important, the spirit guides the magic to distort reality and cause the desired effect.

The most awesome thing is that this kind of power is very comprehensive, almost omnipotent. Even if it lacks destructive power, it is filled with the powerful fire spell.

Therefore, although many other power systems have been obtained one after another, each of which is more powerful than the Hogwarts Curse, Owen has never given up research, and even used the Hogwarts Curse as the main body to integrate it into other systems. system idea.

Because he left the territory some time ago and exchanged for fifty progress points, he had a lot more progress points in his hand. Therefore, he not only exchanged for the Elder Wand, but also exchanged many powerful magic spells from Hogwarts, just for this purpose. Prepare for future integration.

Transformation spell. Owen's appearance gave the Skeleton Knight a new target to attack, but he just pointed at the stone slabs on the ground with the Elder Wand, and a dozen stone soldiers came to meet them.

Facing the stone soldiers, the Skeleton Knight let out a silent roar, and the soul fire burning in the hollow eyes of his skull surged. The power of death wrapped around the knight's spear, and it easily pierced the stone soldier, and because the knight's spear moved further back, The thicker it gets, the more it breaks the stone soldiers into pieces and scatters them all over the ground, like a plaster statue hit by an eight-pound hammer.

Owen frowned and clicked the Elder Wand, and large and small pits suddenly appeared on the ground, but the Skeleton Knight seemed to be cheating. If this was not a square, I would not have just jumped over the wall to show him. As for the trap, what kind of trap? The skeletal war horse grinned, mocking silently while jumping over all the traps as if performing a graceful dance.

Even the way Sylvia looks at him is wrong now. Even if everyone has reservations, your reservations are too much. She has dismantled a dozen skeleton knights. Looking at your posture, is it difficult? Do you want me to help you?

Owen was a little embarrassed. Originally, the magic spell was not so weak. After all, he not only had the Elder Wand, but also had many attribute blessings. However, he used it too poorly. He could only use three points out of ten.

This made it appear that he had gone too far. No wonder Sylvia looked at him with a strange look.

Owen coughed lightly and found that there was really no good way to use magic spells alone, because the Skeleton Knight was too flexible. After all, he had no flesh and bones. With the blessing of the power of death, he dare not say that he was as light as a swallow. , it’s really hard for most people to lock it down.

There is no bullet time here, and the memoirs are enough to write a book. Reality only passed for a moment, and Owen just hesitated for a moment when the Skeleton Knight ran in front of him.

Owen sighed lightly, knowing that he still lacked a lot in combat, so he simply showed a little more of his abilities.

When the skeleton knight approached Owen ten meters and the knight's spear couldn't wait to pierce him, a lot of mercury-like liquid flowed from Owen's body.

This thing is a new type of puppet he made by imitating the Moon Spirit Essence Ceremony of the Moon World. It is a liquid alloy composed of mercury and mithril. It also integrates an intelligent core and an energy core. Even if no one is commanding it, it can still exert its liquid terminator. The ability is even more amazing after being infused with spirit and magic power.

The gushing Moon Spirit Liquid quickly protected Owen, and the Skeleton Knight's knight's spear, which could easily penetrate the plate armor, barely penetrated an inch into the mercury wall.

Hearing the clanging sound outside, Owen knew that he was surrounded by skeleton knights, so he shook his wrist and then waved the Elder Wand.

Under the influence of the transformation spell and magic power, the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid suddenly became like a sea urchin. Countless spikes pierced through the plate armor of the Skeleton Knights and passed through the gaps in the bones to secure them firmly. No matter how hard they struggled, the bones would still be broken. The sound of the collision was louder.

Owen stretched out a hand and shook it lightly. Seven or eight Skeleton Knights, including their men and horses, were immediately minced. Then he and Sylvia cleaned up all the Skeleton Knights who had given them embarrassment.

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