After half a month of preparation, Owen decided to participate in this battle. Firstly, he wanted to see if he could use this battle to open the upper limit of the progress value. Secondly, he wanted to test the equipment on his body.

In addition to synthesizing monsters, the main function of the synthesis furnace in the game is to synthesize the hero's equipment into the devil's weapons.

For the advancement of the four basic monsters, venomous snakes and slimes require a synthesis furnace to produce basilisks and poisonous slimes.

Owen is not very interested in this. What he wants is the Demon King's Arms.

To put it bluntly, the Demon King's Arms is a fusion of warrior equipment and monsters. Different combinations can produce different effects.

The first combination Owen chose was the Brave Knight Sword and the Demon Sheep. The process went smoothly and he got a strange-looking Demon Sheep Sword.

Although the name is a bit rustic, the shape is really good, especially the goat head on the hilt and the horns that bend downward to form the hand guard, all of which show a hint of evil.

The shape is only secondary. After being fused with monsters, this sword has an additional characteristic, which is heavy hitting.

Holding this sword in hand, each slash will trigger a heavy blow to increase the attack power. Even for an ordinary person, wielding this sword is as powerful as the impact of a demon sheep.

The first Demon King's Armament was so successful that Owen's confidence greatly increased. Then he chose the Warrior Armor and fused it with the Demon Sheep to obtain an armor similar in shape to the Aries Saint Cloth, but it was black and had an evil aura.

This heavy armor doesn't feel bulky after wearing it, but makes my movements more flexible.

The Demon Sheep Armor gave Owen the power to charge, making his steps brisker and his charge more powerful.

In addition, Owen also went in the opposite direction, using the demon sheep as the main weapon, and fused it with the warrior's armor to get a new monster, a heavily armored demon sheep whose whole body was covered in armor.

The Heavy Armored Demon Sheep is much larger and stronger than the Demon Sheep. Its body is also covered with a layer of armor, so it not only has the ability to ride, but is also suitable for charging into battle.

What’s interesting is that when the Demon Sheep Sword, the Demon Sheep Armor, and the Demon Sheep Mount are added together, there will be a certain resonance, especially when Owen turns on the Demon King’s aura and completely fuses the three together, even A dark magic sheep will appear on his body, greatly enhancing his strength as a magic sheep knight. Especially when charging, Owen always feels that he is unstoppable, and this is the reason why he dares to run to the battlefield.

Today's dinner was very sumptuous, and Owen ate a lot. After eating, he wiped his mouth and led Ciel into the basement.

Maya on the side was very curious, but Owen had never let her enter the basement, so although she was curious, she never asked, let alone explored. After quietly putting away the dining table, she asked people to step up patrols because she had a hunch. It won't be much quieter tonight.

It was the first time for Ciel to enter the basement. She just glanced at the ninjas hiding in the darkness and followed closely behind her master.

Ciel has long known about these people hiding in the dark, and has a certain tacit understanding. She is responsible for guarding on the surface, and these people are responsible for guarding in the dark. Therefore, although there has been no communication, the cooperation is quite tacit.

Arriving at the secret room of the dungeon, Owen stood in front of a metal statue.

This metal statue is very strange. It looks like a somewhat abstract black sheep, and also somewhat like a special-shaped armor.

Start the black goat! Owen opened his arms in a perfect manner and said in a deep voice, not caring that the horns of the armor were clearly sheep horns.

Before he finished speaking, the Demon Sheep Armor unfolded like a living creature, revealing its dark interior with muscle texture, and swallowed Owen inside.

Because it is fused with the magic sheep, to a certain extent, this armor can be regarded as a special life form, so it can understand Owen's orders, and with the spiritual resonance of the puppet master, he can freely control this armor .

The armor that covers the whole body automatically adjusts according to Owen's physical characteristics, making him feel more comfortable. At the same time, the special muscle texture inside can also play a supporting role. Obviously without any training, Owen can suppress everyone with the blessing of the armor alone. For most fighters, this is a victory for cheaters.

Holding the Demon Sheep Sword tightly and feeling the power of the blessing becoming stronger, Owen nodded with satisfaction and said to Ciel.

There is a battle tonight, so I prepared a weapon for you. After speaking, Owen lifted the oilcloth on the side, revealing a strange weapon.

This is a two-handed war hammer, but the head of the hammer is in the shape of a sheep's head. The more protruding sheep's mouth has a certain ability to break armor, and the two coiled horns on the back of the head have powerful bludgeoning damage. Most importantly, this It is also a Demon King's weapon, which was created by Owen's fusion of the Brave War Hammer and the Demon Sheep, fully utilizing the heavy hitting characteristics provided by the Demon Sheep.

Unfortunately, the shape didn't suit Owen's aesthetic, so he chose the Demon Sheep Sword instead of this Demon Sheep Hammer.

Ciel doesn't care about the appearance of the weapon. Besides, this is the weapon given to her by the master. Especially when she holds this weapon, the muscles in her legs suddenly expand and then return to their original shape. Obviously, the magic sheep hammer brings The charging characteristic is even more powerful in her body. After all, the basic physical attributes of the two parties are very different. For such a long time, Irving was unable to even break through the defense. One can imagine how strong Ciel's physique is now.

The two rode on the heavily armored magic sheep, quietly left the castle through the secret passage in the dungeon, and headed straight to the Devil's Horn Forest.

The heavily armored demon sheep, like a bull, galloped through the Demon Horn Forest with an agility that did not fit its size. If Owen had not been blessed by the Demon King's weapons, he would not have been able to react at all. Even so, his whole body was tense, for fear of being pulled off by the branches. It will be a big shame then.

At this time, hundreds of horned goblins had gathered outside the horned forest. When they saw Owen, they immediately caused a commotion. Many horned goblins with small horns on their heads, like little devils, clenched their hands. The dagger made from the thorns of the devil's horn tree is ready to be used.

Although Goblins are cunning and cruel, they are not very courageous. They will take the initiative in only two situations. One is when facing a weak person, and the other is when they have an advantage in numbers.

The number is directly proportional to the Goblin's courage. When hundreds of Goblins gather together, there are really not many people they dare not provoke. Therefore, when the Goblin General and his elite team take the initiative to kneel down to express their submission. Finally, they were immediately dissatisfied because Owen didn't look like a goblin.

At this moment, Owen turned on the Demon King's halo without hesitation. With the blessing of the Demon King's weapons, the power of the halo became greater and more impactful. The whole person was shrouded in a shadow like a demon flame, with only a pair of blood-red eyes. His eyes stared at them silently, mercilessly injecting fear into their hearts.

The horned goblin is a kind of monster, and naturally has no resistance to the devil's aura. He fell to his knees on the spot, and at the same time he understood why their goblin general surrendered to him.

Owen knew in his heart that this kind of surrender was only temporary, but it didn't matter. As long as he mastered the Goblin Generals and the elite Goblins as the backbone, these hundreds of Demonic Horned Goblins would naturally be the power he could use at will, but he didn't know What does Ciel think about his changes?

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