It seems that Imperial College has come to the right place. Owen repeated what he just said again, showing how excited he was. At the same time, he narrowed his eyes and had a huge plan in mind.

Long live Hydra! Owen, who had been silent for a moment, suddenly shouted to the empty room like a lunatic, with his eyes bright and frightening.

The name Hydera not only represents the many sub-bases, but the old line of business is infiltration and parasitism. The mustache during World War II and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Mother Falk, have the most say, so if the Academy City is compared to S.H.I.E.L.D. Irving smiled happily.

Although this is difficult, it is no more difficult than when Hydra took root in S.H.I.E.L.D.

At that time, they were all prisoners, but in the end they did not stand up and make the decision. They are definitely role models for our generation.

Owen kept rubbing his nose, sweating excitedly because of his inner thoughts, which showed how excited he was.

Academy City allows similar societies to exist, but it would be too obvious to use the name Hydra directly, because he is Hydra III. This is a personality cult and can easily arouse the vigilance of others, so he would use Hydra to join the society. The condition is to record a video shouting long live Hydra. Thinking of this, Owen wonders if he should prepare a mithril steel shield, a one-handed thunder hammer, and puppet outer armor in advance, and then take a group photo or something. , regarded as the newly formed Avengers branch of Hydra.

Unconsciously, the sky became dark, and Owen woke up from his sweet dream. At the same time, his stomach was already growling with hunger.

Without wasting time and eating something casually, Owen took out a familiar pen and paper and started writing and drawing to perfect this wonderful idea.

With his current abilities, he probably won't have much appeal to teachers, and even if he did, he wouldn't be able to touch him.

Owen didn't intend to touch the nerves of the college now. Even if several teachers were not taken seriously by the college, he still didn't plan to take risks.

This was the case in the Northland before. Owen tried his best to overestimate the empire, so he developed in a very low-key manner, so he was not targeted by the empire and successfully blended into the empire.

Now Owen finally understands that the Empire's frontier troops are all deceptive. The empire's real power has never been the hundreds of thousands of border troops. It is hidden too deeply. Even he has only seen the tip of the iceberg from the Imperial Academy.

This is not Owen's random imagination. With the technological level of the crystal student certificate in his hand, Owen would not believe it if the empire did not have magic light cannons, golem mechas or the like.

Because even for him, if he doesn't care about the cost, it won't be a big problem to produce these two prototypes, let alone the academy city where the essence of the entire empire is concentrated.

It can be said that if someone told him now that Academy City is actually a city in the sky that can fly, Owen would believe it.

Therefore, even if it were to be done, it could only be limited to the students, because no matter how big the noise was, it would not attract interference from the top management of the college.

But after thinking about it carefully, Owen found that he had oversimplified things.

Although students are innocent, they are only relative.

The environment and education that noble students have lived in since childhood make them not easy to fool.

Civilian students are not fools. They may have been innocent before, but they cannot remain innocent after entering the academy city.

To be precise, Irving must come up with enough benefits and ambitious goals. Moreover, just having benefits is not enough, and he can easily be regarded as a victim and a fat sheep.

Hydra has their god, the Inhuman Hive, and the goal of dominating the world. What does Owen have?

After pondering for a long time, Irving decided to develop Hydra among this year's freshmen first. As his grade level increased, he would gradually expand the scale and cover it layer by layer, eventually spreading to the teacher group and swallowing up the entire college city.

Of course, this process must be done very carefully. Although there are no superheroes here, the legendary strength is not weaker than those of the first-class superheroes.

After destroying the pen and paper in his hand and rubbing his eyebrows, Owen stood up and stretched his muscles. He replaced the furniture in the room, then lay down on the familiar big bed and fell asleep. However, he did not leave any means behind. If Moretti really dares to sneak into Academy City and assassinate him without giving up, I'm afraid she will face a big surprise.

Next, Owen selected the subjects he needed to study while decorating the room.

Decorating the room was not as simple as replacing furniture and ornaments. He also carved various magic restrictions, installed golem mechanisms, and even exchanged dungeon secret rooms underground in the room to create a perfect private experimental space. It is estimated that even if there are people He disappeared in his room and Conan couldn't find him even when he came.

In addition, during this time, Owen also followed his senior sister to take basic classes and read the books that the senior sister helped select to fill his lack of understanding of the empire. It can be said that the senior sister's help to him was not only verbal, but also Make him feel deeply cared for through personal actions.

As the basic knowledge is supplemented, Owen is also planning the direction of his next learning so that he can be more efficient.

What's interesting is that the college town does not restrict occupations. Instead, it is very free. You can learn whatever you want.

Theoretically, an assassin wearing plate armor, a warhammer, and a staff carrying a bow and arrows could exist, and there were even more bizarre professional combinations, all depending on the interests of the students.

However, this professional knowledge is only limited to the basics. Advanced advanced courses are charged per class hour, and ordinary people cannot afford them. This is also the reason why civilian students betray themselves.

So things like the senior sister are not an exception, but a common phenomenon. What's even more sad is that many people who are not good-looking and have insufficient strength are not qualified even if they want to betray themselves.

If you can still spend money to learn advanced courses, then top-level knowledge really belongs to a very small number of people, because almost all top-level knowledge is in the hands of scholars and legends, and it is not as simple as spending money to obtain it.

In this case, the Academy City is the only place where ordinary people can have access to top-level knowledge, but it is only possible for geniuses among geniuses, and it is only possible, because if you want to learn top-level knowledge, you must obtain the recognition of academic scholars and legends, and That is to say, it must have corresponding potential.

Although Owen's intelligence attributes have improved a lot, he still doesn't have the confidence to call himself a genius among geniuses, so he must find another shortcut to hide his purpose while trying to show his own value.

In fact, this is not contradictory. His purpose is to let Hydra grow with the nutrients of Academy City. Before that, he must have enough value to complete this purpose.

There is nothing to talk about if there is no value in using it, so Owen chooses the subjects he is best at so that he can show off in class, attract the attention of teachers and students, and promote the influence of Hydra.

Because he was busy supplementing himself, Owen didn't even know that he had two more roommates. He didn't meet them until he went out late.

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