Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 283 The change of fate has a fixed price

The Imperial Academy is completely independent. Even the Red Guards cannot easily enter it. Even if the emperor makes any move, he must think twice before making any move, let alone other people. Therefore, Owen did not let Ren and Ciel continue to stay in the imperial capital. Instead, let them return to the North through the portkey, because he would be safe here.

Suddenly there was only one person left, which made Owen feel a little uncomfortable and a little insecure. Unfortunately, this was the rule of Imperial College, because there was no identity gap here. Apart from teachers, students were students, so maids and guards were not allowed. Enter.

Of course, just listen to this. Don’t take it seriously. Although maids and guards are not allowed to enter, powerful students can hire powerless students to serve as their servants and guards, and even some private Problems can also be solved, everything is so realistic.

However, these are not free. After all, no one is stupid. Students who betray themselves can also gain benefits. Only in this way can they continue to study in the academy and gain the knowledge and power to change their own destiny.

This is mainly because the college is only responsible for imparting basic knowledge, but advanced knowledge and the resources consumed require students to find their own solutions.

The problem is that the rich and powerful students are fine, but those civilian students who have no money and no connections can think of nothing. Even if the teachers want to help, it’s useless because there are too many and they can’t help at all. So in addition to betraying themselves, those civilian students There is no choice.

Fortunately, this is an academy, and those students don't dare to go too far. They hire a group of civilian students more to set off their own status. Even if it's a bit of a threesome, it's voluntary. After all, those who want to rely on their beauty to change their destiny. There is never a minority of people. Although most people are trying to get nothing, there are still some people who want to take shortcuts.

Owen undoubtedly belongs to a minority. Even if he is not wearing aristocratic clothes, his temperament makes people know that he is not ordinary at a glance. So when he first arrived in the academy city, a senior sister took the initiative to act as a guide and let him, a northerner, I got to experience the feeling of studying abroad.

It's a pity that although this senior has a plump figure and a bookish look, she has an average appearance. Only the plump lips make people shine, but it is not enough, so Owen behaves very politely.

With his current condition, he can no longer just turn off the lights and get away with it. He must have a complete set of white and black jobs, and he wants both body and appearance.

This is your first time coming to the academy city, junior. The senior said in a gentle tone, making people feel at home, but she didn't realize that Owen was actually older than her, but he had ancient blood. Looks more youthful.

Owen smiled slightly and nodded when he heard this, and didn't say much. The senior sister didn't mind and started to introduce the college city to him.

The Academy City was originally a city of scholars or the Imperial Library. Although I don’t know why the Imperial Library was built so far away from the imperial capital, this does not prevent it from having the richest collection of books in the entire empire, so it attracts countless outstanding scholars. It has even become a holy place for scholars.

Scholars were obsessed with research and needed help from followers in their daily lives. Later, in order to improve efficiency, scholars taught some smart followers basic knowledge so that followers could help organize complicated documents and save more time.

Later, this relationship slowly evolved into a master-apprentice relationship, allowing knowledge to be better passed on, and ultimately forming a more efficient academy city.

However, the Academy City has such a unique status, and even has the right to tax the territory around the Academy City. This is not derived from academic status, but depends on a legend.

Academy City has the largest number of legends in the entire empire. Once there is a riot, the emperor will be trembling with fear.

The only pity is that these legends are not unified. Unless someone touches the interests of the entire academy city, don't expect them to work together.

Even so, each legend is not a decoration. Their mere existence is a huge deterrent. Therefore, no one dares to really offend the Academy City, not even the emperor. Otherwise, the red guards who represent the emperor's authority will not stop in front of the Academy City. .

Hearing this, Owen felt that the emperor of the empire was a bit miserable. The traditional nobility was deeply ingrained and could not be offended to death. The reason why the aristocratic goddess could not be offended was because she was a god. But it was a bit unreasonable that the academy city could not be offended. Moreover, this It's just what he knows. How much he doesn't know shows how miserable the emperor is.

Owen followed his senior sister to go through the admission procedures. It was actually not difficult. First of all, he had a quota as a noble. Secondly, having elf blood was a bonus. Not to mention that he was the first international student from the North. With his status and background , just one senior guide is enough, at least send a few more.

The next entrance test is also very simple. It falls within the scope of basic knowledge. It doesn't matter even if you are illiterate. Those who plan to study literature will test their memory. Those who plan to study martial arts will have an easier time. Just fight with the instructor.

In fact, the difficulty in entering the academy city is getting a quota, because civilians can only enter the academy city if they are recommended, and the recommended quotas are often in the hands of nobles and adventurer guilds, which makes it difficult for these civilians to get rid of the influence of the two even after graduation. , it can be said that after graduation, you have to work hard for the other party.

It's not difficult to understand. The nobles and the Adventurer's Guild are not philanthropic. The benefits and goodwill that fall on them are actually marked with a good price, and they just need to be obedient. If you dare not accept your fate, it would be too much to ruin a person. Simple.

I really thought that the protagonists in the novel who were persecuted by the nobles and powerful forces were all fake. In fact, the reality was more cruel than the novel, because they had almost no chance of making a comeback. They were hunted to death, and even committed suicide in despair. Not many of them s Choice.

Because Owen had a senior student who was busy helping with the procedures, he had time to look at the civilian students who had not yet felt the dangers of society and still had excited expressions on their faces.

Being able to be recommended all means that these civilian students have extraordinary talents. It can be said that every civilian student is a genius, big or small, and their performance in the test is also consistent with this.

Some have photographic memory, some have innate sensory elements, and some are controlled by fighting instincts. It can be said that the talents possessed by these civilian students are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even Sharon, who is known as the genius of the War College, is not much better than these people in terms of talent.

It's a pity that this is not the early stage of the empire. The land and interests have long been completely divided. So what if they are stronger than legends? They either join a certain force or are targeted by various evils, let alone these civilian geniuses. They are just different people. They are just tools trained by the foreign forces.

The admission of noble children to school actually means to directly recruit talents. No one is a fool, and there is no love without reason. The price for civilian students to get the opportunity to change their destiny is actually set.

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