Back at the rented manor, Owen handed Sharon and the others over to Charles and went to rest, because he needed to leave some time and space for his men to integrate. They were all people who had been there before, and he understood this.

Follow me. Ciel, who was dressed in a maid uniform, said to Sharon and the others with a somewhat cold attitude.

Facing the unexpectedly tall Ciel, Sharon always felt a little nervous. She didn't understand why she reacted like this to a maid. Only after seeing those Teutonic warriors did she suddenly realize that this was caused by facing a strong person. fear instinct.

Sharon is a genius, not only a genius in theory and strategy, but also a martial arts genius. Not only is she among the first batch of students to awaken fighting spirit, but she also possesses a swordsmanship that is enough to dominate the academy. Except for a few teachers, she has almost no opponents. She was actually afraid of this tall maid.

In fact, this is because Ciel is a little angry, otherwise Sharon would not notice such a huge difference in strength. As for the reason for being angry, it is not because of competing for favor. She has no such concept in her mind, but because of Sharon and the others. It's really too weak.

It was the biggest sin for the master's knight to be so weak, so Ciel planned to give them some special training, at least to be able to take on the responsibility of protecting the master when she charged into battle, so he took them directly to the open space behind the manor. .

Start sparring in pairs. Charles said expressionlessly, holding a stick in his hand. This posture immediately reminded the girls of the horror of being dominated by the instructor.

What? It's just a maid. Samantha, who likes to complain, was not frightened. She crossed her arms and said dissatisfiedly.

Samantha, shut up and start sparring! Sharon glared at Samantha fiercely, and without hesitation took out the practice sword from her waist and struck it to prevent her from saying anything she shouldn't say again. After all, they Now he is no longer a student, but a knight loyal to his lord. As a knight, there is no reason to keep complaining.

Faced with the sudden sword attack, Samantha was so frightened that she quickly let go. Ignoring the big bear's rebound and shaking, she immediately drew her sword to block it. Although the practice sword was not edged, it was heavy and would be injured if struck.

The others, who had always taken Sharon as their leader, took out their practice swords and started sparring with each other.

Charles was silent on the side, but he kept making comments to these people in his heart. First of all, obedience needs to be strengthened, willpower is lacking, and physical fitness is not good. Only the basic swordsmanship is pretty solid. Simply put, it still needs to be polished. , meaning to grind again after beating.

Thinking of this, Ciel came forward with a wooden stick and spoke at the same time.

The next project is very simple, just stick with it.

The panting Samantha, who had just been beaten by Sharon, her eyes suddenly lit up. Regardless of Sharon's desperate wink, she rushed forward immediately. She had long disliked this maid who always had a cold face and put on airs. , just in time to teach her a lesson.

When Sharon saw this, she scolded Samantha in her heart, but as a good friend she couldn't just sit back and ignore it, so she sighed and rushed forward.

The others still didn't understand what happened, but since Sharon rushed, they rushed too.

Facing Samantha who rushed towards her with a proud smile, Ciel's method was very simple, just swing the stick.

As the first legend under Owen, Ciel also received the most resources, but she was indeed worthy of the investment, and as the first legend to integrate ancient martial arts and fighting spirit, in addition to her powerful fighting spirit, her mastery of martial arts was also extraordinary. As usual, the stick was rounded, but it didn't make any noise at all. Moreover, when it was slapped on Sam Mantha's face, her face was obviously deformed, but it did not hurt the muscles and bones. You can see layers of strength and strength. Pointing to expand the surface, the force spread to the whole body, causing Samantha to stiffen. She was whipped around by the stick without any resistance and flew out. When she stopped, her eyes had turned white and her saliva was drooling. He looks like he's been spoiled.

Sharon and several companions behind her suddenly took a breath when they saw this, especially Sharon. She was proficient in swordsmanship and knew better how terrible control was needed to create such an effect. The opponent was definitely a master-level master.

The problem now is that you can't stop if you want. Charles picked up the stick mercilessly and beat a group of female knights who had just graduated with sticks all over the floor. He thoroughly experienced the cruel side of the workplace after entering society. .

Take them back to the room and train with you from tomorrow to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible. Master does not need waste. Ciel said to the witch hunter who appeared at an unknown time.

She found that the difference in strength between the two sides was too big, and the training effect was not good if she trained it, so she entrusted it to the witch hunter.

Before the witch hunt, they were all twisted witches, and they were fanatical about Owen's belief in giving them new life. Hearing this, he sneered and carried Sharon and the others back to the room, and carefully applied some magic potion to make them recover faster. It also makes it easier for them to train these rookies harder tomorrow.

Not mentioning what Sharon and the others would encounter next, after Owen returned to the room, he used a double-sided mirror to contact Maya in the North to discuss the next development direction of the territory, and then parted ways with Brian and Emile. I contacted him to learn about the progress of the research and the situation of the college.

In order to enter Imperial College to study, Owen will not be able to go back for a long time, but he cannot understand the changes in the territory at all, so he needs to take some time every day to deal with these.

Fortunately, there are competent people in each direction responsible for management and operation. Irving does not need to do much. He only needs to read the report to understand the situation.

Putting away the double-sided mirror, Owen pinched the bridge of his nose, finished grooming under the service of the slime maid, then put on his pajamas and lay down on the bed he brought.

After tossing and turning, Owen found that he was still not used to sleeping alone, so he decided to call Shinobi over. After all, software modification was quite exciting, but Shinobu had to be responsible for his safety. He didn't intend to make fun of his own life, nor did he want to experience it. An unexpected situation occurred when he was pulling out a radish. Although the radish would not break, it would be unbearable to twist, so Owen decided to sleep alone.

But he already has the idea of ​​​​finding a new maid. Even if he doesn't use it, it's good to keep it for his eyes. Anyway, as an earl, he has a recruitment quota, so there is no need to waste it. Tomorrow, he and Peters will go to the maid academy to take a look.

Compared to Irving who was fast asleep, Peters had not rested yet and was busy compiling information about Irving.

The efficiency of the black hand is still good. The relevant information has been sent. Peters is reading it for the third time, writing and drawing on the paper to mark the key points. He looks serious like a playboy, and he is clearly a hard worker preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. College Students.

In fact, Peters's external display is both a disguise and a way to vent. He really thinks that nobles can do whatever they want.

If you are willing to be ordinary and ignore the bites of the wolves, tigers and leopards around you, then it is okay. If you want to achieve something, it is impossible without working ten times and a hundred times.

In particular, Peters' family territory is located within the circle of the imperial capital. If anything goes wrong, the family will be ruined. Therefore, as the heir, his next life has been arranged from birth. This is why he chose to be a dandy as a disguise. .

In fact, no matter Sharon, Ciel, Witch Hunter, or Peters, no one's life is easy.

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