Because I have prepared in advance, the previous process is very fast, such as name, family, emblem, territory, vassals, etc. These are all prepared in advance and only need to be entered.

What's interesting is that this is a paperless office. The staff sits in front of a machine that looks like an old-fashioned typewriter. After pressing the letters, a line of spiritual light will be generated, and then the contained information will be integrated into a metal plate and a ring. Zizhong.

This is not magic or alchemy, but a unique magical technique for convenience. This eliminates most attempts to modify information and enhances confidentiality.

What's more, all the information is in duplicate, and the main body is placed in the Noble Council. It is extremely difficult to enter and modify it, ensuring security.

The ring is a set with the metal plate and has few functions. Apart from storing information, it only serves to confirm identity.

Owen put on the ring, his finger hurt, and a drop of blood was absorbed. At the same time, the mental fluctuations and soul breath were recorded, which was equivalent to a triple binding.

From now on, he is the Lord of Hydera, and he is the only one with the qualifications to modify family information and choose heirs.

But that's the end. The metal plate was accepted by the Noble Council. Owen and the others' purpose of coming here was achieved, and only the formality was left.

In fact, they didn't wait long. In the afternoon, the emperor, who didn't know whether it was true or not, came in a hurry. He tapped them on the shoulder with a sword in the side hall, read a few words of oaths, and then it was over.

It really comes and goes in a hurry, making people feel caught off guard.

In fact, this is normal. After all, they are not big nobles, and they come from the remote north. Even if the emperor is willing to hold a big scene, whether anyone is willing to come to support it is still a problem. It is better to keep it simple and save both parties trouble.

Although the process is a bit difficult to describe, from now on, Owen is a noble earl, the kind with real power.

It's a pity that in the eyes of most nobles, they are still low-class northern nobles. Let alone stepping into the top noble circle of the imperial capital, even ordinary nobles will not easily accept them as a group of nouveau riche.

Some things are not what the emperor says, so this situation will last for at least a hundred years, or even longer. It will not change until the Northland develops completely, but only a few, because regional discrimination will not disappear, completely Change depends on your own strength.

There is no actual improvement in status, but they still have the rights and benefits of being a noble. For example, they now have some special quotas and can recruit war knights, real guards and serving maids.

These are not something that ordinary people can recruit. Otherwise, the Hairui Chamber of Commerce would not have gone to such great lengths and used favors to obtain two defective products.

Owen is very interested in these three professionals, but in comparison, he wants to complete the enrollment as soon as possible and enter the Imperial College to study. However, not everyone has the enrollment quota. If he is not a noble, he probably has to It took a lot of effort, so I didn’t stay too long.

In fact, the main reason is that the water in the Imperial City is too deep, and it is not a place where Owen's small body can flutter freely, so even if his hands are filled with small notes from the beautiful lady at this time, he will not be able to retain his people. At most, there will be some in the future. Take the time to have an in-depth discussion.

Returning to the manor where he settled, Owen turned his head and took a deep look at the Imperial City, and then took his guide to the Imperial College without any hesitation.

The Imperial Academy is actually not that far from the Imperial Capital, only a few dozen miles apart, but it occupies a very vast area.

In addition to an academy city, there are also multiple peripheral areas, including mountains, lakes, forests and plains, which can adapt to various teaching methods. Therefore, there are even the war academy of the god of knights, the protective fortress of the god of guardians, and the service church. All the service academies are opened here, which is why Owen is not in a hurry to recruit war knights and real guards in the Noble Goddess Temple, because he prefers to train them himself.

Since he chose to study here, it would definitely not be something he could complete in a short time, so Owen wanted to buy a property here, such as a manor, but he asked about the price.

Let me explain first that he didn't have money, he just didn't want to waste money, so he just rented a manor to house his men.

As soon as they settled down, Vanessa was about to be born. Feeling in a hurry, Owen quickly summoned Emile, who had relevant experience, as a helper. Brian and Emily were only theoretically experienced. If they were really asked to deliver the baby, I'm afraid things would be different. into an anatomy scene.

Emile, who came with the potion, made preparations, but she still frowned when she saw Vanessa.

Although there has been no interruption of high-concentration nutrient solution, the consumption of nurturing a legend is too great, and ordinary nutrients are not sufficient in large amounts, so Vanessa's current situation is very bad, not only skinny but also as big as a belly. The veins all over his body were clearly visible, and his skin was so pale that it was almost transparent, which was quite scary.

Anyway, the moment has come to decide Vanessa's fate.

Originally, with the legendary control over the body, it would have been easy to give birth without daring to say a word, but Vanessa was too weak. If Emile hadn't brought a lot of magic potions and used medical ninjutsu to help, I was afraid that I would not be able to give birth at all and would have to have a caesarean section.

Vanessa took her last breath at the moment of giving birth with a strange smile of satisfaction, which made Owen's heart tremble when he saw it.

The old Vanessa died here, but the new Vanessa was reborn here, like a new reincarnation.

Take her back and take care of her. She's too weak now. Owen said with a twitch when he saw Vanessa, who started to learn to walk as soon as she landed.

Emile nodded, stuffed Vanessa into his chest and left.

Owen, who had settled his worries, was busy preparing for the entrance exam while going to the surrounding colleges to inspect the situation to see if there were any suitable students to recruit.

The first is the War College. What is trained here is not traditional knights, but officers who specialize in command. Their personal strength is average, but they are very proficient in military training, command, warfare, etc., so they are very popular.

Owen originally thought that the nobles would be scrupulous because the War Knight was a believer in the God of Knights, but that was not the case.

Just like the believers of the Noble Goddess, the believers of the God of Knights and the God of Guards only believe in the ideas of the two gods, not the gods themselves.

So once you choose someone to be loyal to, there is no problem in letting them attack the temple, because this is God's idea and their belief.

It's interesting. Owen touched his chin and said. He had never seen such believers and gods.

Just as graduation was approaching, the War College and the Guardian Barrier held graduation exams to open to the public, thus attracting many nobles to recruit.

During this time, Owen learned that there are many types of Imperial Academy, and not only nobles can enroll. After all, although nobles have the advantage of blood, their numbers are here, and there are not many geniuses born from the huge group of civilians. Otherwise, Where do adventurers come from?

In this case, it is not a good idea to exclude all civilian geniuses, and it is not conducive to the infusion of new blood. Therefore, in addition to nobles, the Imperial Academy also releases some quotas for civilian students every year.

Although it is difficult to be fair, at least it will not completely block the opportunity for civilians to change their destiny.

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