Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 272 What I saw in the Imperial Capital

After leaving the lifeless civilian area and entering the Fourth Ring Commercial District, the lively and prosperous scene immediately attracted the attention of the group, especially Ferrier, whose eyes were shining, because no woman can resist the temptation of new products and discount sales of the season. .

It can be said that there are shops everywhere, from high-end luxury stores to bustling markets specializing in various department stores. Even the air smells of gold coins, and the sound of coins colliding can be heard from morning to night.

You can always see hard-working shop assistants with smiles trying to sell products to passers-by, and you can also see generous customers spending a lot of money to buy goods.

The commercial area claims to gather all the items in the entire empire. Although it is a bit exaggerated, the number of products and the complete variety are still amazing. Even Owen is interested in many of the products here.

In addition to goods, services are also sold here. There are no restrictions on men and women, and there are no restrictions on the types. The whole street exudes the charm of pink. Even Owen, who has seen the alleys in Gunshan Valley Town, has a lot of experience. It feels like a secret passage. You must understand it in depth when you come back.

But only in this way can it look like an imperial capital, Owen thought.

It's a pity that few people know that there are no pure businessmen in the imperial capital. These businessmen who make a lot of money on the surface have to pay for the big guys behind them. After a year of busy work, they can only leave a little bit of soup in their hands. Although for civilians, It is said that it is already an unattainable wealth, but for the businessmen who regularly cut meat for offerings, it is simply the most painful thing in the world.

The problem is that they have no choice. This is an imperial capital that eats people without spitting out their bones. Without a backstage, anyone can kill you. It's okay if you don't make money, but you die faster if you make money.

In other words, how successful you can be in business in the imperial capital does not depend on your ability, but on the power of the big boss behind you. The big boss is so powerful that he can make money even if he lies down without spreading his legs. Otherwise, he will just run away like most common people. Even with a broken leg, I can’t make enough money to fill my stomach.

Although the place was prosperous, everyone did not stay too long. After all, there were still important things to do.

Marquis Pegasus led everyone to the aristocratic area. Compared with the civilian areas that were in disrepair and the lively and noisy commercial area, the aristocratic area reflected the exquisite and luxurious side of the imperial capital.

The roads here are smooth, and it would be an exaggeration to say they are spotless, but there is no stagnant water or garbage, let alone open defecation. Even the lampposts beside the road are wiped and cleaned by dedicated people, who will light them in the evening. Bright.

In addition, Owen also saw that there is a fairly complete water supply system and sewer network here. Even the buildings are composed of large and small mansions and courtyards, and there is no place for civilians at all.

In fact, the prerequisite for owning a property here is to have a title, otherwise you are not even qualified to ask for a price.

Even so, not everyone can buy it, especially nobles from other places. If you want to buy a house in the aristocratic district of the Imperial Capital, you don’t just have to have money. Firstly, the aristocratic circle of the Imperial Capital is exclusive, and secondly, most of the properties here are It has a price but no market, and there is no place to buy it.

As a close confidant of the emperor, Marquis Pegasus has been around the Imperial Capital for half his life. He only bought a small property here ten years ago and has not paid off the mortgage yet. This shows that the Imperial Capital real estate has How difficult it is to buy, and how insanely expensive it is.

Even so, when mentioning this matter, Marquis Pegasus was still modest and somewhat proud.

Skipping this short episode, everyone arrived at the gate of the inner city.

Owen was keenly aware that the invisible magic barrier enveloped the entire inner city, and it was also a composite type, that is to say, there were more than one layer. Simple cracking methods were ineffective at all, but could easily trigger hidden restrictions.

I just don't know how deep the magic barrier is underground, Owen thought with some curiosity.

After arriving in the inner city, even the Marquis of Pegasus was in trouble. He had to show the emperor's handwriting before he could bring anyone in.

However, ordinary guards were not qualified to check his ID, so the guards in red came.

The status of Hongyi in the empire is similar to that of Jinyiwei. For most people, they have the right to kill first and question later. Yes, they like to kill people and then pull them up for questioning, because many times the dead cannot lie.

Because of the special nature of the Red Guard, Marquis Pegasus did not dare to put on airs and took out the oracle and handed it to the other party in compliance with the procedure.

After carefully checking the oracle, the leader of the red guards returned the emperor's oracle to Marquis Pegasus, and then waved his hand. Two red guards stood up behind him. They would follow Marquis Pegasus and his party until Leave the inner city.

Yes, this was surveillance. They didn't ride in the royal carriage this time, and there were no royal knights following them, so they naturally didn't have any privileges.

Even though they had to be monitored all the way, no one dared to have any objections.

Before arriving, Marquis Pergasus had repeatedly stressed to them the importance of the inner city and the privileges of the Red Guards. Once something went wrong, no one could save them, even if they were nobles.

Mainly because the inner city is the political core of the empire, where almost all important departments are located. Once something goes wrong, it will cause shock to the entire empire.

This is no joke. If the imperial decree is not received within three days, problems of all sizes will occur in various places. If it is extended to a month, chaos will occur.

No one can bear this responsibility, so they have the various privileges of the red guards.

But privilege also means responsibility, so despite the appearance of the red guard, he is actually very nervous in his heart, because if nothing happens, it's okay, and if something happens, it won't be a matter of a few people dying.

Owen is very interested in the red guards who are responsible for monitoring them. These people wear red windbreakers and pale masks. They are equipped with long swords and magic equipment. They also have magic reactions. Obviously, they are just like witch hunters with both magic and martial arts skills. Only in this way can we deal with various complex situations.

The red-clothed guards are very sensitive to gazes. Irving just stared for a little longer when a red-clothed guard turned his head and stared at him with a pair of sharp eyes.

However, Owen's temperament was gentle and elegant, more like a scholar than an aristocrat, and he seemed to have elven blood, so the red-clothed guard just glanced at him and turned away, while lowering his threat level by one level.

Although the Red Guard looks at everyone as a prisoner, he has limited energy and must follow a certain order. Naturally, he will focus on those with high threats first. And Owen has an extraordinary appearance and temperament. Unless there is suspicion, he will not be specifically targeted.

Although they were being watched by the red guards, this also meant that they were qualified to operate in the inner city, so Marquis Pergasus took the lead and led everyone forward.

After walking for a while, everyone realized that they had underestimated the vigilance in the inner city.

It's not as simple as a patrol, but there are heavily guarded checkpoints at every intersection, and each building is built like an independent castle, with a suspension bridge and a moat. It looks like an office space, and it's completely for Prepare for war.

This is actually true. In theory, as long as this place does not fall, the empire will not lose control, and the inner city is also the last and strongest line of defense for the palace.

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