With the magic circuit repaired and the energy supply becoming stable under Emily's maintenance, Owen's world door plan can be launched.

It didn't take long for Owen to build a portal in the square in front of Dashudong Tavern and start selling time travel tickets.

Reaching other worlds through teleportation is a new thing even for adventurers. In fact, even ordinary cross-regional teleportation has never been experienced by most adventurers. Firstly, it is rare and secondly, it is expensive. Therefore, the new portal becomes After all, they are adventurers. This cannot be called unclean hands and feet. It can only be said to be part of the adventure. It is just like smashing pots and kicking boxes in private houses. It is a necessary process for readers.

But the portal is integrated and has a magic barrier. Let alone petty theft, even if you try hard and violently, you can't even think of leaving any traces. What's more, if you are the guard in front of the portal, you will die. It doesn't matter if you touch it. With a knife and a gun, why don't you act as a guard and not dare to kill you?

Revealing the portal was of course risky, but Owen knew that he had to give these adventurers a little hope, otherwise they would cause who knows what trouble.

Besides, there are countless precious minerals buried in the mountains, and he alone would be able to exploit them for years and months.

Although adventurers are disgusting, you have to admit that they are extremely talented at hunting for treasures and getting good things. Regardless of whether they are buried deep underground or are guarded by monsters, they can find a way to get them for you, as long as you issue a mission.

Owen has made full preparations for this, providing everything adventurers need, whether it is equipment, skills, knowledge, treasures, mounts or enjoyment. In addition, two nodes, whether Greenshade Town or Glen Town, are under his control, which is enough to ensure good fortune. There will be no exodus, and he only has to pay a small price.

Owen even offered ten quotas every month, which could be redeemed with the contribution points of the Green Shade Town Adventurer Guild. This greatly encouraged those adventurers. After all, who didn’t want to see the other world? It also increased their interest in the Green Shade Town adventurers. The sense of identity of the guild serves multiple purposes.

While Owen was busy dealing with the energetic adventurers in Greenshade Town, Mara Town entered a state of war readiness.

In fact, Mara Town has never relaxed. After all, it is always facing the impact of the mob, and it has also fought against the aberrants once before. How dare it relax? Isn't this a joke with one's life?

After many expansions, Mara Town can now accommodate thousands of people. At the same time, the walls have been heightened and reinforced, and the arrow towers have been transformed into turrets. Hundreds of soldiers and horses are stationed there, which is enough to fight three to five times the enemy. If two people on the left and right are added, There is a military camp, and even three to five thousand people dare not take action, and they may not win if they take action.

But this time the opponent is extraordinary because it is a regular army.

The so-called regular army is well-trained and uniformly equipped.

These two points may seem simple, but not everyone can do it, let alone scale it up.

Because the former requires sufficient human resources, as well as sufficient training venues, food and equipment.

The latter itself represents financial resources, material resources and production. Without sufficient power, it is impossible to achieve it.

At present, this force has two to three thousand people, more than a thousand soldiers, a dozen knights, and the rest are auxiliary soldiers and coolies. It is already a force that can change the world in the North. It is a pity that it met Hydra.

Curranth raised his binoculars and saw no flags or signs from anywhere in the enemy formation. Even the knights did not raise their pennants and wear their badges, obviously to conceal their identities.

But he didn't need to guess to know that these people were either from the frontier army or from the influence of a certain noble in the empire. They couldn't wait to start grabbing the cake.

The question for Corens now is not whether to fight, but how to fight.

In the first two years after arriving, Kelunsi would have been a little worried about the situation before him, but now, with his order, Mara Town is full of guns and cannons, and the presence of military camps on both sides is even more intense. If it is more powerful than a tiger, it is just waiting to eat people.

The nobles who were leading the army on the opposite side turned green when they saw this. Not only were all the opponents equipped with firearms, but they also had trenches to hold back their horses. It was simply unrealistic to defeat them with the troops and horses in their hands, unless it rained or they used their trump cards.

If the trump card can be used easily, can the trump card still be called? As for waiting for rain.

There is little rain in the north, and it is not the rainy season now. When it rains, his soldiers and horses will eat him up.

This is not an empire. Just looting supplies cannot meet the demand, because there are too few people in the North, and coupled with the scourge of chaos, they are all eating people, so where can the food come from.

Therefore, Datou still relies on transportation from the empire, but this long distance means that at most three layers of materials are left. The rest are consumed in transit, and the transportation cost is too high.

Therefore, if the battle cannot be resolved quickly, this battle will not only be about losing money, but may also cost the whole family.

After weighing it up, this mysterious team finally chose to leave. Through the Nomadic Alliance's intelligence network, Curranth learned that the other party had captured another north-south transit station similar to Mara Town, and captured many insurgents, and was busy working on it. construction.

After reporting the matter, Correns continued to strengthen his vigilance and at the same time increased his efforts to capture the rioters, because he knew that this was just the beginning. As all forces in the empire came to an end, the rioters in the North would become delicious meat. Everyone wants to take a bite, but if you don’t hurry up now, you won’t be able to eat it later.

The facts were as expected by Collens. Then many inexplicable forces emerged in the Northland, ranging from hundreds of small ones to thousands of large ones. When they arrived in the Northland, they attacked them if they could. If they couldn't, they avoided them and found a piece of them. I occupied the land with good feng shui, and then began to search out the refugees for construction, as if I wanted to contribute to the development of the Northland.

Although these people are not named, they should know each other and have a tacit understanding. They rarely conflict. Unless the interests are too great, they will abide by the first-come, first-served rule.

In a short period of time, there have been more than a dozen powerful forces in the North, and each of them is not weak in strength. If they are not new here, and their background is not enough, each of them started as a Northland earl.

Although Owen had the title of Viscount at the beginning, his strength could not compare with these forces, so it is not wrong to say that they have the strength of the Earl of Northland.

However, the emergence of these forces also quickly calmed down the Northland, because the influx of chaos was divided up, and there was no one left to cause chaos.

This is a good thing and a bad thing, because it means that the big cake of Northland has been completely divided.

All forces in the empire have settled in the north, and the next step is the time for a battle of wits.

The question is how can someone be allowed to watch the big boss fight? Sooner or later, Irving will be forced to choose a side. But once he takes a side, it means that he will be infiltrated and suppressed by the side who takes the side, and will be targeted by all other forces. He is what people say.

Owen had anticipated this, so he chose another path and stood up to represent the local aristocrats of Northland and cut a slice of the cake in Northland.

To do this, he needs to unite with the other two earls of the North. Presumably, they will not watch half of their hard work being swallowed up by the hungry wolves of the empire.

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