Although he didn't have time to make puppets during these days away from home, Owen had more time to sort out the knowledge about puppet masters.

The background of Puppet Master's game is an imaginary history. There have been knights and magicians, as well as elves and monsters. It is similar to his current world, only more peaceful.

The long years of peace have left the knights responsible for charging and the magicians of mobile turrets with no room for use. Instead, the puppet masters have been fully developed. However, the genre has also evolved from the huge puppets in ancient times to mainly exquisite puppets.

Although the body shape is the same as that of an ordinary person, the puppet's precision has improved not a little bit, and the various basic subjects evolved from it even make Owen feel like he has just entered college.

Owen always had the urge to lie down when faced with endless knowledge that he could learn in a lifetime. Fortunately, puppets are indeed interesting, especially after he assembled a mechanical puppet maid, he still maintained considerable interest, so he selectively learned some. Now I have a lot of ideas and plan to try them out.

After exchanging many blueprints from the game, Irving began his own difficult journey of imitation.

With the help of a multi-functional workbench, as long as he can keep up with the mental strength, it is not difficult for Owen to copy most parts. Only the spine and core give him a headache because they are too precise. With his current mental strength, The level, let alone manufacturing, could not even be penetrated deeply. In desperation, he could only choose to expand.

For example, chips, every reduction in size is an industrial progress, and it is very difficult. However, if the chip is enlarged ten times or a hundred times, I dare not say that it can be made by just finding a factory. The difficulty will definitely not be reduced by a little bit. If it is further Delete some functions and the difficulty is reduced by more than a hundred times.

So Irving took this stupid approach, first increasing the size, and if that didn't work, then deleting the functions until the manufacturing conditions were met.

Irving didn't have the confidence to build it based on the blueprints alone, so he exchanged a mechanical spine from the game, and then copied it while dismantling it.

The problem is that the mechanical spine exchanged in the game is similar in size to a human being, and it looks delicate. However, the spine copied by Owen, even if it only exists on the drawings, still looks like huge metal plate bricks connected together. Just know that it is very bulky, and some people believe it when they say it is a heavy weapon.

In addition, the workbench exists for precision machining. It is not a good idea to use it to cut metal ingots. The workbench may be scrapped before it is manufactured.

The helpless Owen could only give up for the time being and plan to exchange for more suitable processing equipment from the system game.

In fact, there are many games with modern backgrounds in the system. In theory, as long as he is given enough time, he can establish a complete industrial system and even advance it into the interstellar era.

The problem is, limited to the current world, the demand for exchange value for non-magical items is too high, which is not cost-effective at all, so Owen can only continue to think of ways.

Full of inspiration, he was stuck in the first step, which made Owen feel very uncomfortable, and at the same time a little bit frustrated, because he felt that his golden finger was so powerful, but it made him have a difficult start, and no one else .

Is my ability so poor? Owen began to doubt his life.

Fortunately, he has a woman. After some in-depth and detailed operations, he can enter the sage state and let him think carefully.

Simply relying on exchanging parts from the game to assemble puppets would completely fail to take advantage of his new job as a puppet master. After all, his original idea was to form a Terminator force, and it was simply unrealistic to rely entirely on progress points to exchange parts.

But limited by his own abilities and external factors, he had to stop temporarily and chose to continue learning puppetry while accumulating progress points.

Since the path of puppet master is temporarily unavailable, let's try another path.

In fact, Owen faced two choices at the beginning, one was the puppet master route, and the other was the devil route.

Due to some concerns, Owen finally chose the Puppet Master with a more complete system. However, limited by his own abilities, he had to focus on the Demon King's route again.

As a Demon King that can be activated with a progress value of 20, it is naturally a shrunken and shrunken version. There is nothing but a Demon King aura and monster summoning skills, otherwise Owen would not choose to be a puppet master.

During the period of accumulating progress points, Owen didn't have much to do. He just strolled around every day, just like a young man.

There is no way, Owen's territory is too small for Maya, and she only needs a few words a day to complete the day's tasks.

Under her management, spring plowing has been successfully completed, and due to the participation of a large number of serfs and the use of plowing oxen and metal farm tools, the size of the farmland has tripled.

Next, the serfs will cultivate intensively under the guidance of farmers recruited by the system. It is foreseeable that there will be a bumper harvest this year.

Irving couldn't find any fault with Maya's management. Comparing it with the plan he made, it seemed to be comprehensive, even mixed with advanced management experience from the previous life, but it was useless. You can't use business management to manage a medieval aristocratic territory. .

After realizing the reality, Irving entered a state of saltiness and spent time every day with a book on puppetry.

Although the Northland border is poor, the good thing is that there is really nothing to do. It is normal to not see outsiders all year round, so Owen has a lot of time to kill, which is why he can continue to study the puppetry.

When people are bored to the limit, let alone reading, they can count their hair every day.

Owen, who finally accumulated 20 progress points, couldn't wait to redeem the Demon King's halo.

The Demon King's Halo has no lethality at all, and has no defensive or auxiliary functions, but the value of the twenty progress points is not for nothing. The only function of the Demon King's Halo is to exert irresistible pressure on monsters and spread fear and cruelty to other creatures. momentum.

No matter how ferocious the monster is, under the aura of the devil, it is like a little rabbit in a tiger's mouth, only trembling and without any resistance.

In the eyes of other creatures, you are the devil incarnate of fear, synonymous with cruelty.

But the problem is that the Demon King's aura only has this effect. If the monster fights back desperately, Owen has no way to do it. In addition, it is easy to be misunderstood. If it attracts a real hero, it will be a complete tragedy. That's why he chose to change jobs in the first place. Puppet Master.

After eagerly redeeming the Demon King's halo, Owen's temperament underwent some changes, becoming more noble, more mysterious, and more aura of a superior, like a prince who was always shrouded in darkness and mastered countless secrets.

Although his temperament has changed greatly, his essence remains the same, and his physique has not been enhanced in any way. When facing Maya, he is still at the bottom.

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