Another transit town in Northland was destroyed by the onslaught of rioters, but this group of rioters was a bit strange, each one of them looked a bit crooked, and the Hunchback of Notre Dame standing among them could be considered a handsome guy.

Just because the appearance is too intimidating, the people in the small town cannot use even three out of ten levels of strength. After all, being surrounded by a group of monsters and monsters, not many can hold on.

Unfortunately, failure is not the end, but the beginning of hell.

These are carriers infected with the Flesh Plague, and their flesh has begun to become severely deformed.

Originally, the distortion would not be so fast, but they are cannibals, and causing distortion is like taking hormones. It not only affects the body, but also affects the mind. Now these distortions are like a combination of madmen and monsters. They break through The purpose of this town is not to plunder, but to eat.

Crying and screaming could not stop those hungry and red-eyed aberrations. They rushed into the town impatiently. Whether they were dead or alive, it made no difference to the aberrations. Only by biting flesh and blood could they stop them. The pain caused by constant distortion is alleviated, and they will do so at any cost.

As fresh flesh and blood are consumed, the injuries on the aberrations heal quickly, and they become more deformed and stronger. Some aberrations even grow extra organs, such as eyes, arms, intestines, etc. In short, they are becoming more and more different. He looked like a human being, and this scene was seen by the two earls in the distance.

Countess Ferrier was wearing light rose gold armor and a gorgeous fur cape. She was riding a white BMW and was escorted by several sturdy knights. She stood with Count Solari, who led a team of elite cavalry. .

Compared to the countess's luxurious dress, Count Solari, who is dressed in silver-gray plate armor, looks a bit inconspicuous. But with the elite cavalry behind him, his momentum is still higher than that of Countess Ferrier. After all, no matter how beautiful the rose is, in Iron Fist The only thing that will happen next is to turn into flower mud, unless the flowers are poisonous.

We can't delay it any longer. Countess Ferrier said with a gloomy face.

That's right, we can't wait any longer. Count Solari nodded and said.

But then there was an awkward silence between the two of them, like a middle-aged couple who had nothing to say after dinner.

It’s not that they don’t know what to do next, it’s that they don’t want to speak first.

Because they now have three options, the first is to go back and hold on, the second is to go to the Northland border army for help, and the third is to join forces and send troops.

Everyone knows that going back to defend is a dead end, and going to the northern frontier army to ask for reinforcements is also a fish in the woods, so they have only the third way to go.

It's ironic to say that one is a good dancer and has admirers all over the empire's borders, while the other has an extraordinary background and has a close relationship with the empire's border troops.

But under the general situation, these are useless. They have obviously become victims and can only rely on themselves to save themselves.

There are three points in the North now. Since we are under such great pressure, the other party should also bear a little. Countess Ferrier's sudden words made Count Solari fall into deep thought.

I can send my cavalry to guide these aberrants further north, but I need bait, a bait that is tempting enough. Count Solari said.

I will take care of the bait. Countess Ferrier said confidently.

Ferrier, the curse slayer, was the former second in command of the Northland Witches Union. However, she was addicted to role-playing and had long forgotten about the Witches Union. However, she could not fake her own abilities. She was already good at curses and faced the root cause. The plague of flesh and blood, which is also a curse, has actually created something, a cursed flesh and blood that is full of temptations for the aberrants.

Be careful, it only takes a little bit of this thing to drive the deformed crazy. Only this bag can isolate the smell. Countess Ferrier, who looked a little tired, handed a bag made of human skin to Count Solari.

After taking the bag, Count Solari frowned at the same kind of touch, but he didn't say anything, but in his heart he raised the other party's danger level a lot.

This is by no means a woman who relies on her beauty to make ends meet, but I didn’t expect that after so many years of knowing her, I didn’t discover this side of her. She really hid it deeply. If the chaos hadn’t forced her to take action, I don’t know what she would have hidden. when.

Count Solari, who was secretly vigilant, carefully handed the bag to his most elite small group of cavalry, and then watched them leave, knowing in his heart that there was little hope that they would come back alive.

Owen naturally knew nothing about this, but he knew that it would happen sooner or later. Whether it was aberrants or secret means, the territory would not be able to avoid it, so he made various preparations early.

As the first line of defense for the territory, Mara Town was of course the first to benefit. Witches often emerged from the fireplace at night and helped with the construction in the dead of night.

Nowadays, Mara Town has built a three-meter-high thick wall, which cannot be shaken without using siege equipment. In addition, solid wooden frames and arrow towers have been built on the inside of the wall to allow the defending soldiers to obtain more weapons. Advantages, and build a gun emplacement at regular intervals to place artillery.

Mara Town now has a lot of artillery. Although the caliber of the one-pounder is too small, and because it is short-barreled, the range is limited. But it is a cannon after all, especially when it fires shotguns. Clear out a sector.

The most important thing is that the weight of this thing is not high. When moving, two people can carry it and run. To put it bluntly, it is a large carrying gun.

Being so light, it is best used to check for deficiencies in defense, but they still underestimated the upcoming crisis, or the two did a great job.

In the wilderness of the North, a cavalryman whipped his crotch horse with foam at the mouth. At this time, he had completely forgotten that it was his closest comrade. Now he just wanted to stay as far away from those monsters as possible, and The town of Mara, not far away, was his only hope, but the sudden death of the horse made his hope come to nothing and even crushed his leg.

What made him most desperate was that the human skin bag hanging on his chest was torn, and the turbid flesh and blood inside had flowed onto his body.

His experiences along the way made him very aware of the attraction of these flesh and blood to those monsters, and he could no longer escape.

In the end, the cavalryman went completely crazy. He roared crazily, and then stabbed the dagger hard into his heart to free his soul.

Keira, who was standing on the watchtower, saw this scene through a monocular. Although she didn't understand what happened to make the other party choose to commit suicide not far from Mara Town, she instinctively sensed that the crisis was coming, so While teaching people to be vigilant, she went to find her father.

Corens also didn't know what happened, but he could guess it, especially when a huge group of aberrations appeared in the distance, and he was sure that his guess was true. These aberrations were all deliberately attracted by others. Come.

It no longer mattered who was in charge of all this. Corens sounded the alarm, and the entire town of Mara entered a state of war readiness. The military camps on the left and right also sounded slogans of preparation for battle, and the war was about to break out.

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