Contrast Goblin General with another successful example, the Ultramarines.

If the Ultramarines are hexagonal all-round warriors, then the Goblin Generals are blood beef shield warriors. It can be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the latter's fighting style is more rough.

Therefore, Goblin General cannot use electronic muscle beam power armor, at least not the current model, because this type of power armor is too sensitive and cannot be used without enough control. It is not suitable for stupid people like Goblin General. Even if you mess around with it roughly, even the mechanical power armor won't work, because the purely mechanical structure will cause the movement reaction to be slightly sluggish, which will actually be a constraint for it.

I had no choice but to prepare traditional armor for the strengthened Goblin General, but the strength was increased, and a lot of attention was paid to the weapons. Owen specially exchanged it for a charged axe.

The rechargeable ax comes from Monster Hunter World and is divided into sword and shield forms and giant ax forms. After Owen's transformation, it is more powerful and is perfect for use by Goblin Generals.

However, Goblin General now looks like a Hulk and is fully armed. It is so tough that it feels a bit inappropriate to call it Goblin, so Owen changed its name to Beast General.

Fortunately, it's not black. If it were called General Black Beast, Owen would always feel like something was wrong.

Although the strengthening effect is beyond expectations, it is not enough.

The Wild Beast General was originally not good at combat skills, and it became even more cumbersome after its strength increased. Therefore, Irving specially exchanged a template for it, Liao Hua.

Originally, Irving planned to exchange for Xu Zhu's template, but considering that General Wild Beast still had to guard Green Shade Town and lead his own army, he chose Liao Hua.

There were no generals in Shu, so Liao Hua became the vanguard.

This sentence is not to belittle Liao Hua, but to feel helpless.

Not mentioning the affairs of the Three Kingdoms, just to evaluate Liao Hua, he is worthy of a general regardless of political, political or military force. He is suitable for a wild beast general who needs to be independent.

Although it is integrated with the template, the strength of the Wild Beast General is still not as good as that of Charles. Facing the attacks of the legendary warriors, it can only continue to defend, but this does not prevent the territory from gaining more combat power.

But for Owen, the biggest gain was that he found that goblins were more suitable as T-virus receptors than Teutonic warriors, and they were also cheaper.

Even though goblins can't even defeat farmers, as aliens, they also have abilities that they are proud of, that is, they have stronger vitality, are extremely adaptable to the environment, and can eat even dirt when they are extremely hungry. Otherwise, they will not become a must-fight mob for novice adventurers, not because of their large number and wide distribution.

Goblins rely on their tenacious vitality and resistance to withstand the erosion of the immune system and the destructive modification of genes by the T virus, and transform these changes into beneficial enhancements for the body. Therefore, it is completely possible to popularize T viruses among goblins. Virus intensification.

The Teutonic warriors still need to spend progress points to redeem them, but the goblins have enough, and they can even wait for reproduction.

Thinking of this, Owen's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to get a batch of unassimilated wild goblins from Green Shade Town, and started experiments with Brian.

After some experiments, Owen discovered that there was something wrong with the Goblin race.

The wild goblins' T-virus mutated and strengthened out of control. Some degenerated into amphibian-like monsters, some became highly developed brains, and some turned into violent beasts. This immediately aroused Owen's vigilance. Destroy all goblin experimental subjects at once.

Conduct a second round of experiments, this time using Goblins from Greenshade Town. Owen didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't say anything in the end and instead conducted a second round of experiments.

This time the experiment is much more stable. The system goblins are the goblins summoned by Owen through the monster summoning technique. They can be strengthened into a two-meter-tall green-skinned monster. It is better to say that it is a goblin than a green-skinned orc. Therefore, Named Orc by Owen.

The strengthening process of strong orcs is very stable, which means that they can be popularized. The number is only limited by the number of monsters summoned by Owen, and it is completely possible to form a strong orc army.

In contrast, the goblin residents of Green Shade Town who were assimilated from wild goblins are far less adaptable and integrative to the T virus than the system goblins. Not only do they need to reduce the concentration of the T virus, but there is also a certain degree of randomness. .

After many experiments, Owen discovered that goblins assimilated by the system have three strengthening templates.

The first one strengthens the brain nerves and enhances thinking activity, which means becoming smarter and more creative.

The second type does not enhance the mind so much, but the body becomes thicker, making it a good material for work.

The third type actually reduced the original intelligence, but the body became extremely strong.

Interestingly, although the third type has become simpler in mind and stronger in body, it does not appear stupid or impulsive. Instead, it is calm and indifferent, and its execution ability has become stronger. It is a natural material for soldiers.

Scientist, worker, soldier. Looking at the three templates of Goblin mutation, Owen was silent. He didn't know if this was a coincidence, but it gave him a feeling of man-made manipulation.

In the end, Owen buried the matter in his heart and named these enhanced goblins goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears.

The experiment was almost done. Owen handed over the follow-up to Brian, and then prepared to occupy the second floor of the ruins.

The adventurer's patience was about to run out. Fortunately, the strengthened Wild Beast General was able to hold the situation in check. However, more experienced adventurers could tell that unless a legend came, everyone would be rewarded, so they had to be patient. Keep waiting patiently.

Team Roger was happy to do this. After all, they were almost torn alive by the puppets in the ruins before. Although they escaped, they were seriously injured. Even if there were many healing potions in Green Shade Town, they didn't have the money to pay for them. As far as drinking water is concerned, in fact, for most adventurers, except for serious injuries, minor injuries can be recovered by themselves.

Time is running out. Vote now to decide whether to accept this task. Roger, who had recently been recuperating from his injuries and was fat and fair, pinched the fat on his waist and felt that he could not wait any longer. If he waited any longer, he would be useless, so I summoned my teammates who went to drink, bathe and go shopping.

The bronze helmet holding the wine glass is wandering in the sky, the gray cat who has just had his nails done is admiring his jade hands, and the red oak soaked in the bathhouse is lazily unable to lift his spirits.

Seeing the appearance of his three teammates like this, Roger was almost in despair, and couldn't help but feel the urge to bow and break up again.

But thinking about it, there was nowhere to go, and the reward for this mission was very generous, so I held back.

If you complete this mission, you can customize the reward, such as filling the wine cellar with fine wine, the Charming Witch series of cosmetics, and a slime maid of your own. Roger was speechless when he saw that he was already energetic and had picked up the equipment. There are three teammates waiting for you.

Okay, since you all agree, the White Fang Adventure Team will take over this mission. Roger took a deep breath, stood up and said confidently.

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