The Teutonic warriors worth fifteen progress points are exchanged for mechanical power armor that can be mass-produced in small quantities, and their strength is immediately upgraded to a level. If there are enough of them, even legends can be killed, and they will be even more slaughtered when facing ordinary regiments. Therefore, Excellent value for money.

Not to mention the Ultramarines who have been strengthened by Tyrant and then equipped with Seiko-grade power armor. One-on-one, Charr will have to work hard. If he is focused on the fire from a long distance, he may suffer a big loss.

Such a successful idea immediately made Owen feel the charm of technology, or the charm of the integration of technology and magic, so he decided to secretly develop the territory's industry as a foundation or trump card.

Compared with the behemoth empire, even if the territory is cheated, it will not be able to catch up in a short time, and the empire is not a fool. When there are thousands of people, it does not care, when there are tens of thousands of people, it can only pay attention to it, and it can be expanded to hundreds of thousands. With millions, how could he still be allowed to develop? He was really just a show-off as an imperial frontier soldier.

However, it is not easy to develop the science and technology industry, because the only person in the territory who can be called a scientific research talent is Brian. Although the Flame Queen has extremely amazing computing power, she can only serve as an assistant.

Fortunately, the spirits are all skilled workers. I dare not say that they are level 8 workers, but they are at least level 6.

Mutated goblins can also be good workers after simple training.

Therefore, at least in terms of basic industry, the territory has considerable advantages. Unfortunately, in terms of high-precision, it is still limited to small-scale laboratories.

In any case, Irving at least sees the direction of development.

Although the industrial prospects are huge, Owen has not forgotten the magic school. Those little witches and sorceresses represent the future of the legal profession in the territory, so he specially accumulated some progress points to exchange for a professor.

Professor McGonagall, this is the town where the Territory Magic School is located, Greenshade Town. Owen specially came to Greenshade Town today to act as a tour guide for a professor.

This place reminds me of the wizarding world a thousand years ago. Professor McGonagall, an older cat girl with a serious expression that reminds people of the dean of students, once served as the branch dean of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Owen had wanted to exchange for this professor for a long time, but he had been delayed. The development of the territory's industrial system would continue to consume progress points, so for the long-term consideration of the magic school, he specially accumulated some progress points and redeemed them.

As a new generation of goblins grew up, Greenshade Town became more prosperous, with a population of more than two thousand.

But most of them are mutant goblins and unicorn goblins. The rest are human businessmen who saw business opportunities, demi-humans who were discriminated against in the empire, adventurers who chose to enjoy their retirement life here, and some others were attracted. Witches and warlocks, because they discovered that there was a school here specifically to teach witches and warlocks.

Legal professionals are also human beings, and they will also start families and start businesses. Therefore, the excellent living environment and excellent educational conditions here have attracted many legal professionals to settle down, and it has also increased the number of students in the school.

Professor McGonagall seems to like this place very much, which is not surprising. When she taught, the wizarding world had begun to decline. It was not as prosperous as Greenshade Town, let alone a magic school and lovely students here.

Okay, we're here. This is the territory's magic school, and there are professors and students from the school. They are waiting to welcome you. Owen came to the school gate. Because of the advance notice, Emile took Del and the school's The students and teaching assistants came to greet him, which surprised Professor McGonagall. He quickly smiled back and showed good demeanor. He was indeed a professor from Millennium College.

After the last assassination incident, Emile gritted his teeth and stayed up late to upgrade the school's defense system. To this end, he also invited people from the root to help. However, he was still busy with dark circles under his eyes and lacked energy in class, so he was very worried about McGonagall. The arrival of the professor was welcomed with both hands. The first one came forward and hugged the relatively small Professor McGonagall.

You remind me of an old friend. After landing on the ground, Professor McGonagall straightened the wrinkled wizard robe and said with some helplessness and reminiscence.

Owen on the side just smiled but didn't speak. This was exactly why he didn't like to redeem these characters.

The summoned people are 100% loyal to him, but they still have their own memories and thoughts, so it can be very troublesome at times.

For example, Professor McGonagall, didn't she have the intention in her heart to let Owen summon the White Devil Dumbledore, the other three professors and Hagrid?

There must be some. Although she won't say it, she can't help but think so.

Owen was helpless about this and could only let Professor McGonagall slowly get used to the magic school in the territory and become familiar with the professors and students here.

This is good, after all, Professor McGonagall has a calm character, rich experience, and can see things clearly. If it were someone with a love brain or someone whose obsession is greater than life, Owen is not sure what they can do.

Now is not the time to think about these things, Irving began to introduce the two parties to each other.

Professor Emile is a very experienced witch. She is responsible for teaching potions. In addition, most of the students here were rescued by her from various places. It can be said that she has contributed a lot to the establishment of this magic school. Owen explained the situation of the empire. Professor McGonagall, who was not unfamiliar with medieval history, nodded clearly. At the same time, he admired Professor Emile very much and even thought she was another Helga Hufflepuff. strange.

Of course, the premise is that Professor McGonagall doesn't know about this relationship with Bella, otherwise she doesn't know what to think.

This is Professor Dale, Professor Emile's daughter. She teaches herbal medicine in the college and is also responsible for the school's herbal greenhouse. Owen continued to introduce.

Professor McGonagall was a little distracted when she heard that Greenhouse was from Hogwarts, but Owen's introduction woke her up, and she felt a little rude, so she hurriedly listened carefully.

There is also Professor Brian in the school who is responsible for teaching alchemy, but he is conducting an important research, so his assistant Master Domi is responsible for teaching instead. After introducing several witch assistants, Owen found that he seemed to There was no one to introduce him to. After all, there were indeed few talents in the school, so he took Professor McGonagall to visit the school.

Although the school has not many students, only over a hundred years old, it has never stopped expanding and renovating it. From the first few longhouses, it now has an auditorium, teaching building, office building, laboratory building, library, canteen, and greenhouse. , a complex of buildings composed of martial arts training grounds.

This cost Owen a lot of thought, so he even moved the greenhouse here.

However, Dale, whose relationship with Emile has eased a lot, did not object to this, not to mention that as she mastered the spell system of Hogwarts, she also became interested in teaching, and she didn't have much to do on weekdays. , after all, no matter how much Irving takes the tonic soup, he can only spend one or two hours a day, and he can't just lie down all the time the rest of the time, so it's good to find something to do.

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