With free labor, Owen did not relax, nor did he look for women. Two consecutive encounters made him sick, and he was also worried about the security of the territory. In this situation, unless he was passive, he was really in no mood.

After two experiences, Irving found that ordinary military units could not play an effective role in events of this level, so it was meaningless to simply expand the army. Besides, the ratio of military to civilians in the territory was already very exaggerated, and it was not appropriate to do so when the total population base had not increased. Continue to expand the army.

In fact, Irving was well prepared for this situation. The secret force that was previously established was to deal with this kind of thing, and later a more professional root was established.

But the Church of Flesh and Blood taught Owen another lesson. He was still too naive. Although his skills in assassination and surprise attacks were not useless in the face of this situation, he had to pay a huge price to do so. In other words, professionalism Mismatched.

Therefore, Owen decided to imitate the Space Marines and build an attack team of super soldiers for the territory.

As for who to choose for the transformation, Owen chose the Teutonic Warriors.

In fact, the Teutonic warriors are the most like Space Marines among all warriors, so they are the most suitable base for transformation. However, I have not yet fully figured out how to transform Owen.

Brian had many transformation plans, but they all required disembowelling, cutting off hands and feet. Owen felt that this transformation method was too bloody and completely unnecessary, so he planned to use the T virus to strengthen the Teutonic warriors first.

He was worried about the leakage of the T virus before, but now he is not worried. Compared with those evil organizations at the top, who either want to dedicate the world to the outer gods, or are preparing to package and sell it to the devil, the mere T virus is really nothing.

But Owen didn't expect that Brian would get results so quickly and submitted a new transformation plan to him.

Different from the previous mechanical transformation style, Brian, who had partial access to the Flame Queen's database, broadened his horizons and was immediately attracted to Umbrella's various biochemical transformations, especially the most mature Tyrant series.

Tyrant is the most successful biological weapon of Umbrella Company, and it has developed multiple models. Even in its basic form, it has a combat power far superior to that of an armed soldier. After being released from its restrictions and going berserk, it becomes a terrifying killer.

But Tyrant is not without flaws, especially the production process that can seriously damage memory and thinking, which is not in line with Owen's idea of ​​a super soldier.

But Brian also took this into consideration, because after reading Owen's Space Marine plan, he thought it was a perfect transformation, so he was not obsessed with simply accumulating combat power.

With the framework drawn by Owen, Brian continued to make major changes to the Tyrant's transformation. The first thing to be removed was the second stage of transformation.

The Tyrant's second transformation is to cancel the limiter and let the virus run wild. As a weapon, this is fine, but as a super soldier, it is unqualified. After all, who has ever seen a berserker who can't distinguish between friend and foe as the main force.

At the same time, the alienation and transformation of the body have also been greatly reduced and restricted, with only the second heart and value-added lungs remaining.

This transformation method comes from the Book of Bones and Flesh, but it is just a reference and can be used directly. Not to mention Owen, even Brian would not dare to use it.

Even Irving couldn't find fault with this transformation plan, but how to control the alienation of the T virus was the biggest problem.

If it were so easy to control, Umbrella Company wouldn't have put so many restrictions on the Tyrant series.

The Flame Queen gave a solution, which is based on the synthesis furnace and the bloodline mutagenesis editor to carry out biological transformation, which can theoretically affect the direction of biological evolution.

It was nothing more than a synthetic furnace. Owen agreed to this plan and repeatedly conducted tens of thousands of experiments in the authority space, finally completing the biomodification cabin based on the synthetic furnace.

Although it had been tested repeatedly in the authority space, Owen was not sure whether it would work. On the contrary, Brian showed no emotion and went through the inspection step by step.

During this period, he and the Flame Queen made many modifications to the current machine. Although the shape remained the same, they installed external equipment, such as very useful scanning equipment, which allowed Brian to see more in a way other than with the naked eye. for the real world, so he has no interest in being a human being now.

A Teutonic warrior took off his armor and clothes and walked into the biomodification cabin calmly.

Close the hatch and inject the nutrient solution. Although Owen didn't like using people for live experiments, he had to say that this was the fastest way, so he could only suppress his inappropriate emotions and started to preside over this experiment.

A large amount of nutrient solution derived from special slime is injected into the biomodification chamber. This nutrient solution is rich in nutrients and oxygen needed by the human body. In addition to being a little difficult to breathe due to the concentration, it can perfectly supplement the nutrients needed by the human body. In theory, As long as the nutrients are not exhausted, the creatures in the cabin can live to the limit of their life span.

If treatment agents are added, combined with techniques such as wound foreign body cleaning, skin and flesh suturing, organ repair and other techniques, even if the patient is breathless, as long as he is not brain dead, he can be saved.

In other words, if there had been a biological modification cabin before, Brian's injury would not have been a problem at all.

But Brian was very satisfied with how he looked now, so Owen didn't say anything and continued with the next experiment.

With the injection of the T-virus, the Teutonic warrior's expression did not change. It was obviously still within the safe tolerance range. It was not until a special light shone on him to guide the mutation of the T-virus that his expression gradually became painful. Therefore, the other party has to be put into a deep sleep to prevent the pain beyond the upper limit from causing irreversible damage to the nerves and spirit.

The main reason why the Umbrella Tyrant series is mindless is because the mutation process is too fast and intense, breaking the upper limit of what the human body and mind can endure. The memory is purged out of self-protection, and more is left to instinct.

At present, thanks to the unique function of the bloodline mutagenesis editor, the mutation process is controllable and inducible. Therefore, in addition to the basic body strengthening, the direction of the mutation guided is mainly concentrated on the two important organs of the heart and lungs, causing them to divide cells. Proliferate on its own and grow two new organs.

I have to say that the mystery of the human body is really amazing. After limiting the scope of mutation, the new organs are perfectly integrated into the original system without too much interference.

After the mutation ended, and after being scanned by the Flame Queen, the Teutonic warrior's nervous system nearly doubled, his muscle fibers and bone density were greatly increased, and his cardiopulmonary function was enhanced several times.

After calculation, the mutated Teutonic warrior is 2.3 meters tall, weighs 300 kilograms, has a strength of about 1.5 to 2 tons, and has a reaction speed that exceeds human limits. His endurance depends on his own energy reserves. Because of his high metabolism, as long as he does not continuously burst out , such as marching and other consumption, the recovery rate of physical strength is the same as the consumption.

What's even more exaggerated is that as the density of the body increases and strengthens, it can ignore the close range shooting of a nine-millimeter caliber pistol. Bullets cannot penetrate the thick muscle layer and tough bones. Only continuous rifle fire can be fatal.

And as long as there are enough nutrients, non-fatal injuries can be recovered very quickly.

Such exaggerated physical fitness, coupled with the powerful fighting skills of the Teutonic warriors, their combat power is already superior to that of naked space warriors.

However, on the interstellar battlefield, the enhanced Teutonic warrior is still far from enough, but as an improved version of the tyrant, it is undoubtedly successful.

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