As a jungler, Ninja has the fastest shot. The moment he jumped into the air, six sharp shurikens popped out from the fingers of his hands. Then, the artificial muscle fibers in both arms were stimulated by micro-current, and he shot them at a speed that surpassed human beings. The shurikens are thrown out with speed comparable to bullets.

And compared to bullets with direct ballistics, the shape of the shuriken makes its flight trajectory more varied. Chima, who encountered this kind of concealed weapon for the first time, was caught off guard and received two bullets. A large number of muscle fibers were cut off, and his body was also damaged. There was a moment's pause.

Qima can shield the physical pain, but a rupture of muscle fibers is a rupture. Even if it can heal quickly, short-term functional failure is unavoidable.

Zaku would definitely not be able to seize this timing, but it was enough for the Ninja Killer.

There were an unknown number of shurikens hidden in Ninja's arms, and he threw them out one after another, hitting Chima continuously in strange arcs. When the distance between the two parties got closer, he pulled out his Ninja sword and began to fight hand-to-hand.

With the establishment of the root and a large amount of data obtained, the ninja mode in the core of the Ninja Kill Intelligence has been updated a long time ago. There is no need for Owen's command at all. His sword skills are extremely sharp. As an assassin, Chima has no power to fight back. If not Her bones were extremely tough, and she might have been cut into dozens of pieces long ago.

This is not surprising. Although Chima is a veteran assassin of the Church of Flesh and Blood, her style is not the berserker type assassin who clears the eyes, nor is she the old silver coin type assassin who sneaks in to poison and assassinate. What she is best at is through flesh and blood magic. Pretend to be the person closest to the target, then choose a pleasant day, and make a dramatic turn at the critical moment to send the target off, always with the goal of never settling in peace.

It is not difficult to understand that Qima, who likes this style, is not good at fighting. After all, there are not many assassins who use double-edged swords to slash and clear the field.

Chima, who was passively beaten, was furious at being killed by the Ninja. He gritted his teeth. After his legs were still unable to get rid of the alienation, the flesh and blood in other parts of his body began to alienate at the same time, making the flesh and blood become tighter and tougher. Even the sharp Ninja sword was Like cutting on stacked cowhide, it can no longer cause the same horrific cutting damage as before.

This kind of alienation obviously comes at a price, but Chima no longer cares about it. At the moment, she is as if she has fallen into a meat grinder. She desperately wants to break free, so she instinctively urges the alienation of her body.

Chima, who usually only relies on flesh and blood magic to disguise her identity to carry out assassinations, did not notice that her body was gradually becoming abnormal due to her uneasiness, and there was no sign of stopping, which caused her body to become increasingly weird.

Before, she was still a bloody witch who exuded strange charm. Now look at her thick thighs with reverse joints like grasshoppers, and her muscles that have become tougher and tougher. Her palms have also become more slender. Unfortunately, the bulging muscles have become alienated. Claw-like nails look unattractive.

The head changed even more, the ears became slender, the nose disappeared, the corners of the eyes were raised to the tips of the eyebrows, and the big mouth split to the base of the ears was full of shark-like sharp teeth, making it a complete monster.

It's really disgusting. It's better to disappear. As soon as Owen finished speaking, dozens of crows flew around Qima.

What! Just when Chima was about to break through the entanglement and rush to Owen, she suddenly noticed an unusual shadow on the ground. When she looked up, she saw that it was a group of strange crows. She soon noticed these crows. Not a living thing, but a nasty puppet.

Qima suddenly felt bad, but before she could react, the crows flew down in swarms as if they had found carrion.

Go away! Even though Qima was very experienced, she had never experienced anything like this before, which made her a little out of control emotionally. At the same time, she felt the shadow of death gradually shrouding her body, which made her shudder. Therefore, some lost their temper and attacked the puppet crows with their claws, not even caring about killing them.

This is not surprising. If she hadn't been afraid of death, how could she have sacrificed her entire family and territory to the Lord of flesh and blood to obtain immortality?

The top-hat puppet that was controlling the crows let out a weird laugh. Some mechanism was triggered, and all the crows spread their wings. At the same time, a foot-long flame erupted from behind their buttocks, and they flew so fast that only afterimages could be seen.

It stands to reason that with the crow's body structure, it is difficult to master the accuracy when flying at such a fast speed, but it was not until now that Chima discovered that there were many slender puppet threads wrapped around him. The source of these threads came from crows, so although crows The speed increased, but it did not fly around. Instead, it was getting closer and closer to her under the tug of the thread, so close that the firelight illuminated her desperate face.

The Crow Puppet's body is not filled with black glue crystals, but with black glue concentrate. This liquid burns at extremely high temperatures and can melt even steel, let alone flesh and blood. Therefore, Chima's body was burned in just a few days. All flesh and blood were burned within seconds, and even the skeleton was reduced to ashes.

However, Owen did not relax, because Chima did not scream in the end, which was abnormal, and his intuition was vaguely warning.

Queen Slime, use summon. Summoned Queen Slime, who was as big as a hill. Her plump and rich appearance gave her the majesty of a mother. Owen nodded with satisfaction and then ordered.

In addition to splitting slimes from itself, the Slime Queen can also directly summon slimes when there are slimes nearby. It happened that the slime population in the dungeon was almost overflowing, so after receiving Owen's order, it was like opening the floodgates. A torrent of slimes was summoned, covering a large area.

Go and devour it to your heart's content. Owen said with a sneer.

Owen guessed that the other party was not dead and was hiding nearby, but how to find the other party was a problem.

What is the difference between asking the soldiers to find it and beating a dog with a meat bun? Owen suspected that the other party should have abilities similar to those of a parasitic beast, so he thought of slime.

Slime is not a flesh-and-blood creature. It only contains glue and acid, so even parasitic beasts cannot deal with slime.

To a certain extent, slimes are the opponent's natural enemy, because there is no flesh and blood to plunder, and their own devouring and acid properties will also have devastating effects on flesh and blood.

In fact, Owen's guess was not wrong. The abundant modern entertainment has allowed all kinds of imagination to fly. This world can be called a hidden world with various methods, which are purely cliché in the eyes of time travellers. Therefore, Qima is really not dead, she is the best. The flesh and blood turned into strange sausage-like creatures lurking underground, waiting for the enemy to leave, and then taking the opportunity to seize a person's body.

But the overwhelming slime made all her efforts in vain.

Slime doesn't eat everything. Although earth, stone, metal, etc. can be melted, they are not edible.

Slime's main food is organic, such as plants, animals, insects, including humus soil, and is not interested in glass, crystals, etc. The problem is that if you calculate it this way, Qima is also on the slime's diet.

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