The nomadic tribe outside the town is as expected. Little Thumb nodded, not surprised at all.

The order in Akita Town is incredible, and all foreigners must stay in the only hotel in the town, so it is not that easy to escape the attention of others.

The only exception is the nomadic tribe outside the town. Because they need to graze their cattle, they often leave in small tribes. Therefore, they only need to disguise themselves as one of them. Unless they are inspected one by one, they will not be caught at all.

Notify our allies of this matter. Don't take the initiative. Report the situation if necessary. Little Thumb thought for a while and finally made a decision.

Although Little Thumb is young, he is very experienced. He knows very well that the Book of Flesh cannot be eaten by him alone, so he thought of his ally, the mysterious Viscount Hydera.

But his guess was correct. The assassin of the Church of Flesh was indeed a herdsman disguised as a nomadic tribe.

But no one thought that after the transformation, the system population would be in touch with each other, which meant that they would know whether the other party was with them without opening their mouths. Therefore, the assassins of the Flesh Church were like huskies who had blended into a pack of wolves. I thought it was a good disguise, but in fact, everyone except myself knew it was fake.

At this time, Bella had not received the notice from Owen to release the water, and was still on alert. So after discovering the pretender, she sent someone to notify Owen, and at the same time mobilized the nomadic cavalry to prepare to encircle and suppress the opponent.

Interesting, how did they find out? In an ordinary nomadic tent, an old shepherd held a trembling lamb in his arms, squinting and stirring the milk tea that was being heated, as if he didn't hear the approaching people. The sound of horse hooves sounded, and he still said to himself in a somewhat doubtful voice.

She casts spells at the cost of disguising the target's flesh and blood. From the appearance, voice to smell, they are 100% the same. In addition, she is proficient in imitation. Even relatives who get along day and night are difficult to detect in a short period of time, so how did she expose herself? very interested.

The bloody witch Chima, a notorious assassin of the Church of Flesh, possesses thousands of faces and an immortal body. She likes to pretend to be the person closest to her target, revealing her bloody side at the most pleasurable moment, just like a knight. She is like a beautiful woman who likes to take out an ice pick and bleed men to calm her down.

She was originally the daughter of a noble who joined the Church of Flesh to maintain her beauty. Later, in order to obtain the gift of flesh and blood and eternal youth, she sacrificed the entire family and all the people in the territory with the flesh ritual. The flesh and blood of thousands of people created this terrifying witch. , is a wanted criminal ranked within the hundred in the empire. If you kill or capture him, you will receive a noble title and territory.

Given the preciousness of imperial noble titles, the fact that this person is still alive shows how capable she is. Therefore, even if her tent is overturned by nomadic cavalry, she still does not panic.

The assassin who assassinated Professor Brian, you are so bold! Bella held a tiger-headed golden gun in one hand and a short spear in the other. She stared at the opponent warily and did not approach rashly. Apparently, Ciel had given her a A good lesson.

Demonized centaur? No, haha, it's such a fascinating combination of flesh and blood! Chima laughed. Apparently she saw the combination of Bella and her beloved horse, and she suddenly burst into weird laughter.

But this did not anger Bella. She never thought there was anything wrong with her marriage to her beloved horse. It was obvious that they would always be together and gallop together.

Since we are enemies, then go to hell! Bella calmly asked the nomadic cavalry to distance themselves, then drew their bows and fired arrows.

The nomadic cavalry were equipped with recurve short bows suitable for use on horseback. The range was a bit short, but the penetrating power at close range was very strong. Chima was shot into a hedgehog with almost no resistance.

Bella witnessed with her own eyes the arrows piercing the flesh and piercing through the gaps in the bones. A large amount of blood spurted out with the appearance of the wounds, causing most of the blood in the opponent's body to be lost in a short period of time.

What the hell is this?! Bella didn't think that an assassin who could sneak into the magic school and successfully assassinate Professor Brian would be killed so easily, so she immediately ordered the surrounding herdsmen to evacuate farther away, and at the same time ordered the nomadic cavalry to continue Continuous remote suppression.

Even though there were so many arrows on his body that he couldn't lie down, the twisted corpse still made an unhappy sound, as if the prank had failed, with a bit of annoyance.

It's indeed a monster. Bella clenched the tiger-headed golden gun in her hand, staring at the opponent warily, ready to sell it at any time.

Seeing that the seduction plan failed, the body was split open in the middle, and a pair of jade hands stretched out from the abdomen. After opening the belly, a naked woman emerged from inside.

Even though her body was covered in blood and mucus in her abdominal cavity, Chima still exuded fatal temptation. Unfortunately, she was facing system soldiers and Bella.

Although her partner Emile is huge, she possesses the blood of a succubus. Once her charm is turned on, not even men or women can resist her carrot-thick fingers. Therefore, Bella, who has been tested for a long time, completely ignores her bloody charm. Instead, he immediately threw out the short spear in his hand.

The short spear made of fine steel is very heavy. With the strong arm strength, this heaviness turns into an even more terrifying lethality, which is enough to pierce through the armored knights, including men and horses. However, Chima completely ignored it and let the short spear go. Half of her body was torn apart. Even though her heart and lungs were hanging from her chest and dangling in the air, and her shattered muscles and bones were scattered all over the floor, her expression still didn't change at all.

Almost as soon as the injury appeared, a large amount of flesh and blood grew on Chima's wound. The proliferated flesh and blood cells piled up randomly, like billowing beer foam. After filling the wound, these flesh and blood cells began to convert into the building blocks of the human body. Muscles, bones, skin, and flesh, like plasticine, perfectly filled the wound just now.

Immortal! Owen, who had arrived by disguising himself, happened to see this scene, and his expression was not very good.

In fact, he knows that there is no immortal body in this world. Gods and gods will fall one day. Immortal devils and demons can also be completely killed. A mere assassin who manipulates the power of flesh and blood can do nothing to him. Irving can only be described as a nuisance, not a threat.

Owen did not come alone, he also brought Ciel and Shinobi, but he knew that the most suitable person to take action was not them, but him.

Influenced by comics and novels from his previous life, Owen has almost guessed the opponent's abilities.

Now it has revealed its flesh and blood camouflage, and has the ability to shed skin similar to Orochimaru. With the addition of flesh and blood manipulation and rapid regeneration, it can almost be equated with immortality.

In addition, it is estimated that there is an ability similar to Kimimaro's corpse bone veins. As for the ability to plunder the vitality of other people's flesh and blood to restore one's own, I believe that as a member of the Flesh and Blood Church, he should also be able to master it.

The combination of these abilities can be regarded as the mortal enemy of flesh and blood creatures. Even if Ciel is a legend, he will capsize if he is good or not, let alone a relatively fragile Shinobi.

Only he, who has the Puppet Master profession, can restrain the opponent's ability.

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