Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 170 Energy Shaping and Fantasy Projection

Owen is still unable to exert the power of the authority fragments of the God of Reality and Illusion. After all, this is the authority of the gods. Even if it is incomplete, it cannot be used by mortals. Even the devil is just taking advantage of the rules of the authority fragments and taking advantage of the situation. , and does not really control this piece of debris, otherwise how would Irving win.

Although he cannot control it, the fragment of authority still gives Owen an ability similar to the power of my thoughts.

The greatest function of the authority of the God of Reality and Illusion is to eliminate the boundary between reality and illusion, turn reality into illusion, and turn illusion into reality. In theory, the things he has done in space before can also be done in reality. It can even make the musket play the power of the bolter, or build a spaceship out of a pile of junk in the Middle Ages.

Let alone physics, he doesn’t even talk about the principles.

The problem is that Owen can't do it now, because the laws of the material world are not vegetarian. If you want to break them, you must endure the backlash of the laws.

If the laws of the material world are like layers of tight steel ropes that maintain the stability of the material world, then Owen, who has the fragment of authority of the God of Reality and Illusion, is equivalent to holding a universal tool in his hand, which can be changed in a short time. However, the steel cable cannot be cut off directly, otherwise once the tight steel cable breaks, Owen, the perpetrator, will definitely be beaten into pieces.

Owen estimated that he could now do energy shaping and fantasy projection.

The former is similar to the ability to manipulate elements, similar to that of a warlock, while the latter is magical and a manifestation of fantasy. Although the upper limit is not high and the time is limited, it is fun, and the extent to which it can be developed depends entirely on imagination.

Theoretically, as long as the fantasy is in place, the Sky-Opening Ax can be realized, but the Sky-opening Ax embodied in this way can only cut human silk smoothly, and it is impossible to really split chaos.

You have to think about it, what the God of Reality and Illusion couldn't do before he died, can you expect the fragments of authority left behind after death to do it?

This is not the kind of thinking that leads to blindness.

In fact, Owen felt that the most important thing about the power fragments was the ability to transform reality into reality. This reminded him of something, the void engine in the super seminary world, which can modify reality and break concepts.

Of course, all of this is just imagination. The problem Owen needs to solve now is this little loli devil with white hair and red eyes who hides a murder weapon.

According to the devil's contract, this part of the origin now belongs to Owen, so he can change his appearance at will, even into a dog. However, he did not do so. Instead, he was thinking about how to use this devil more efficiently.

When used in battle, it feels like using a smartphone as a brick. It's not that it's useless, but it's just that it's not used in the right place.

According to the grade of this devil, although it is a high-end product, its actual strength is still not up to the level of legend, at most master level.

But if you underestimate the other person because of this, the devil might not be able to help laughing on the spot.

As mentioned before, the devil is a natural caster of spells, and there are still theories that the source of magic comes from the devil.

Although I don’t know whether it is true or not, it is true that the devil is good at using magic.

So the question arises, how many secret magics, rituals, secrets and curses has been mastered by a devil who has lived for countless years.

There are not many unlucky people who think they have sovereignty and are eventually defeated by the devil. With this achievement, even if the devil is drunk, he will be embarrassed to show it off because he does not show his face.

Therefore, this devil cannot be used directly. It must be transformed from the inside out into the shape you want.

Re-sealing the devil into the Black Magic Book, Owen returns to reality.

Although a long time passed in space, the outside world only lasted a moment, and the battle with the bone-eating shark was not over yet.

Owen was no longer willing to delay. After receiving so many benefits, he urgently needed a quiet environment to digest, so his original playful mentality changed.

Owen came to the deck and saw that the three new shikigami had finished massacring the Bone-Eating Shark pirates. Watanabe was adjusting the angle of the ship's bow in an attempt to support the Hayate, so he took out a musket.

Nuan Baobao on the side was making a low buzzing sound, assisting Owen in constructing his fantasy in a state of mental resonance. A strange firearm that could only be described as silly and thick gradually replaced the original musket.

As the strange firearms become more complete and real, the invisible pressure becomes greater. It feels like two magnets with the same pole are being forced together.

But this world is too weak. Although there was a response to Owen's strength, the resistance was not strong enough. With his increasingly skilled skills, the big gun finally took shape and was successfully fired.

A thick bullet like a rocket hit the main mast of the Bone-Eating Shark pirate ship almost instantly, and then a ball of fire exploded. The power of the explosion not only shattered the mast, but also tore the deck, turning the ship into a It became a floating coffin on the sea, and was allowed to be attacked from both sides by the Gale and Flying Fish. It was trembling from the repeated shelling, and it looked like it was filled with water. Finally, the white flag was raised to surrender.

It's a pity that the battle in front of him can no longer attract any of Owen's attention. He is not satisfied with the power of the shot just now, but there is no way. He does not have the structural drawings of the original bolt gun, nor those scarce materials, so The shot just now was more based on modern firearms and was enhanced by fantasy. Therefore, its power could only be compared with that of an aircraft cannon. It would be cruel to use it on an interstellar battlefield.

The fantasy was dispelled, and the fine musket in Owen's hand turned into a pile of fine particles. Not only was it the reason for its initial burst of power, but the blessing of fantasy and the distortion of reality also completely destroyed its structure.

However, the results of this attempt still gave Owen a lot of gains and insights, and he had some clues about future research directions.

On the Pier of Pirate Island, Abigail's expression was a little complicated. She turned her head and glanced at Shu Liya, who looked lost. Thinking about the inspection just now, she decided to let Owen transform the third princess more thoroughly, leaving no trace behind. It was annoying but unable to speak, so in the end he paid the reward as promised and watched the other party leave.

During the whole process, Abigail didn't mention the black magic book. It wasn't that she didn't know it, but she knew it would be useless if she knew it.

She knew very well how attractive a black magic book left by a powerful witch was to a powerful wizard. To be honest, she might not be able to leave, so she might as well go back and leave it to the queen to worry about.

By the way, this is not the only thing that the queen has to worry about. It seems that the third prince, no, the third princess is not right either. Anyway, the queen has a headache.

Abigail couldn't help but shake her head when she thought of the changes that had happened to Shu Liya. Now I'm afraid even the queen didn't know what to do. After all, from some aspects, Shu Liya was already half qualified to inherit the throne, but she just didn't know Does the Queen agree?

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