It's snowing heavily and it's freezing cold. Owen can't make any big moves. After all, going out in this weather is just asking for death, so it's impossible for a large number of people and supplies to come to the door. Otherwise, it will insult Maya's IQ.

It just so happens that he can take a good rest, summarize the results achieved during this period, and make a draft for the next development. After all, no matter how bad the plan is, it is still a plan. You can't just stop doing it because of repeated revisions. At least you have a planning brain. There will be a general direction in it, and you will know how to modify it even if you modify it.

In fact, planning is not difficult. There are only a few hundred people in the territory now, and everything is lacking. All he has to do is to see which part of the vacancy should be filled first.

But because he lacked everything, he often went off topic while doing what he was doing. Owen had nothing to do about this, because the territory was so poor that he was just like carrying a bag of cement to build a house, and even that was not enough. use.

Fortunately, his efforts were not in vain. This year, the serfs in the territory will not freeze to death due to the construction of villages. This is a good thing. He will buy some serfs before next spring, so that there will be more manpower. After all, no matter how big the territory is, , no one can do it.

With sufficient manpower, more advanced farming techniques will be learned under the leadership of systematic farmers, and coupled with metal farm tools produced by the blacksmith shop, if nothing unexpected happens, the territory will usher in a bumper harvest next year. In this case, it needs to be prepared in advance Prepare for war.

On the Northland border, a good harvest is not necessarily a good thing, because it will attract many bandits, who will take everything away, and don't expect them to leave rations or even seeds. This is why the Northland border has never developed. , because there are too many robbers, and many times your neighbors are the most dangerous and will send you to hell. Otherwise, why would Owen accumulate soldiers if he didn't immerse himself in farming?

But Owen is not afraid at the moment, because by the time of next autumn harvest, the territory's military strength will be at least doubled, enough to protect his wealth.

Now the number of soldiers in the territory is quite considerable, with twenty swordsmen, twenty foot archers, eight spear-bearing native soldiers and twelve spearmen, four scout cavalry, and ten cuirassiers. In addition to Without knights, the combat effectiveness is already comparable to the peak of Hydra I.

This military power is enough to conquer the territory of any baron on the northern border. Even a viscount will feel like facing a powerful enemy. It is a power that Owen is proud of.

But the price was that more than a hundred progress points were lost, which he had accumulated for nearly three months.

At the same time, there are dozens of craftsmen and farmers, a lot of materials, and dozens of progress values.

There is also the wooden village in the Devil's Horn Forest. There are currently twenty farmers, ten swordsmen, ten crossbowmen, and four scouts stationed there. They are also a strong force, but it also cost him a few dollars. Ten progress points.

If it weren't for the recovery speed getting faster and faster after the upper limit of the progress value reached 20, he wouldn't have been able to accumulate so much.

It can be said that Owen's accumulation for the past six months is all here, and this is what allows him to spend the winter with peace of mind.

However, Maodong's progress value during this period would be wasted if not used, so Irving wanted to find a reasonable use direction.

With something on his mind, Owen decided not to stay in bed today. Although the cold wind was still howling outside the closed window, he still used strong willpower to open his eyes, but it was still very cold.

The entire castle was just made of stone, which had no thermal insulation effect. After Irving had the conditions, he first had the doors and windows repaired, so that at least he wouldn't hear the wind blowing in through the wide gaps and taking away the little heat.

As a lord, Owen's conditions were naturally better. Not only were the doors and windows tightly closed, but there were also thick curtains to block the cold air. There was also a fireplace facing the gorgeous bed, which finally kept the indoor temperature at a tolerable level.

In fact, Owen is hypocritical. Compared with those serfs shivering in the cold wind, he is simply living in paradise.

It's just that from being frugal to being extravagant, and getting used to a better and better life, naturally I can't bear the hardship.

Pulling the rope on the side, the bell next door rang, and Maya, who was already prepared, walked in.

First, he added two pieces of dry firewood to the fireplace to raise the temperature of the room. Then he picked up the copper kettle on the side. The water in it was at the right temperature. He poured it into the copper basin so that Owen could wash his face and brush his teeth.

After washing up and changing clothes, Ciel brought breakfast.

Warm oatmeal, freshly baked bread, bacon and fried eggs, this is Irving's breakfast.

After breakfast, Owen moved his hands and feet indoors and did a set of radio gymnastics. After his body warmed up, he went to the study alone.

After closing the door, Owen took out a stack of parchment from the secret compartment. These were the game contents he had sorted out. They were mainly about horseback riding and slashing and the Age of Empire. From arms, buildings to resources, they were all listed in the book. It's Chinese characters, but I'm not afraid of being seen. Even with the magic of understanding languages, it's hard to see what's wrong.

These two games provide Owen with a large number of choices of troops, buildings and resources. If he were to simply be a lord, these two games would be enough, but the problem is that this world is not simple.

Owen learned from Maya that there is extraordinary power in this world, such as fighting spirit, magic, miracles, orcs, elves, and demons. These all exist.

As for why he has never seen one before, the reason is simple. Engineers and programmers can only be regarded as ordinary professions in big cities and are very common. But will they go to remote mountain villages without electricity to find jobs?

The border of the North is the edge of the edge, not even as good as the countryside of the empire. How could someone with extraordinary power come here?

But Owen felt that he had to be on guard. After all, with the system at his side, a mere border lord was definitely not his upper limit. In other words, attracting extraordinary power would be a matter of time, so he planned to make some preparations in advance.

When the progress value is ten points, most of the open games do not involve extraordinary power. Although the monks and holy objects in the Empire Age involve extraordinary powers, the exchange progress value is above ten points.

After the progress value reaches twenty points, the extraordinary realm begins to unfold for Owen.

The problem is that he doesn't like the low-end extraordinary power, and he can't afford the high-end one, so even though it's been a while, Irving still hasn't made a choice.

Don’t even think about things like Invincible Heroes, World of Warcraft, and the Dark God of Destruction now. Firstly, the background setting is too ambitious. Secondly, the upper limit of power is too high. It has reached the realm of gods. It is not at the current level of progress. The only ones that can be turned on are those games that have some mysterious elements but do not have a high upper limit.

For example, Super Farm, Plants vs. Zombies, Rebuild Dungeon, and Puppet Master. These four are the new games that Irving has painstakingly selected during this period. Each has its own characteristics, but the upper limit is not high.

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