After Irving returned, he found that Lao Rui was tying up the stunned savages with the pirates who had been forcibly awakened. When he saw Irving, he hurried over to salute. Even the pirates bowed their heads to show their obedience. After all, they were unknowingly. He fell to the ground. It was so scary that he didn’t even know how he died.

Bring these savages up. Owen ordered unceremoniously.

Even though they were weak and weak, these pirates still did not have the courage to oppose Owen's orders. Fortunately, the savages were small and thin, so they were not tiring to carry them.

Owen led the group of pirates to bring the savages to the castle tower, and then rummaged through his space expansion pocket.

Although they were surprised that such an exquisite building appeared on an island with only savages, neither Lao Rui nor the pirates had any intention of asking and just stayed aside.

With the combination of magic potions and spells, and the fact that these savages were in a coma, Owen spent a small amount of progress points to convert these savages into the population of the castle tower, and then exchanged some tools for these savages to cut down trees, collect stones, and prepare to build barracks.

Witnessing Owen's ability to change people's hearts, these pirates all looked earth-colored.

Don't look, you are not worth it. Owen knew what these pirates were thinking without looking up, so he said calmly.

The almost humiliating words made these pirates who had no bottom line feel somewhat relieved, but they relaxed a little too early.

Although you are all a bunch of rubbish, you will still work under me. I will give you a mark to remember so that you won't cause trouble to me. Owen took out the wand he had not used for a long time and called everyone by name.

The green and ominous rays hit the chests of these pirates one by one, but no one dared to hide, because along the way they had become very aware of how ruthless the new captain was and how weird his methods were. If you die one more time, it will be difficult to hide and die.

When Owen put away his wand, a brave pirate took off his clothes on his chest and discovered that there was a tattoo, or mark, where the green ray hit.

Lao Rui could see that this was part of the pirate flag. He had two snake heads, and the other pirates only had one snake head. He immediately understood that his status was above those pirates, and the original panic disappeared immediately. Obviously status and rights are the best. Good medicine.

You guys should understand the function of the mark, so even if you use your life to prove your loyalty to me, don't use betrayal to test my skills. Owen said expressionlessly, and then let the bones out. The pirates who braved the cold went to rest, after all they still had value.

Hundreds of Japanese farmers converted from savages quickly built the barracks overnight. This was mainly related to the simplicity of Japanese construction. Then they entered the barracks and started training.

There is no need to open up wasteland for farming. Irving can exchange a few points of progress value for materials that will last him a long time. What he needs now is efficiency.

Three days later, hundreds of ashigaru armed with bamboo hats and bamboo spears walked out of the barracks.

But soldiers were not enough. The ashigaru transformed by these savages were not very smart, and Owen was not interested in leading these soldiers to catch the savages, so he used the progress points accumulated during this period to exchange for an ashigaru general.

Just call me Tanaka. Owen said nonchalantly to General Ashigaru who was kneeling in front of him, his head almost buried in his knees.

Hi! My lord gave me the name, I am very grateful! Tanaka kowtowed several times excitedly, and then under Owen's order he took hundreds of ashigaru to capture the savages.

Tanaka's abilities were average, and he could deal with ordinary people, but he was not that good at dealing with the savages hiding in the mountains and forests. If the transformed ashigaru were not all savages, it would not be in embarrassment, but heavy casualties.

Owen didn't blame Tanaka because it didn't matter, he just sent the three new shikigami out.

With the help of the three new shikigami, the process of capturing the savage was much smoother.

Although he is a new shikigami, it does not mean he is weak. Ao Oni's Oni Gold Rod can smash hard rocks, while the Savage's wooden spear and stone ax can only break skin, so the only option is to run for his life when facing Ao Oni.

Although the Goat Demon is not as powerful as the Green Ghost, its speed and agility far exceed that of humans. It is so elusive in the forest that it can harvest the heads of savages with a giant scythe more easily than mowing grass.

As for the huge snake demon, as soon as it appeared, it was worshiped as a god by the savages, and they did not dare to resist at all.

Soon Owen gained many prisoners and then began to transform them.

This is not as difficult as imagined, because the savages on the island are not monolithic, but divided into many tribes, and they have blood feuds with each other.

There is no way, the island is so big, in order to compete for survival resources, if you don't fight hard, you will starve to death.

But the more primitive it is, the simpler hatred is. Especially when everything is based on survival, the so-called hatred is not important.

Therefore, after being defeated and captured, as long as the winning tribe is willing to accept them, these savages will immediately switch sides and fight for the new tribe. Their minds are so simple.

And as long as the heart agrees, the transformation will begin, so Owen can easily obtain a steady stream of manpower.

With the ability to obtain a steady stream of human resources at no cost at all, and the fact that there was obviously no special existence beyond ordinary people's understanding in this world, Owen simply let go and filled the population limit in just a few days.

After this period of observation, Owen found that Tanaka is not suitable for leading troops, because this guy's reaction is relatively slow and he easily misses the opportunity to fight. However, he is more careful, and he came up from Ashigaru step by step, so he can follow the subordinates. People got along well, and even the pirates praised him, so Owen asked him to organize farmers to farm, and this guy was very happy.

Although Tanaka was not suitable to lead troops, an Ashigaru general with a progress value of one in ten was nothing to Owen, and he recruited Matsushita and Watanabe one after another.

Compared to Tanaka, who was born into a peasant family, Matsushita, who was born into a samurai family, was a very rigid person, but he fought very bravely and was full of desire for military glory, so he took over the job of capturing savages.

Watanabe's background was the worst, he didn't even have farmland, and he made a living by fishing, but he was a rare talent for water warfare, so Owen sent him to a sailboat to learn naval warfare from pirates.

After this period of training, the pirates have regained their energy, and under the arrangement of Lao Rui, they have carried out maintenance on the sailboat again, and are now waiting for Owen's orders.

But Owen didn't worry, because the first batch of ashigaru were ready to advance.

Arms can be upgraded. As long as you experience enough battles, you can gain stronger strength. For example, if you accumulate enough experience points, you can upgrade to spears, swords, bamboo bows, iron cannons, etc. level.

The Chogun Ashigaru uses bamboo spears that are over three meters tall. It is very useful in array battles, but it has no room for use in this world.

The katana ashigaru is a katana less than one meter in length. It has average lethality and is quite effective on a ship.

The bamboo bow ashigaru is useless. A nearly two-meter-long bamboo bow held by an ashigaru less than 1.5 meters tall is simply a living joke, and its role is completely negligible.

Owen's focus is on the iron gun ashigaru, because compared to hand-to-hand combat, the musket that all people are equal before the muzzle is more suitable for ashigaru who do not have an advantage in size.

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