After determining that there were not many existences in this world that could pose a threat to him, Owen became calmer and began to study his own problem.

Although he was forced to travel through time, Owen did not panic, because as long as the system was there, the worst-case scenario would be to repeat what he had done before, not to mention that it was not really impossible for him to go back.

Time travel is difficult to control, not uncontrollable. Not to mention that the Hogwarts curse includes transfiguration and portkeys. Alchemy and the mage system also have related space knowledge, so it is only a matter of time before Owen masters time travel and returns. question.

The other is a strange world, which is a new opportunity for him with a golden finger. He can completely build a Hydera organization here as a sub-base.

Thinking of this, Owen smiled and made a Hydra skull and crossbones flag. It was not the original skull-headed octopus, but the one with a dragon-headed Hydra coiled around the skull. It looked ferocious and domineering, with a direct villain temperament. Laman.

Let Lao Rui put on the new pirate flag, and Owen returned to the clean captain's room.

As soon as he entered the door, Owen suddenly felt that the room in front of him was larger than before.

In fact, this is not an illusion. Because the surface has been corroded by moisture and garbage for a long time, it is impossible to clean it. Therefore, the slime maid directly corroded the surface and then applied it with her own body fluid as a waterproof layer. In this way, even The smell is much fresher.

In addition to cleaning, the slime maid also found the things hidden by the former captain, and Owen was looking through them.

A huge sea chart, several diaries, a box of gold and silver coins and jewelry, and a few swords and muskets, that's all.

Nuan Baobao, scan the chart and diary, collect them and analyze them. Of course, Owen does not need to do these things himself, Nuan Baobao will do it on his own.

The writing in this world is not much different from the writing in Owen's world. In fact, he has known this for a long time, because as soon as those pirates opened their mouths, he knew that the humans in the two worlds were related, but what the connection was, now He doesn't know yet.

Through the diary, Owen discovered that the former pirate captain was actually the second son of a nobleman.

However, this will not surprise people. After all, not every pirate captain can understand charts and write diaries. Most captains rely on personal experience. Therefore, although captains do not become more popular as they get older, young ones No one dares to hire a captain.

Owen continued to look at it and found that just as Lao Rui said before, this world is very strange. The center is the Orc Continent, surrounded by scattered islands, and then there is the sea.

No one knows where the boundary of the sea is. Everyone seems to be orbiting the Orc Continent. Therefore, in the early years, there were still humans trying to find a way out of this world, but now no one cares about this. Everyone is busy fighting for more. Lots of living space.

There is no way. After the islands were occupied by humans, they formed multiple federations and became a force for humans to gain a foothold. However, they were not at peace with each other. Otherwise, how could the slave trade that was prevalent at sea come about, and where did so many pirates come from? It’s not because they are fighting for each other’s living space.

Owen doesn't care about this. He needs a place to stand, and then he can farm and build a base. When he can travel back, this place will not be abandoned and can be used as a reserve base.

The question now is where to go, and the diary of a former pirate captain gives Owen many options.

Every pirate has the heart to be an island owner, because once they occupy an island, they can just sit back and collect money without having to brave the storm to plunder at sea.

The former pirate captain had such ambitions, so he collected a lot of information, and now it's all easier for Owen.

The large islands and island chains have been occupied by alliances of all sizes, leaving only scattered islands scattered across the blue sea.

Some of these islands are inhabited by many savages, some have monsters, and some have other dangers or are simply not suitable for survival. Therefore, it seems that there are as many islands as stars on the blue sea, but in fact there are not many to choose from.

Owen thought about it all night and finally settled on Ball Island.

This is an island with a very good geographical location and environment. Unfortunately, not only are there a large number of savages living on it, but there are also sea monsters and sea monsters in the surrounding waters. Even with strong ships and cannons, it is difficult to occupy this island because the price/performance ratio is too low. It’s easy to lose more than you gain.

But this is nothing to Irving, because all he paid was time and the progress value he could recover. No one can compare with him in terms of cost.

Go to Bol Island. Owen handed the chart to Lao Rui, who had gleaming eyes. You must know that the chart represents wealth in this sea. Even old sailors like Lao Rui rely more on experience to sail. Ordinary sea routes are okay, but the key point depends on the captain who knows the charts, so a chart is even more powerful for him.

As you command, Captain! Lao Rui excitedly put away the chart, then turned the rudder while loudly scolding the lazy pirates to raise the sail and adjust the cables, while Owen watched from the side, having a strange experience.

Life at sea is not beautiful, even if Owen cheats, but it does have a feeling of freedom and unrestrainedness. The vast and boundless sea will always make people feel awe and yearning, and there will always be warriors trying to conquer the sea, but the ending is always different. It's the same, buried in the sea and integrated with the ocean.

But even with the best scenery, there is a time when you have seen enough. After Irving handed over the sailing matters to Lao Rui, he returned to the captain's room and opened the attribute bar to see how many changes there were after integrating the ancient blood.

Name: Owen, age: 20, occupation: intermediate puppet master/junior alchemist/junior mage/junior wizard/junior onmyoji, magic value: 500/500.

Command 30, force 25, intelligence 50, politics 30, charisma 65.

Specialties: Mystery, Ancient Blood.

Skills: telekinesis, mental scanning, mental meditation, alchemy, air magic, devil aura, monster summoning, Hogwarts fourth-year spells, onmyoji (attack and defense sensitivity heals sealing), shikigami transformation , Shikigami summoning, rune knowledge, witchcraft knowledge.

Equipment: Saint Aries power armor, thunder power hammer, consciousness remote control glasses.

Mount: Heavy Magic Sheep.

Pets: Cats/Growth period.

Shikigami: Queen Slime, Minotaur Minotaur, Great Witch Emile, Demon Centaur Bella.

Puppet: Top Hat, Endurance to Kill, Warm Baby.

The long list of professions makes Owen very speechless, but these professions have their own characteristics and are different from each other, and they cannot be integrated at all. For example, mages are mainly based on spiritual power, and wizards are mainly based on magic blood. Owen has the characteristics of both. , even he himself doesn’t know how to divide it.

Fortunately, Owen did not mess up. He was very clear about his future path. He used the Puppet Master as a pavement to study alchemy in depth. During this period, he studied the system of the Mage and the Wizard. After all, these two professions are different from the Puppet Master and the Alchemist. There are high overlapping fields, and Onmyoji is just a make-up. After all, the potential of a profession that relies entirely on shikigami.

Next, Irving discovered the benefits of the composite profession. It has an astonishing breadth in the research field. In almost any direction of research, he can obtain relevant knowledge from other professions. He can always find shortcuts and it is difficult to encounter bottlenecks. Inspiration erupted like a volcano, making Owen unconsciously indulged in it.

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