It's a pity that Owen's good mood did not last long, because from the news coming from Mara Town, he learned that not only the Hairui Chamber of Commerce was here, but his mother was also here, and she also brought her half-brother or half-father with her. His mother's sister made him feel like he had swallowed a fly.

Although he was lonely in his heart and longed for friendship, love, and family affection, Owen understood that this was just a little pretentiousness in his heart. When he really faced this problem, he was at a loss and even resisted.

Owen has never thought about accepting his mother and sisters or taking revenge on them, because he had already traveled through time when he was abandoned, so the love and hatred from his previous life had nothing to do with him.

After all, no matter how deep the memory is, it will be the same as watching a movie that moved people to tears a few years ago. No matter how excited it was at the time, when I recall it now, my heart is calm.

That is to say, deep down in his heart, he feels that the other person is a stranger, even if the two parties are related by blood.

The problem is that turning him away is not enough. Let alone his few remaining bottom lines and three views, his reputation alone will not allow him to do this.

If Owen was unknown, no one would care about anything he did, but now that Akita Town is famous in the North, as a lord, he will naturally become famous.

At this time, if there is a scandal about shutting out his mother and sister, his reputation will be ruined.

Theoretically, his reputation has little impact on Owen, but he can't deny that his bloodline is here, and after all, he will be in contact with the empire in the future, so his reputation cannot be ignored at all.

For this reason, and a little kindness in his heart, Irving finally decided to relocate the mother and daughter to Green Shadow Town. Anyway, he did not lack the food and clothing for two people, so he just wanted to raise two idle people in exchange for a good reputation. It also ensures that the two of them will not be used by others to cause any bloody things.

It doesn't matter whether the other party is willing or not.

Madam, please come with me. The lord has prepared a place for you and the lady.

Maya led twenty cuirassiers and two knights to meet Shili, and picked up the opponent in a manner consistent with the opponent's identity, leaving Cord on the side unable to say a word.

At the moment, Maya represents Hydra III. If he dares to interrupt, it is not unfair at all to be hacked to death with a sword. After all, his identity is only the steward of the Chamber of Commerce. Who has the right to interrupt the conversation of the nobles, so he can only watch Maya. Taking away their biggest trump card, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Maya knew the plans of the Hairui Chamber of Commerce, and of course she would not let their plans go ahead, so she picked them up halfway. In this way, the Hairui Chamber of Commerce was just a chamber of commerce, and they could do whatever they wanted.

But Maya's mind quickly focused on the carriage beside her. The key point was where there must be no mistakes.

In the carriage, Hela didn't react much to the heavily armed knights outside. She held a book and told her little daughter a story, while Katie sat obediently and listened to the story she had heard so many times. Mother and daughter The two look very harmonious.

Maya, who was following the carriage, saw this heartwarming scene, but she became more vigilant.

Maya has never met the owner's mother, but she only knows that the other party abandoned the owner a few years ago and took away all the wealth in the territory. But now after seeing the real person, she is skeptical about this statement.

Although personality and temperament can be disguised, no matter how good the pretender is, there will always be traces of disharmony.

Maya is very sensitive in this regard. After all, when dealing with a group of nobles who wear masks on their faces until they die, you will not live long if you are not sensitive.

First of all, Maya believes that Hela is not a simple person, at least not a simple daughter of the Chamber of Commerce.

When businessmen train their daughters, they are ready to give them away. They must be gentle and considerate, and be virtuous in running the household. As for their talents, they need to be in charge of housekeeping, doing calculations, knowing how to read, and being able to teach the next generation the basics.

The problem is that the owner's mother Hela doesn't look like a virtuous woman who is willing to support her husband and raise her children. She seems too deliberate in taking care of her children. In addition, she is too beautiful.

Maya is quite confident in her beauty, especially after solving her physical problems and regaining her youth. Even after she is over 40, she still has looks that are beyond her peak.

But when facing Hela, Maya couldn't gain the slightest advantage in appearance. Whether it was the strange silver long hair or the silver pupils, they all added a bit of mysterious charm to the original beauty.

In some ways, beauty is both a kind of wealth and a sin. With the size of the Hai Rui Chamber of Commerce, it is absolutely impossible to protect Hela with such beauty, let alone marry her to a remote northern noble. , because this is not in line with maximizing interests.

Because of Hela's beauty, any noble in the empire would get a big reward if she presented her to him, which was a huge attraction for the Hai Rui Chamber of Commerce.

Taking this as a ladder, I dare not say that I will be rich and powerful. At least the richest party will have no problem. The Hairui Chamber of Commerce does not need to suffer at the border of Northland.

So Hairui Chamber of Commerce has problems, and she also has problems.

But the biggest problem now is that Maya doesn't know what's wrong with Hela, and she can't use some means, which puts her in a dilemma. After all, this is not a prisoner, but the nominal mistress.

While Maya kept thinking, Hela glanced at her thoughtfully, and then focused on the stone road in the forest.

Hela originally didn't care about going there. She knew very well that he was a timid and fragile child. Although she didn't know who was manipulating him behind the scenes, his nature would not change. At most, it was because he didn't want to see herself. Set yourself up in an out-of-the-way place.

Hela thought so at first, but when she stepped onto the stone road in the forest, she felt a little surprised. After seeing Green Shadow Town, she realized that she had underestimated the child, or the power behind him.

Greenshade Town is very special. Here you can see adventurers bargaining with novice monster goblins, and you can also see witches holding crystal balls playing tricks on the street corners. The security team is actually a mutant goblin with a horn. Lin, even Hela thought this was outrageous, let alone the very young Katie, whose eyes showed curiosity and desire for the first time.

After entering the town, Maya did not stop, but went all the way to the exquisite villa located in the corner of the town.

The environment here is elegant, surrounded by green trees, ensuring sufficient privacy. At the same time, the unique design of the villa with swimming pool, as well as the magic items inside, make life full of fun and convenience. It can be said that everything from construction to design is reflected in the care.

This was originally a place where Owen came to stay for a short while, but now it is a residence for Hela and her daughter.

Just when Maya was about to introduce the situation here, Emile, who was responsible for debugging and installing magic items, walked out of the villa, but when she saw Hela, she was shocked and speechless.

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