Slaughter, plague, disappearance, what the hell are these things?! Owen slammed the information on the table and walked around the study with his hands behind his back.

Although it was just a line of text, Owen knew that this was a tragedy that happened not far from the territory, so how could he feel better.

Of course, he is not overly sympathetic and intends to become a police officer in the Northland. He is very aware that the territory will not be spared if this continues. It is only a matter of time.

Thinking of this, Owen came to the sand table and planted the skull and crossbones flags one by one according to the general direction provided by the intelligence.

For the entire Northland, these skull and crossbones flags are insignificant, but there are only so many noble territories and a small population in the Northland. If this continues, there will be no one left in a few years.

What's even worse is that this trend is spreading towards his territory. It is obvious that the reputation of Akita Town is attracting these troubles.

Owen began to calculate the strength of the territory's troops, because he no longer needed to waste progress points on ordinary farmers. In addition, the barbarian tribes and nomadic tribes in the north were gradually assimilated, and their sense of identity increased. The stability of the territory has been increasing, so that he can concentrate on external affairs. .

The population of the territory is not too large, just a few thousand people, but the proportion of young adults is very high. Excluding the old, young and women, the proportion of adult males exceeds one-third. This is also the result of the birth of a large number of babies, so the territory does not lack military strength. , capable of pulling out thousands of soldiers and horses at any time.

And now there are only three places where troops need to be stationed in the territory, namely the territory, Muzhai, and Mara Town.

Owen thought about it and first transferred back the farmers responsible for local construction, and then the original residents of Mara Town. As for the garrison, considering the special location of Mara Town, he decided to dispatch fifty light cavalry and fifty Nomadic Cavalry.

This arrangement is mainly because Owen has never considered taking the town of Mara for a head-on fight, so the light cavalry and nomadic cavalry that can detect and escape are very suitable, because if something is wrong, they can immediately protect the residents of Mara Town and retreat. .

Moreover, the residents of Mara Town tend to herd horses and ride horses, and they can also pretend to be cavalry when necessary.

As for Muzhai, Irving was a little confused because the location of Muzhai was a bit useless.

Initially, it was to serve as support and surprise troops when the territory was surrounded. Later, with the construction of Green Shade Town, Muzhai became a gatekeeper, which was still dispensable.

In the end, Owen decided to evacuate the soldiers and expand it as a residence for the northern barbarian tribes. As for the soldiers, every adult northern barbarian is a qualified warrior, so there is no need to station soldiers.

Territory is the key point. Owen divides soldiers into four categories: the first category is the main force, the second category is the security team, the third category is the reserve force, and the fourth category is the secret force to enhance the territory's war potential in all aspects.

Main force:

20 scouts, 100 swordsmen, 100 archers, 100 crossbowmen, 100 pikemen, and 100 barbarian heavy infantry.

30 scouts, 100 nomads, 50 archers, 50 lancers, 50 cuirassiers, and 2 knights.

Security Patrol: Long Swordsman 50, Spear Thrower 50.

Secret troops: ninja team, witch hunting team, Teutonic warriors.

The main corps is the largest and has the most complex composition of arms. Therefore, Howard, an experienced city defense officer, is in charge, and Bella leads the cavalry to assist. It is the strongest, because the main corps will also take on the task of expedition when necessary.

The patrol team is mainly responsible for the security of the territory. They are composed of agile swordsmen and spear throwers with fatal throwing abilities, which are more intimidating.

The reserves are all adult males in the territory. They are given equipment and trained regularly. Their combat effectiveness is not high, but when necessary, they will become a force that cannot be ignored.

The secret force is composed entirely of elites and is responsible for the secret security of the castle, territory and Greenshade Town.

However, the number of people is a little small, and the strength is also a bit lacking in Owen's opinion, and he is planning to strengthen it.

Seeing the current strength of the territory, Owen felt somewhat relieved.

Every night, the entire territory falls into a deep sleep. Only the hotels that receive outsiders are still brightly lit. However, these outsiders are very aware of the territory's curfew. They will only stay in the hotels to drink and have fun, and dare not go out, otherwise they will be patrolled. The vigilantes would be happy to snatch them up and hang them.

But rules are meant to be broken, and restless people will always appear, such as Polly and Keli.

The two pretended to be adventurers, but they were actually members of the Demon Head.

The Demon Head is an evil organization composed of demon warlocks and demon wizards. It is good at summoning and enslaving demons and is proficient in the production of demon eggs. It likes to spread demon eggs, harvest them when they are mature, and cultivate high-quality demon thugs or materials.

The warlocks Emile met before and some of the recent massacres of villages in the North were all caused by them.

However, the Demon's Head sounds very powerful. Not only can it enslave demons, but it can also use demons as material, but in fact it can only be regarded as second-rate among evil organizations.

In this world, because of the existence of extraordinary power, personal abilities can be infinitely improved. Therefore, the upper limit of an organization is not the number of people or the amount of wealth it possesses, but the strength of the strongest and the number of masters.

It's similar to the Akatsuki organization in Naruto. There aren't many people, but who dares to look down on it and not be afraid of these psychopaths who specialize in demolition?

Because the main members of the Demon Head are demon warlocks and demon wizards, the upper limit of their strength is limited by their own magic blood. As a result, the middle and bottom levels are good in strength, but the top ones are too stretched, so the evaluation of the Demon Head is not high. .

Of course, because he likes to spread chaos and create massacres, the Demon Head suffered a lot of blows. It was difficult to survive in the empire, so he came to the Northland, and he was really at home.

This time, the members of the Devil's Head in the North heard about the reputation of Akita Town. They came over to take a look and found that it was indeed suitable for them, so they decided to take action tonight.

Polly is a middle-level employee of the Demon Head, and his strength is not bad, while Keli is a newly joined wild warlock, so all the dirty work is his.

Now Polly was slowly drawing the summoning circle with the blood of the black lamb, and Keli hummingly placed the quietly kidnapped residents of Akita Town on the sacrifice positions. He was exhausted and sweating, but he was very happy in his heart.

It's really nice here. There are no annoying adventurers or disgusting priests. The residents are in good health and have no bad habits. It's great as a sacrifice! Keli, who was busy fighting against others, was excited. said.

As a newcomer to the head of the devil, although this was not his first time summoning a sacrifice, it was his first time to offer such a high-quality sacrifice. In the past, he either dragged away drunkards covered in vomit from the back of the tavern, or kidnapped a few skinny ones. Ruchai's serf, if he wants to find a decent sacrifice, not only has to be wary of the town guards, but also risks being killed by all-pervasive adventurers. It can be said that every sacrifice is stained with his blood and tears.

What made him even more frustrated was that this kind of rubbish sacrifice could not summon a powerful demon at all, even a farmer would have trouble beating him.

This time, Boss Polly is finally willing to take him, so he must perform well. Maybe he will be rewarded with a more powerful demon. It would be great if it is a succubus.

Compared to the excited Keli, Polly was much calmer, because what he valued was not this sacrifice, but the entire town of Akita.

As long as he is given enough time, he can sacrifice the entire Akita Town to a certain demon lord in exchange for powerful power. By then, he may not be able to take the position of the demon's head.

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