Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 126 Maya plans to use a trick

While Owen was in seclusion to reform his puppets, two northern barbarian tribes were busy crossing the river.

The barbarians in the North are not good at water. In fact, they only take a few baths in their lives. Therefore, they need to choose a shallow place to wade in the river, and at the same time, they have to move livestock and tents across the river. This is not an easy task. It was a difficult job, especially in the water. Even if the barbarians from the north had brute strength, they couldn't do it, so it took most of the day to cross the river.

The problem is that the entire Buffalo Territory has been demolished a long time ago. The northern barbarians who came here happily did not get anything they wanted, not even an iron pot, and they immediately became angry. After all, they did not come all the way for this. He was looking at the scenery, so he immediately surrounded a woman.

She is the daughter of the Buffalo Baron. She can persuade two northern barbarian tribes to go south, and she must have promised many benefits. But now she has not seen the benefits. Instead, she is wet and cold. And she doesn't know how to spend this year. What can be given to her? It's strange that he looks so good.

I can take you to Howard's territory, which is the richest place in the entire North, with a lot of food and iron! Mia, who looked sallow and skinny and looked dirty, was like a savage. At this time, she almost lost her temper and shouted loudly. , her voice was broken, which showed that she was on the verge of collapse.

In fact, she asked for it.

The reason why the Buffalo Baron was able to establish a relationship with the Northland barbarians was because he sold metals to the Northland barbarians that were strictly prohibited by the empire.

Even so, the two sides cannot be called allies, or even friends, because these metals require the northern barbarians to exchange a large amount of high-quality furs, and the exchange ratio is quite exaggerated, which can be regarded as a black heart.

After obtaining cheap furs, the Buffalo Baron can easily make large profits by selling them to the Hai Rui Chamber of Commerce.

The problem is that the Northland barbarians are not good gentlemen. They are full of brutality and violence. They will never exchange anything they can get, so they will definitely be dissatisfied, because if you have something but don’t give it to them, you are an enemy to the Northland barbarians.

But the existence of the North Boundary River is a different kind of city wall. It is difficult for the Northland barbarians to force them, not to mention that the Buffalo Baron also hired some wandering Northland barbarians as thugs.

For the Northland barbarians, the tribe is their own people, and everyone else can be killed. There is no mercy. Therefore, those Northland barbarians hired by the Buffalo Baron have no mercy when facing compatriots who cross the river to grab things. , so even if they were dissatisfied, the barbarian tribes in the north had to hold their noses and admit it, and even had to pretend to be friendly.

This created an illusion for Mia. The Bison family had a tacit relationship with the Northland barbarians and were reliable allies. Therefore, after learning that her father died in the battle, she did not hesitate to paddle her territorial canoe across the river to find the Northland. The barbarian tribe tried to use the power of the barbarians in the north to avenge their father.

Obviously, this idea was too naive. It wasn't until she stepped into the barbarian tribe in the North that Mia regretted her naivety, but it was too late. Everything that was supposed to happen that day happened.

Mia, who has suffered so much and has two children, no longer thinks about revenge. She just wants to get rid of it all. Therefore, she does not hesitate to lead the Northland barbarians to the Hydra family. It is best to let them both lose. The only way In this way, she can both take revenge and find a chance to escape.

Mia's purpose is not difficult to guess, and anyone with any sense would not easily believe her words.

But for the barbarians in the North, strength is everything, and they basically have no concept of conspiracy because they have no use.

It's not that the barbarians are strong enough to ignore the conspiracy, but because they usually encounter the same kind of people. There is basically no other way of communication between barbarians except waving fists.

If you use conspiracy or tricks, even if you win, you will be laughed at by everyone. This is more difficult for barbarians to accept than death.

Even though they were ambushed several times by the imperial frontier troops before, the barbarians didn't think there was any problem.

No matter when the enemy appears, from the front or the back, with a spear or a mace, if you lose, you lose, and there is no need to make any excuses.

Therefore, after learning that the Hydera family was the richest lord nearby, the two northern barbarian tribes did not hesitate and immediately gathered all the adult men and headed towards Hydera's territory just like the horse thieves.

Although the northern barbarians are all infantry and do not even have decent weapons and armor, their overall strength is undoubtedly superior to the same number of horse thieves.

Each adult barbarian male is about two meters tall, with a thick frame and well-developed muscles. Although not as exaggerated as a dwarf, among humans, they are all at the level of a strongman, except for their poor weapons.

The armor is the animal skin wrapped around the body, the weapons are hard wooden sticks and stone hammers, the metal weapons are mostly bronze, and a few are iron, and only the bravest barbarian warriors can use them.

The equipment is poor, but hundreds of barbarian warriors require at least three to five times the number of imperial border troops to eliminate. There is no guarantee of how heavy the casualties will be, otherwise the empire will be too full to maintain such an elite army on the border.

Bella, who was wandering nearby, noticed the big move of the Northland barbarians immediately, and the Northland barbarians also discovered them at the same time.

The barbarians in the North are half hunters and half nomads, and their vigilance and observation skills are not weak. How could hundreds of nomadic cavalry not notice it? Just the vibration from the horse's hooves can arouse their vigilance.

Bella, who knew Owen's plan, had no intention of starting a war in advance after being discovered. Instead, she took the nomadic cavalry away. As a result, the northern barbarians who were still vigilant just now relaxed quickly because these northern barbarians mistakenly thought that Bella La was a nomadic tribe that happened to be grazing nearby. After all, the distance between the two sides was too far. We could only see the cavalry. As for the equipment, we couldn't see clearly. Otherwise, no matter how stupid the northern barbarians were, they would have discovered something was wrong.

Soon the territory learned about the barbarian attack from the North, but Maya and Howard had a headache because Owen was in seclusion.

Howard, who has been full of energy recently, has been silent. Without the order of the lord, he can't do anything. Even if he mobilizes his troops to win, the end will not be much better.

Maya is able to mobilize troops. Owen has given her permission to mobilize troops at will as long as the upper limit is not exceeded.

The problem is that this battle is not that easy to fight, because Owen wants to conquer these two northern barbarian tribes, not eliminate them.

This alone breaks away from conventional combat methods.

There is no way, the barbarians in the North easily get angry when fighting, and they often fight to the death. Otherwise, even if they are ambushed by the imperial border troops, the casualties will not be so heavy, so it is too difficult to surrender.

Finally, in order to ensure the survival of the northern barbarians as much as possible and reduce the loss of the territory, Maya planned to use a trick.

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