Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 123 No adventurer can refuse the ruins

Roger trembled when he heard that there was a witch.

Witches have no reason at all. Sometimes a look, an action, or even a look can cause the other party to take action. There are not many unlucky people who are inexplicably cursed with magic potions by witches.

But Roger, who wanted to leave, suddenly heard the Goblin bartender's words and couldn't walk.

Are you interested in becoming an adventurer in Green Shade Town? You can enter the ruins~

Although adventurer guilds have blossomed all over the empire, their strength is not as exaggerated as imagined. Otherwise, the first ones to turn against them would definitely be the empire and the major nobles.

In fact, the Adventurer's Guild is more like a national chain store. The original founder is hung up and worshiped, and then the process of carving up happens.

At first, adventurer branches in various places were started from scratch by personnel sent by the headquarters. Later, they found that this was too slow, so they tricked local dignitaries into contributing money and efforts. Finally, with the popularity of adventurer guilds, this became an investment, so Luo Jay did not doubt that there was a problem with the Adventurer's Guild in Green Shade Town.

Being an adventurer does not prevent you from joining a local guild. On the contrary, you will get some preferential treatment. Therefore, Roger was moved. He was too curious about this strange town. At the same time, the ruins...

No adventurer can resist the temptation of the ruins, even if they know that they will survive nine deaths or even ten deaths. Every adventurer who steps into the ruins has the confidence to think that he is the protagonist until the moment of death.

Do you want to join? Roger did not make the decision alone, but planned to discuss it with his three companions.

Are you willing to leave? Tonggui said while sipping the fine wine and rolling his eyes.

Although Oak and Gray Cat didn't speak, their eyes were the same, despising Roger's insincere words.

We are willing to join the Adventurer's Guild in Greenshade Town. The shameless Roger said to the Goblin bartender without even blushing.

Okay, here's the registration for you. The Goblin bartender took out a brand new registration book and wrote Roger's name on the first line, as well as their basic information, mainly occupation, age, years of adventure and expertise. What kind of tasks are required by the Adventurer's Guild to register, and it also facilitates the selection of task clients.

This is your ID card. With this, you can get a 20% discount at the weapon shop, equipment shop, and pharmacy shop in the town, and you can enter the ruins. The Goblin bartender handed the ID badges to Roger and the other four, and said at the same time .

Thank you. Although it was a bit awkward to say thank you to the goblins, Roger still thanked him sincerely. Maybe the goblins here were different.

You're welcome. I also recommend that you buy some information and targeted props before going to the ruins. The ruins are not as safe as you think. The Goblin bartender happily took out a list of information with prices marked on it, which made Roger satisfied. The head is dark, and the secret passage is as dark as the Adventurers Guild in the world.

Unfortunately, Roger still knew the importance of information. Unless he was willing to risk his life to test it, this information must be bought.

After looking through the purchase information, Roger was thankful for his choice. Who would have thought that the ruins here would be so big, and there were a large number of monsters, especially the black glue bugs. After seeing its characteristics, everyone was scared. I was covered in cold sweat, especially the bronze helmet responsible for carrying the damage, so I quickly drank a sip of wine to calm down my shock.

Let's go and check out a few stores. Roger, who had collected the information, didn't dare to ignore it now, and hurriedly took three teammates to have a look.

The three stores are actually one, just like Datong Pu. The three stores are connected and the shelves and counters are arranged in a row. Customers who come in can see from beginning to end, which is very convenient.

Most of the weapons here are made of high-quality steel. They are complete in length, thickness, strength and softness. The craftsmanship is not that of a master craftsman, but it is strong and durable enough, which is enough for adventurers.

The protective gear is also complete, including cloth armor, light armor, leather armor, chain armor, plate armor, from half body to full body, and they can be customized.

As for backpacks, ropes, oil lamps, flints, and water bags, they are also sold here.

However, what Roger and the four of them care most about are potions, because there are not many real pharmacists, and those who are good at potions are either wizards or witches. Both of them are not easy to deal with, especially witches. They dare to drink the potions they refine. Not much.

Mages can also refine potions, but they are quite expensive, and ordinary adventurers really can't afford them.

Looking at the dazzling array of potions in front of him, and thinking about what the Goblin bartender said before about a group of witches living here, Roger was confused.

In fact, not only him, Oak, Bronze Helmet and Gray Cat were also entangled.

It goes without saying that potions can play a role in adventure. If you use them well, you can save your life. Coupled with the scarcity of high-quality potions, it would be a pity to miss the opportunity in front of you.

Let me try. Bronze Helmet stood up.

As a dwarf, Bronze Helm has a strong physique and resistance. The average fatality measure for a dwarf is diarrhea for a few days, so he does his part.

After purchasing a bottle of healing potion called Bai Xian, Tonggui took out a dagger and cut a cut on his wrist, then smeared some on the wound with his stubby fingers, and the wound disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Roger and the others suddenly took a breath. It was not that they had never seen potions with similar effects, but none of them were high-quality goods that even all the money could not afford. They were even priceless and unmarketable. But here, although Not much, but definitely not a small amount.

Limited purchase! Roger wanted to buy more, but he didn't sell it. Each person was limited to purchasing one bottle per month. In addition, this thing has a shelf life. If you buy too much and you can't use it, it will be a waste.

It's already pretty good. Bronze Helmet happily filled the potion and said to Roger who was full of regret.

Yes, I'm a little greedy. Roger admitted and nodded. After all, their team was used to being poor. Of course they wanted to buy more when they saw good cheap things, but they forgot that there were so many cheap things in the world.

After adding a few more things, Roger went to inquire about the situation.

The ruins are at the back of the town and require passing through checkpoints to reach them. The adventurer's identity certificate in Green Shade Town is the pass. After confirming this, Roger returned to the Big Tree Cave Tavern.

Take a rest today to recover your strength and head to the ruins early tomorrow morning. Roger said to his three teammates as he ate the delicious steak.

Haha, I've just been on the road recently, and finally came across a ruins. I must have a big fight! Bronze Helmet said impatiently while taking a big gulp of ale.

As a dwarf, the most painful thing is to rush.

There is no way. Although dwarves are not short, most of them are about 1.5 meters tall, but their bodies are too thick. Their thick frames are full of thick muscles like big Leba, which makes their trunks too broad. In comparison, , the thick limbs appear shorter.

This type of body shape gives dwarves a physique and endurance that far exceeds that of humans. If an ordinary person is hit by a galloping horse, he can prepare to eat, but this is not a problem for dwarves. Even if he is not prepared, he will roll over at most, let alone Internal injuries and fractures may not necessarily break the skin.

But running and rushing are simply torture for dwarves, especially when traveling with races with longer legs than dwarves.

Everyone talked and laughed, and then went back to their rooms to rest and recharge their batteries for entering the ruins the next day.

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