After walking out of the center of the town, Cord broke out in a cold sweat and slowly exhaled. He never thought that the maid he sent back then was so powerful, no, it should be terrifying.

It's not pretentious, but the aura brewed by the power and own abilities. The unique temperament that only those elites who are truly in power can have. As a result, in the conversation just now, Code was suppressed in all directions. If the other party hadn't left a bottom line. , he is afraid that he has already lost completely.

At this time, Code couldn't help but regret that he had looked away. If he had left the other party in the Chamber of Commerce, maybe the president would not be so passive. After all, talents are rare, and true elites are only one in a million.

Of course, Cord just thought about it, because he knew very well that even if he knew the other party's talent at the beginning, the outcome would not change.

Cord chose a shop facing the street. The location was good and the area was not too small. Therefore, the money he brought was not enough. He could only use the goods as collateral, and he had to hand over whatever he sold, so this trip was in vain. .

But Code is very satisfied, because Hairui Chamber of Commerce is the only foreign chamber of commerce in the entire territory. He has seized the opportunity, and this is enough.

Cord left a few guys here to sell goods, and then couldn't wait to return, because his bold move would once again put the president into a passive position, but he didn't believe that the president couldn't see the opportunities contained in it.

Owen was fully aware of the arrival and departure of the Hai Rui Chamber of Commerce, but he did not do anything, not even converting the manpower brought by the other party.

The transformation of the system is not omnipotent, at least not in town centers. First, the other party must agree to join the territory and recognize his rule. This is the basis. Even if he shouts long live our emperor in his mouth, but still resists in his heart, the transformation cannot be completed.

And the smarter you are, the more difficult it is to transform, because smart people have many thoughts and it is difficult to let them go completely.

During the initial transformation, because the subjects were all serfs, no one would resist becoming a farmer with land and houses, so Owen was not aware of this.

Later, when the nomadic tribes and the residents of Mara Town were converted, especially when there were merchants inside, Owen discovered this problem.

Fortunately, the living conditions in the territory were so good that only a handful of people resisted, and this group of people became victims of the construction of stone walls. They worked hard until they died, even if they regretted it.

It is for this reason that Irving feels distressed by the arrival of outsiders. Otherwise, if he had to transform one by one, what would he be afraid of?

Unfortunately, they are afraid of what they come up with. As the weather gradually warms up, more and more outsiders enter the territory. They are very surprised that there is a town of such a size in such a remote place, but they do not care about this and will not look for it. Because this means they will have a stable place to stay and can explore further.

The composition of these outsiders is very complex, including spies, robbers, wanted criminals, adventurers, pioneers, and vagrants. It can be said that even the unstable elements flow through their veins.

However, the territory has been prepared for this, and Howard, who was appointed city defense officer, will shoulder the important task.

Since arriving in the territory, Howard seemed to have rejuvenated. After bringing all his family members, he focused on his work. After all, with the living welfare of the territory, there was no need to worry about life. Even armor, weapons, horses and servants were readily available.

With sufficient motivation, Howard personally planned the patrol route, and sufficient troops and soldiers who strictly abide by orders allowed him to perform freely to ensure that no dead ends were left.

At the same time, Howard also appointed his son Hogg as the town's sheriff, and personally led a team of elite soldiers to arrest the troublemakers and provide a deterrent.

The 18-year-old Hogg has grown very strong with adequate nutrition and strict training. He is not far away from awakening his fighting spirit. With a shackle in one hand and a large shield in the other, ordinary people are really no match for him, let alone those around him. Followed by ten long swordsmen, ten crossbowmen and ten nomadic cavalry, if there was a real fight, even a team of adventurers who cooperated tacitly would have no choice but to run for their lives.

And they may not be able to escape, because the nomadic cavalry is not an ordinary cavalry. Whether it is a scimitar, a throwing axe, a short bow, or a lasso, they are all sharp weapons against these people.

Leading such an elite team, even the most restless people will rationally choose to remain silent after seeing them, including several notorious wanted criminals.

This group of people committed a crime in the empire, and they were restless when they fled to the border of the empire. After being wanted, they finally ran away here. They wanted to relax and then solve a big case, but after seeing the many elite soldiers and cavalry here, they decided to temporarily Be a good citizen, because once you commit a crime, you cannot be beaten or run away, and you are doomed.

The only exception is adventurers. They are insulated from the word peace, and they are not afraid of danger. On the contrary, the more dangerous they are, the more excited they are. Otherwise, they will not be regarded as unstable factors by the lords everywhere.

Even Owen has a headache for adventurers, and his fear is even higher than that of the dark forces, because except for a few idiots who want to destroy the world, most of the dark forces are either seeking money or power. Anyway, they can negotiate and even cooperate.

But adventurers cannot do that. They also like money and power, and they also dream of a leisurely life after retirement, but it is almost their instinct to cause trouble because their curiosity and adventurous spirit cannot be controlled at all. This cannot be solved by spending money. .

Owen had heard from Maya that in its long history, the empire had experienced many crises that destroyed cities and countries. Nearly 80% of them were caused by adventurers. Even if they were not, it was related to them. This shows the destruction caused by adventurers. force.

Owen's capital is really not enough to cause them trouble, otherwise he would not have built Green Shade Town as an adventurer's paradise and used the ruins as bait, just to limit the destructive power of adventurers within a certain range.

In fact, just as Owen had guessed, the adventurer's attention was not on Akita Town.

Akita Town is the name Irving gave to the territorial town because there are large areas of farmland outside the city. In autumn, at a glance, the golden waves of wheat make people wonder if this is a barren northern land, so it was named Akita.

But the wealthy Akita Town is not the target of adventurers. It is too peaceful here and there are too many soldiers. There is no place for adventurers to play a role, and there are no tasks. So their attention quickly shifts to the Devil's Horn Forest, because the entire The surrounding area of ​​the territory is extremely empty, and the only place where opportunities can be hidden is there.

Of course, although Owen regards Green Shade Town as a bait to lure adventurers to take the bait, it will not be too obvious, otherwise it will be difficult to keep the adventurers and cause trouble.

To put it bluntly, adventurers are just a bunch of bastards. They are suspicious of the meat that comes to their mouths. They have to hit their heads and bleed all over before they happily eat the bloody meat with a smile because it tastes good.

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