Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 108 The horse thief in action

It seems that you are determined to attack the territory of the Hydera family. Harvey was not a fool. He guessed Buddy's thoughts from his reaction. In fact, this was their only way besides leaving in despair.

There are many aristocratic children like them who came to the North. Those people are not incapable of gathering so many people, mainly because it is easy to gather but difficult to feed, and they will be backlashed if they are not careful.

This is mainly because the manpower they brought from the empire is limited, and most of the time they need to recruit men directly in the North.

The problem is that they can't recruit serious people. They can only recruit bandits and horse thieves. These people are not easy to get along with. If you don't pay attention, you will lose both people and money.

The three of them were different and more ambitious, so they did not hesitate to spend all the wealth they brought from their families, purchased a batch of equipment through their family's connections, and armed hundreds of horse thieves, and then successfully captured Mara Town.

But they were not very happy afterwards, because Viscount Marat's decisiveness caused them to miss the seal of the nobility, and they did not have the seal of nobility that represented the orthodoxy. Even if they occupied Mara Town, they were still horse thieves, not nobles.

This immediately disrupted their plans, making it impossible to use this as a bargaining chip to exchange for further support from the family.

To make matters worse, there was a demon centaur wandering around, and they ran into each other before they were chasing Viscount Marat.

At that time, Buddy made a prompt decision and took the initiative to attack. After a fight, many people died, and Viscount Marat even escaped while they were in the chaos.

If they had not occupied Mara Town and fulfilled their promise to the nomadic tribes, it would not be easy to explain that so many people died.

No one is a fool. Those nomadic tribes are willing to be horse thieves under them purely for profit. If they can't bring benefits, those people don't mind killing them and replacing them with someone else as the leader. Anyway, the benefits have been obtained.

Therefore, Buddy needs to find another target for these people and establish his prestige with victory after victory, so that he can completely control these horse thieves. The only territory nearby that meets this condition is the territory of the Hydera family, and the others are not too small. No oil or water, just too far away.

You guessed it right, but although the risk is very high, we have no choice. Buddy put the clean sword back into its scabbard, placed it flat on his lap, leaned back, and said calmly.

Their origins have determined the upper limit of what they can achieve in the future. If they want to break this invisible restriction, they must break out of this circle, so they risk everything and come to the Northland.

But if they can't achieve results, don't expect the family to continue to give them resources, so even if there are huge risks, they still can't retreat unless they are willing to be real horse thieves or stay on their own as farmers, which they obviously don't want to do.

Harvey added some firewood to the fireplace, stretched out his hand to warm the fire, and at the same time put his boots, which were almost soaked by the snow, close to the flames. He thought for a moment and then spoke.

The Hydera family is developing too fast, and there are obviously people behind it. Have you considered this?

Have you forgotten, we have no choice. Buddy tapped his sword with his finger and said in a serious tone, while staring at Harvey with both eyes.

Compared to the other taciturn collaborator, Harvey has the best mind, but a good mind means he has a lot of thoughts. If he doesn't knock things out from time to time, who knows what he will do.

Harvey was silent, but he knew in his heart that the only person who had no choice was Buddy, not him.

Buddy comes from the best family and is also the strongest, so he occupies a leadership position among the three. Even if he takes the Seal of Nobility from Viscount Marat, he will be the only holder.

Therefore, when Viscount Marat took advantage of the chaos to escape, Harvey even felt relieved.

No one wants to be in power, even if they are small, they must seek refuge with the strong, such as the Hydera family.

Compared to the three people, a small boat that could capsize at any time, the Hydera family undoubtedly has more strength and potential, and is a good candidate for investment.

The only problem is that Buddy is unwilling. He has a betting agreement with his family. The higher his achievements in the Northland, the greater the support he will receive. If he can become the Earl of the Northland, the family is even willing to recognize his status as a branch. , when the time comes, he will gain a large number of contacts and political capital, and have the opportunity to transcend the restrictions of the northern nobles and join the empire's powerful circle.

Therefore, Buddy did not allow anyone to give up or fail, so Harvey did not refute his words because he did not want to die unclearly.

When he came to the Northland, he had seen too many people die from being stabbed in the back. He didn't want to be the next unlucky person, so he changed the topic.

I went to the territory of the Hydera family once before winter. The population is more than a thousand people and the number of soldiers is close to 300, including dozens of cavalry. They are all well-trained professional soldiers. It is difficult to defeat them. Easy. Harvey couldn't help showing an envious expression. In fact, not only him, but also Buddy was the same.

A population of 1,000 cannot feed 300 soldiers, so they would not believe it if there was no support behind the Hydera family.

But this is normal. There are many dignitaries in the empire circle who see the potential of the North. It’s just that those with high levels look down on it, while those with low levels don’t care about it. Only those who are neither high nor low have the ability to intervene.

The question is, looking at the scale of the Hydera family's development, the other party must have invested a lot of resources. Do they really want to fight?

At this time, even Buddy began to hesitate. After all, if he fought, he would offend the other party to death, but if he didn't fight, it would mean that his ambitions and his future would be over.

It's not easy to fight, not to mention those herdsmen are very greedy. A mere Mara town cannot satisfy their appetite. Buddy said to Harvey with a sarcastic smile.

Harvey nodded. He usually dealt with those nomadic tribes the most, and he could feel the greedy nature of those guys the most.

When will we set off? Harvey asked, knowing that it would definitely not be after spring, because the food in Mara Town would not last until then.

Three days later. Buddy lowered his head and counted the days and said.

The winter in the North is very cold, but the coldest period has passed. If you are well prepared, you may not be unable to give it a try.

Okay, I'm going to prepare for the slaughter of the livestock. Harvey nodded, and after warming his hands again, he decisively opened the door and left.

Livestock is life to the herdsmen. If you want to slaughter the livestock that can live through the winter, you can't do it without paying a sufficient price, so Buddy came forward to summon the herdsmen.

The territory of the Hydera family has endless food, warm and comfortable houses, and every family has an iron pot. As long as we capture it, everything there will be ours! Buddy's words were simple and direct, and easier to evoke. The greed in the hearts of these herdsmen.

If they were a separate nomadic tribe, they would not have the courage.

Only one-third of the tribe of hundreds of people can fight, and because of the lack of iron weapons, they can only use wooden sticks as weapons. They cannot take advantage of the cavalry at all. Facing the lord who built a wooden village, they can only hope And sigh.

But now there are seven or eight nomadic tribes gathered in Mara Town, enough to make up two to three hundred riders. With the iron weapons provided by the three, their ambitions have begun to expand.

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