Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 106 The Fusion of Witch and Demon Hunter

They have no choice, but it doesn't mean that Owen doesn't have it. To a certain extent, the synthesis furnace can be used as a self-cultivation furnace. Not to mention the ugly witch, even a ball of slime can be made into a human shape.

So if you want it to be big, you can make it big, if you want it to be tall, you can make it tight, if you want it to be tight, it can be tight. Not to mention two or three cakes, he can make them together. If there are special needs, he can even add a unitary chicken.

Don't underestimate an LSP who has been on the Internet for 20 years. If his reading records are exposed, he will be embarrassed to the point of being upgraded.

But plastic surgery alone is not enough. He is not doing it to create a harem of three thousand beauties, nor is he trying to satisfy his own unspeakable little hobby. Now, just having two women makes him feel like he has run out of toothpaste, but every day The feeling of being squeezed hard every day. In this case, even if he is surrounded by beautiful women, what does it mean to him, so his purpose is not that simple.

Owen had made a statistics on witches before, and carried out targeted strengthening according to their wishes. Only by strengthening can they have the value of being used.

There are twenty witches in total, and the five oldest among them choose to be assistant teachers at the Witch Academy.

They were the first to follow Emile. Although their physical defects could not be compensated for, they knew some things about witches and were usually responsible for teaching the little witch. After all, Emile was often away from home for several months, so they could teach him well.

Therefore, after seeing the position of teaching assistant in the school, these five people decisively chose this career.

As an assistant, you don't need to think too much about combat effectiveness. Owen rubbed his chin with his hand, feeling the soft beard, and said to himself.

Theoretically, only Del's newly refined inferior blood evolution potion and the synthesis furnace can be used to recast these witches, but it is not safe enough, so Owen exchanged the student templates in Hogwarts to limit those who Witch's tricks.

Go inside, drink the potion, and wait. Owen opened the door of the synthesis furnace and handed the other party a bottle of light green potion.

This potion is a second-rate blood potion that Del refined with the advice and help of Emile. It is not as effective as the original version, but it is more suitable.

The original potion uses a large amount of jadeite solution, and the effect is needless to say, but it is too wasteful.

The same materials can be used to refine seven or eight bottles of inferior blood potion. The effect is a bit poor, but it is enough for ordinary witches who do not have strong magic blood, so of course Owen will choose this.

Under the stimulation of the blood potion, the reactivated magic blood and the physical body were recast in the synthesis furnace. The whole process was a bit like breaking a person into pieces and then rebuilding it with 3D printing.

It has to be said that the synthesis furnace is a bit less mysterious in terms of mystery, but in terms of ordinary substances and organisms, it is simply black technology, which makes Owen dare not underestimate anything in the system.

The synthesis furnace was powerful, and it didn't take long for a very beautiful mature woman to come out of it. It was the ugly witch with buck teeth and chicken feet from before.

This! The witch who walked out of the synthesis furnace looked at her slender hands in disbelief, and then touched her face and body excitedly. The smooth and white feeling made her unable to stand upright with excitement. Sitting on the ground as if he had been beaten.

Yes, this is the reward for your loyalty. Owen didn't know when he put on the golden armor blessed by the holy light, and appeared in front of the other party like a god with a halo. As expected, he received enthusiastic and loyal eyes. It was in vain that he had to perform this part even though he was so embarrassed inside.

When the witch came to the previous companions, there was silence for a moment. No one could believe what they saw. This was simply a miracle!

At this time, none of the witches regretted the oath they had sworn. They all knelt down in front of Owen. In order to be reborn, they were willing to devote all their loyalty. Even death could not stop their pursuit of beauty.

Rather than living an ugly life, they want to die in the most beautiful way. Even if they are ghosts, they will look good, right?

Witch assistant is just a simple attempt by Owen. His real purpose is to create a fighting team composed of witches, similar to magic swordsmen, who can master melee and spellcasting skills at the same time, which is equivalent to a weakened version of Gandalf. Therefore, the secondary blood potion adds The template for Hogwarts students is not enough.

Originally, Owen wanted to select a troop template from the Age of Empire, but the troops from the Age of Empire were more suitable for the battlefield and not suitable for the special warfare he envisioned, so he rummaged through the system and finally set his sights on wizards.

Although the name of this game is The Witcher, the protagonist is White Hair, Sorceress, Piledriver, Gwent, and Witcher.

Demon hunters were originally humans. Through special trials and potions, they induced genetic mutations and became witchers who specialized in hunting monsters.

Demon hunters have inhuman physique and endurance, coupled with proficient combat skills, each of them is a fierce man who is one to ten. Otherwise, they cannot hunt monsters and cannot satisfy the sorceress.

Owen had been jealous before, envious that the opponent's waist and abdominal power could subdue the sorceress, but later he discovered that these powers were obtained by inducing mutations, which simply meant that he was no longer a human being.

After becoming a demon hunter, he even loses his fertility, which shows that this kind of enhancement is imperfect.

But it is undeniable that the enhancement of the demon hunter also has merits, especially for those with special blood.

Pure human genes are not so easy to mutate, and even if they are mutated, they will be malignant.

But mixed blood is different. It is easier to stimulate the characteristics of blood vessels and gain genetic advantages.

Therefore, Owen guessed that the witchers in The Witcher also have inhuman blood, otherwise they would not be able to withstand the mutagenesis of potions and cruel trials. Therefore, he did not plan to exchange the witcher template directly, but exchange the green herbal potion formula with the hunter's blood. Demon Trial.

The complete demon hunter template includes blood, attributes, characteristics, skills and experience, so the required progress value is relatively high. After all, it is equivalent to transforming a person from the inside out.

But if it is just a demon hunter trial, the required progress value will be greatly reduced.

Because if you want to pass the witcher trial, you must have witcher-level potential and attributes, so that you can gain witcher skills and related experience through the trial. If you don’t have matching potential and attributes, you will end up dead. One piece.

So whether it can work or not depends not only on whether his idea is correct, but also on whether the witch's potential is as great as imagined.

Owen is somewhat sure of this, because the uglier the wild witch is, the stronger she becomes.

As for why, it's because the stronger the magic bloodline, the more powerful it will distort itself, which means the uglier it will be, so he has confidence in this group of ugly witches.

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