Chapter 591 Do You Have Any Other Reliance? (Four more! Seeking subscription!)

For some people.

They cannot compare.

I can only look up.

no doubt.

Shu Yifan now.

To them.

This is such a person.

They are now.

Except for the admiration, I looked at Shu Yifan.

There is no other way.

They are now.

While using the dead light weapon in his hand.

Attacked Lin Miaoduan.


Looking at Shu Yifan.

Attack on Lin Miaoduan.

They also want to know.

When is Shu Yifan going.

That’s all right.

877 will Lin Miaoduan.

Just kick it to death like this!


The protective cover is not damaged.

But Lin Miaoduan.

But it’s like this.

He was killed by Shu Yifan.

I expected Lin Miao.

Be a ghost.

Will never let Shu Yifan go, right?

after all.

A method that I am proud of.

In front of Shu Yifan.

But it is vulnerable.

This is no matter who.

It’s all unacceptable.

Shu Yifan doesn’t care.

What other people think.

He still.

(cfef) is facing Lin Miaoduan.

Is attacking.

He is attacking now.

Is fundamental.

It did not fall on the protective cover.

Deal with the protective cover.

It was given to those special fighters.

He just wants.

Through the protective cover.

To Lin Miao inside.

Just attack it.

In this case.

It can be a lot.

Saved one’s own strength.

after all.

Relative to the protective cover.

It’s Lin Miaoduan inside.


It’s easier and simpler.

He watched.

Under his attack.

Lin Miaoduan who had become dying.

A smile appeared on his lips.

Lin Miaoduan now.



Their urn is just a camp.

He wants to take a look.

Under this attack.

How long can Lin Miaoduan bear?

Her side.

To withstand his attack.


The protective cover must be maintained again.

This kind of mana consumption.

do not know either.

How much to have.

As for those special fighters.

Still using dead light weapons.

Attacked Lin Miaoduan.

In Shu Yifan’s view.

From the destruction of this protective shield.

At most.

It only takes ten minutes.

And within ten minutes.

Lin Miao absolutely.

it’s impossible.

Continue to brew her big move.

In other words.

Even Shu Yifan is now.

No more attacks on Lin Miaoduan.

Her life.

Not bad.

Only the last is left.

It’s a countdown of ten minutes.


Lin Miaoduan seems.

Still refusing to admit his fate.

It seems to be thinking about it.

He can fight back.

do not know either.

She is now.

What is there to rely on?

Shu Yifan didn’t care what Lin Miaoduan thought.

Fourth [more!!!!!!!! Continue to write the fifth update!!!!!!! Thank you for your support!!!!!

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