Chapter 559 No Response at All! (Two more! Please subscribe!)

Lay yourself.

Position in special organizations.

Special fighters now.

For Shu Yifan.

That’s simply.

They are all admired.


Arrested Su Liang several times.

It’s all because of Shu Yifan.

To succeed.


Su Liang is even more because of Shu Yifan.

Will be killed by them.


Now let’s arrest Lin Miaoduan.

Despite them.

On their own strength.

Also quite confident.



Shu Yifan did not show up.

They are inexplicable.

Lost some confidence.


Only Shu Yifan is here.

Even if Shu Yifan is here.

do nothing.

Just stand aside.

They seem.

Can also.

By Shu Yifan.

Give some strength.

This feeling.

have to say.

It’s really strange.


Shu Yifan has not yet arrived.

They are natural.

Will not act rashly.

Instead, he would listen to General Qin’s words.

Waiting for Shu Yifan to come.

Shu Yifan did not come before.

Once something happened.

They are real.

Will be caught off guard.

Shu Yifan must be here.

They can guarantee.

Their actions.

There are people.

In the bottom of the pocket.

Nothing is here.

They are all a little scared.

If planned.

What happened.

Will it be?

None of them can.


What’s the reaction.

If because of this.

Let the plan fail.

Then they.

It’s true.

It’s a sinner!

So they.

They all listened to General Qin’s words very much.

Planning to wait for Shu Yifan to come.

Act together again.

To deal with Lin Miaodi.

They see.

Although they.

Stay here.


Lin Miao is.

No reaction at all.


It’s the appearance of cultivating.


General Qin’s heart.

It’s also relieved.

Just Lin Miaoduan.

Haven’t realized it yet.

They come here.

To deal with her.


They still have hope.

Just wait for Shu Yifan.



It will become much simpler.

It’s the crowds who are onlookers.

See these fire trucks.

Stopped here all the time.

But no one got off the car.

It also seems.

Nothing happened like 797.

They can’t help it.

I was puzzled in my heart.

There is a lot of discussion.

Do not know at all.

In the end what happened.

Some are bolder.

Can’t help but ask those special fighters.

want to know.

So what happened.

General Qin saw this scene.

Thought for a while.

Then to the special fighters below.

[Second update!!!!!!!! Continue to write third update!!!!!!! Thank you for your support!!!!!].

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