Chapter 315 Is it too early to die? (Three more! Seeking subscription!)

The director is so excited.

General Li came in with ten people from special departments.

One comes in.

He walked towards the polygraph office where Director Lin was.

Those directors.

All have been locked up in a small airtight room.


They saw this scene.

I’m afraid I will be scared to pee.

They really didn’t expect it.

It will be so serious.


Because the director of the chemistry department was the first to be questioned.

Director Lin’s questioning experience is not rich enough.


Only the first director.

He is the only one who knows the inside story.

As for the others.

Now they are all confused.

I don’t even know.

Director Lin asked them these questions.

What is it for?

I thought.

They discovered some selfishness in their work.

So now in my heart.

Although they are all over and under.

However, I did not worry too much.

Because they think.

Although they are at work.

There are also some mistakes.


At best, nothing more than a small punishment and a big admonition.

As for their positions.

There are really impossible things.

But there is really no one.

To think.

It might be something about traitors.

General Li brought in the staff of the ten special departments.

Then he said to Director Lin:

“Where are those people~?”

He asked.

It is the dozen or so directors.

Director Lin seemed to have seen a savior.

He quickly greeted him and said:

“They are being locked in a closed room by me now!

“General Li, you are finally here!”

“Interrogator, it’s really not my profession!”

“I have been asking for a long time, and now anyone is suspected!”

“But, this should be impossible! It’s impossible for everyone to be suspicious, right?”

General Li smiled and said:

“It’s not necessarily!”

Hear these words from General Li.

Director Lin’s heart couldn’t help but tighten.

He really didn’t want it.

Everyone is suspicious.

if that’s the case.

Then his men.

There is no one who can work!


That is not proof.

Isn’t his managerial ability very good?

Actually let all the directors under him.

It was infiltrated like this!

Then his director.

Probably the biggest sinner!

All the people under his hands were infiltrated.

He didn’t even notice.

If it weren’t for Kong Dongfang found out about it.

Who knows the researchers under his hands.

Will it also be infiltrated?

Think of the entire institute.

If everyone is infiltrated.

(Wang Zhao Zhao) He alone is normal.

Director Lin couldn’t help but shudder.

That’s terrible too!

If all the research institutes are infiltrated.

At that time the position was empty.

Is it too early to die?

It must be a matter of minutes!

Everyone can come up with any research project.


[The third update!!!! Continue to write the fourth update!!!! Thank you for your support!!)

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