Chapter 188 Recognize Shu Yifan as Su Liang? (One more! Please subscribe!)

Shu Yifan still looked bad, frowning and looking at him.

This is his simulated performance based on Su Liang’s character.

Of course, if it is himself.

He did the same.

In this strange place.

Suddenly someone came out and told you that he wanted to give you a chance.

Anyone will find it weird.

Unless it is, you know that you are the main “five-three-three” corner of the times.

It’s a pity that Su Liang didn’t know.

Seeing Su Liang’s expression.

The young man said again:

“Mr. Su, you came here through time and space, so you should believe what I say below.”

He just got here.

Shu Yifan is the eye dew to kill all:

“Who are you! How do you know these things?”

Then, a pair was about to rush up and kill the young man.

See Yifan this look.

The young man felt more relieved.

The person in front of him is indeed Su Liang!

If it is someone else.

I heard that Su Liang was passing through.

It will definitely feel very shocking and incredible.

But the “Su Liang” in front of him was not shocked at all.

On the contrary, I still felt extremely panic and fear.

He looked like he wanted to kill him.

This incidates that.

The person in front of him was Su Liang who had passed through.

There are only real traversers.

I want to kill him and cover up this secret.

Young people have also learned some psychology.

I think I have a good grasp.

At this moment, I feel more and more.

I really found Su Liang by myself.

He glanced at Shu Yifan and pointed the dead weapon in his hand at him:

“Don’t come over! If you come over again, I’m not welcome!”

As he said, he directly shot a shot on the wall with a dead light weapon.

I saw a piece of the wall gasified directly!

See this scene.

Shu Yifan seemed shocked by this scene.

Hastily stepped back.

Looked at the young man in horror.

The young man saw Shu Yifan’s expression.

I couldn’t help but smile…

What about “Su Liang” as a son of the plane?

Not just a son of a savage plane.

Before the amazing technological power of the Space-Time Bureau.

It is only for surrender!

Shu Yifan’s frightened face successfully pleased the young man.

Let him feel a sense of pride spontaneously.

at the same time.

Also dispelled the idea of ​​testing Shu Yifan’s identity.

Now that the identity of the other party has been determined, everyone is a family.

He put away the dead light weapon with satisfaction.

Walked to Yifan’s side.

Stretch out a hand.

It seems that the two are very close, so he patted Shu Yifan on the shoulder.

Smiling softly 4.5: “Su Liang, don’t be afraid, I was just playing with you.

“We are all members of the Time and Space Bureau, so I won’t attack you.”

On the contrary, please believe me, I am really here to give you a chance.

[First update!!! Next chapter is written!! I hope you can support me!!]

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