Chapter 125: Don’t Obey? Then throw it out! (One more! Seeking subscription!)

These words made Su Liang’s heart immediately settled down.

he knows!

With Li Erya’s obsession with him.

I will definitely bring it up and let him agree with him!

Anyway, he is also taking advantage of Li Erya.

After coming here.

He hasn’t tasted a woman yet!

It’s delivered now.

How could he not accept it!

Especially this, I still come to the door by myself.

That saves the trouble of speaking up.

That’s just dozing off, someone will come to deliver pillows!

He really is a son of destiny!

Su Liang smiled slightly:

“It should be, it should be repaid as a human being!

See Su Liang said so.

Li Laosi’s eyes lit up.

It seemed to have heard a great piece of good news.

Seeing what Li Laosi looked like.

Su Liang was also a little speechless in his heart.

This old fourth Li, do you hate marrying?

So hope that your daughter can be with him?


It’s not impossible for him to do it!

After all, this Li Erya should also look very good!

Saved him again!

No matter what, he wants to repay him! Isn’t he?

Su Liang was thinking with joy.

At this time, another footstep came from outside the door.

Su Liang immediately cheered up.

It’s just that he has some doubts in his heart.

Why is it a bit heavy to hear this sound of footsteps?

But soon.

Liang quickly dispelled this idea.

Sure, it was Li Erya who was worried about his injury.

So I feel heavy, and when I walk, I am also affected!

He would never admit it.

Li Erya is a big fat man just like her father!

After all, listening to Li Erya’s voice, it seems to be a Loli voice!

With this expectation.

Su Liang looked straight at the door.

Looking forward to seeing Li Erya appear in front of him.

See Su Liang’s appearance.

Li Old Si on the side also nodded in satisfaction.

Since Su Liang is also very satisfied with his daughter.

Then he is relieved.


The door was pushed open.

Su Liang quickly widened his eyes, wanting to see Li Erya for the first time!

A figure, also at this time, walked in!

The moment Su Liang saw this figure.


Almost all the saliva was sprayed out!

Damn it!

what happened!

This voice sounds very Loli.

My mother is also a very good-looking woman.

Why is it a person who is less than 1.5 meters tall.

But the weight, at least a big fat man of three hundred catties!

Why is it like this!

Su Liang saw the crumbling fat hanging from all over Li Erya’s body.

I can’t help but feel like I want to die!

Fuck him Loli!

That’s a big fat guy!

The vocal cords are squeezed by the fat, so there can only be such a faint sound!

How on earth is he deaf!

I heard Loli sound unexpectedly!


Su Liang couldn’t help but glanced at the photo on the wall.

Obviously such a beautiful mother.

Obviously, although the old man looks fierce, he can be regarded as eye-catching.

The daughter who gave birth, why is it such a giant mobile tank!


Why is this world so mysterious!

Are you very poor here!

Isn’t the house you live in, is it all so dilapidated?

Isn’t it that you can’t even buy a fluorescent lamp, you can only use incandescent lamps!

Why can a woman grow so fat!

It grows up to more than 300 catties.

This is a lot of food every month, right?

At least one month’s food expenses must be tens of thousands!

So your family.

What is it like to give birth to such a fat daughter!

Su Liang almost wanted to vomit blood!

All the charming dreams before, have all been thrown out of the sky!

He is simply mad!

What is it that will bring this giant tank in front of you.

He connected the beautiful little girl of his dreams together!


Poke his eyes blind!

He definitely doesn’t want to show promise to this woman!

Su Liang looked at Li Erya in despair.

I really want to go away like this.

But his whole body was dying of pain.

Don’t talk about running out.

Even the strength to sit up is not at all.

Su Liang could only watch Li Erya walking towards him in despair.

There was also a terrible smile squeezed by fat on his face.

Holding the medicine bowl, put it on the head of his bed.

Su Liang really didn’t have the courage to watch it.

You can only close your eyes.

Who knows at this time, Li Erya stretched out her hand.

Lifting Su Liang’s eyelids:

“What’s the matter with you (Zhao De)? Why did you close your eyes when you saw me?”

She forcefully opened Su Liang’s eyelids.

There was a sudden anger on his face:

“Are you looking down on me?”

“Still not even interested in seeing me!”

See this woman.

There was originally a shy smile.

But now, it turned into a face full of anger.

The way his face changed so quickly.

Su Liang really felt terrible for a while.

This woman is crazy!

Mood is so fickle!

Li Laosi said from the side:

“Since this kid is doing this to you, then we won’t save him. Throw him out, let’s be cold!


[One more!! Thank you for the monthly ticket voted by the boss of “Long Diaojiang Last Month”! Thank you!!].

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