Chapter 119 It’s Time to Clean Up Su Liang!! (Four more! Seeking subscription!)

how is this possible!

How could Shu Yifan take control of this computer directly from her?

No! Impossible!

Shu Yifan is just a person in this ordinary plane.

How could he have won the top student in her time and space?

She definitely doesn’t believe it!


These words in front of me.

But it ruthlessly broke her illusion!

Even if Guan Shiyun wants to deny it, it is fundamental, it can’t be done!

Seeing Zeng Shiyun’s appearance.

Shu Yifan couldn’t help but smiled:

“Why? Don’t you think you will lose?”

Guan Shiyun looked at Shu Yifan with a complicated expression, and muttered:

“Why are you so good?”

Shu Yifan smiled and said nothing.

to be honest.

Before the start, he didn’t think that he could win Guan Shiyun’s.

After all, I heard Zeng Shiyun said.

He can imagine.

How advanced is the technological level of the time and space situation?

Computer knowledge of this plane.

Definitely too, other planes are incomparable.

So before that, he was also prepared to lose.


At the beginning of the duel.

He discovered the loopholes in the programs written by Guan Shiyun.

did not expect.

25 Guan Shiyun is a top student in this time and space situation.

In front of his god-level computer knowledge.

There are so many loopholes to drill.

So afterwards.

He easily controlled this computer.

Seeing Guan Shiyun still a little dazed.

Shu Yifan asked:

“You tell me the truth, what is your computer level, in terms of time and space?”

Guan Shiyun listened to Shu Yifan’s question.

Also finally came back to his senses.

She looked at Shu Yifan with a complicated expression and asked:

“Do you want to hack into the computer of the Space-Time Bureau?”

Now the data of all soul orb numbers.

All are stored in the large computer of the Space-Time Bureau.

Once able to invade these large computers.

That proves that these data can be completely destroyed.

But Shu Yifan wanted it.

It will definitely not be destroyed.

Instead, control these data directly!

Guan Shiyun’s heart couldn’t help but a surge of excitement surged!

If Shu Yifan is true, can do this.

Then they face time and space.

Doesn’t it have some chances of winning?

All the frustration Guan Shiyun lost before disappeared in an instant.

In exchange for it.

It is endless anticipation and excitement.

Guan Shiyun quickly said:

“My ability, in the entire space-time bureau, can be considered middle and upper.”

“There are people with computer skills, a little better than mine.

“But, it’s not much better.”

She looked at Shu Yifan and said:

“I believe that with your computer skills.”

If “at the time and space bureau, it would be very easy to hack into the computer there!”

She is now full of confidence in Shu Yifan.

after all.

She is also a master.

There is still perception among the masters.

She can feel it.

Shu Yifan’s computer skills are really much better than her.

Compared with those computer masters of the Space-Time Bureau.

It may be more powerful.

Although Shu Yifan did not compete with those masters.

But Guan Shiyun has this feeling.

Shu Yifan asked:

“Does the time and space bureau occupy your entire plane?”

“Or, the Space-Time Bureau is just an organization of your plane?

Guan Shiyun replied:

“Our plane is called the Space-Time Game.”

“Everything in our plane serves the Bureau of Time and Space.”

“All the talents, the first to be supplied, is the Space-Time Bureau.

“All geniuses are also proud of being able to work in the space-time bureau.

“For example, I, such as Jingyun, were very happy to enter the space-time bureau at that time.”

“But who knows, the Space-Time Bureau is such an organization…

When she said this, a bitter smile suddenly appeared on her lips.

It was a sense of collapse where faith collapsed.

They were really looking forward to it.

Able to enter time and space.

But who thought.

The goal of the Space-Time Bureau is to manipulate other planes.

Treat people on other planes as if they were ants and manipulate them at will.

Therefore, many people like her and Su Jingyun.

Can’t stand this concept of the Space-Time Bureau.


Because many people have received this kind of education since childhood.

Therefore, there are very few people who have a rebellious mentality.

Exists like Guan Shiyun and Su Jingyun.

There are really few.

Shu Yifan frowned slightly and said:

“Listen to you, besides the two of you, are there other people who also want to escape from the space-time situation?”

Guan Shiyun nodded:

“Yes! It’s just the pioneers, many of them are dead.”

“Only I escaped with Jingyun because I studied the shielding potion.”

But despite this, those pioneers still gave me some theoretical support!

Her fingers moved.

He manipulated the computer and formed a folder.

She pointed to the folder and said to Shu Yifan:

“I originally planned to keep these materials for my own research.

“But now, seeing your computer skills, I also intend to involve you.

“I believe that with your abilities, some results can definitely be researched.”

“At that time, as long as you can reach the plane where the space-time bureau is located.”

“Then just hack into their mainframe computers and you don’t have to worry about anything.”

Shu Yifan nodded.

Put this folder directly into your mailbox.

710 plans to study it carefully after going home.

Guan Shiyun said again:

“But now, your most important thing is to solve Su Liang.”

“If it is not resolved early, wait until Su Liang’s ability develops and grows.

“At that time, it will be completely controlled by the Time and Space Bureau.

When she said this, she looked at Shu Yifan again, and said somewhat complicatedly:

“If I’m not mistaken, the reason why Su Liang was able to be taken away is because you did it?”

At this time, she also had some conjectures.

Shu Yifan can have such outstanding ability.

If not, the son of this plane is set to Su Liang.

If it is said that the son of the plane is Shu Yifan, that is more likely.

After all, compared with Shu Yifan.

Su Liang’s ability is really far inferior.

Even if the Time and Space Bureau shoves a traverser over.

It is also impossible to compare to Shu Yifan.

Now Guan Shiyun has confidence in Shu Yifan.

It’s almost overwhelming.

Shu Yifan smiled:

“Okay, let’s go and clean up Su Liang now.”


[Four changes!! Today’s is over! Thank you for your support! Continue tomorrow!

From now on, the first time will be in the morning, at six or seven o’clock. The specific time depends on when I get up. .

The second is at 13:25, the third is at 14:30, and the fourth is at 15:35. You can watch it at this time!].

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