However, Queiroz has quite a professional ethic, although he also appropriately commented on the imbalance of the Real Madrid squad, but every time he interviews, he will definitely praise Su Hang.

"Su Hang may not be the most talented player in the world, but he must be the most talented player in the world!"

"Su Hang has an unparalleled sense of goal! He is a real big heart player, and the more important the game, the better he plays! "

Su Hang changed my perspective on training! His training plans for injuries and older players will change world football! "

Su Hang has a maturity that does not match his age, he is a player with leadership skills."

Everyone knows about the festival of Su Hang and Queiroz.

But now, Queiroz praised Su Hang like a demon.

Apart from "Su Hang is really too good", people can't find any other reasonable explanation.

Even, Queiroz repeatedly suggested that Ferguson buy Su Hang.

Ferguson was a bit embarrassed.

Queiroz was invited by Ferguson, and now people want a player, isn't it interesting enough if you don't buy him?

But last year, Real Madrid just poached David Beckham from Manchester United.

Manchester United backhanded to buy a man's youth training, is it a bit self-defeating?

People dig your superstars, and if you have the ability, you should also dig other people's superstars.

What is a Soviet Airlines?

But in the end, it was impossible to stand Queiroz's repeated requests.

Ferguson made an offer to Real Madrid anyway.

For a while, Su Hang's name hit the headlines again.

Manchester United asks for the price of Real Madrid, Prince Su Hang! "

The return of Morientes is imminent, and it is a good choice for Real Madrid to sell Su Hang!" 《

10 million euros! Manchester United officially issued an offer for Su Airlines! "

Eighteen years old! Three games! 10 million euros! Su Hang created the fastest record in the history of player value, breaking 10 million! "

The German transfer assessment of Manchester United's offer is "huge risk", and the real value of Su Airlines should not exceed two million euros! The

world wants to know how Real Madrid will respond.

Soon, Real Madrid replied to Manchester United: "Su Hang is not for sale!" We have no intention of selling him! "

Ferguson: That's what he can do.

But Queiroz was not dead, and he let Manchester United try it on loan from Su Hang.

Manchester United subsequently sent out loan inquiries.

Manchester United Loan Application! Is it really necessary for Su Airlines to attract help? "

Su Hang is Queiros White Moonlight, but after seeing the performance of Su Hang, who can not be conquered by Su Hang?" Soon

, Florentino dialed Su Hang's phone.

He handed over the initiative of Lend-Lease to Su Hang.

This shows respect for Su Airlines.

Su Hang thought about it.

Manchester United are of course also a super-star-studded team, they even have Cristiano Ronaldo!

But the line-up on the Real Madrid side is clearly more luxurious.

And Su Hang has already laid the foundation of contacts on the Real Madrid side, and it will be harvested in the next few years.

Went to Manchester United... Everything is unknown.

He had no reason to go on a new adventure.

Su Hang replied to Florentino: "I may play 20% of my role at Manchester United, but as long as I can still play even 1% of my role for Real Madrid, I will choose to stay at Real Madrid.

Florentino was shocked by Su Hang's answer: "But... At Real Madrid, you can only be a substitute for a short period of time, or even on the bench for a long time. In

addition to the returning Morientes, Real Madrid are also about to introduce a striker, which is unknown to the outside world, but Florentino does not want to pit Su Hang.

Similarly, can Su Hang not know what Real Madrid plans to do?

Wind Chaser Boy!

England's Golden Boy!

The only Golden Globe winner in the current British service!

Michael Owen!

That's fantastic.

Finally I can lie down on the bench and get a good night's sleep.

Never worry about being replaced to play football again!

It was a nightmare!

Su Hang was extremely firm: "Unless the Real Madrid first-team squad can't stuff me, I'd rather sit on the bench all the time than go anywhere else!" At

this moment, Florentino was moved.

He wasn't even going to bring in Owen anymore.

Of course, this emotion lasted only a few seconds: "Good! I would refuse a loan from Manchester United. You will still play for Real Madrid in the new season!

"Do you have any preference for jersey numbers?" How about number 8 or number 11? "

The number eight, which is usually the shirt number of the starting midfielder.

But because it is very close to the number nine, and the number nine is the starting center, many centers who have status but cannot wear the number nine shirt will choose the number eight.

Unsurprisingly, this number belongs to Morientes.

The number eleven is the number of the main winger, and many strikers who cannot get the number nine will also retreat to the second number eleven.

Florentino wants to compensate Su Hang on the jersey.

Su Hang said with a smile: "I still have the twenty-fourth number, I like this number a lot." As for No. 8 and No. 11, leave it to the two new teammates.

Florentino was stunned.

Two newcomers?

Does Su Hang know?

How did he know?

It was nothing to be able to guess that Morientes would return.

But how did Su Hang know that Real Madrid would also bring in strikers?

Now the world thinks Real Madrid is going to buy a back.

Florentino: "Why do you think your new teammates are all strikers?

Su Hang said, "Didn't you want to loan me out before?" This shows that in addition to Morientes, the other should also be a striker.

Florentino: "Can't Ronaldo start, Morientes substitute, Portillo third substitute?"

Su Hang: "Although it seems disrespectful to Portillo to say this, I am afraid that the people who still compare me with him are fake fans." "

My contender is Morientes, and given that Real Madrid only bring in superstar tonality, the people who come will only come higher than Morientes."

Florentino: "You're smart, I like to deal with smart people, like Zidane.

Su Hang: "Yes, I like Zidane too. So next season you don't have to worry about me bringing chaos to the Real Madrid dressing room because I can't play.

"On the contrary, I will do everything I can to maintain peace within the Real Madrid squad."

Florentino asked if he wanted to go on loan, essentially indicating that he was also worried about trouble next season.

The prince made trouble, that was the most difficult thing to do.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't work.

The tube is light and has no effect.

The fans did not agree.

The easiest thing to cause the team to split.

In short, after this phone call, Florentino could not be more satisfied with Su Hang.

Marca newspaper then ran a headline: "Real Madrid rejected Manchester United's loan application, saying it was not a problem with the loan amount. Su Hang is the cornerstone of Real Madrid, and Real Madrid have important arrangements for him next season! At

this point, Manchester United finally gave up on Su Hang completely.

Then 37 million euros backhanded to buy Everton supernova Wayne Rooney!

Ten million euros took centre-back Gabriel Heinze from Paris Saint-Germain.

Nine million euros stole the last star of Leeds United's youth team, Alan Smith.

€5.25 million picked up young centre-back Gerard Pique from Barcelona.

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