Van Nistelrooy's real worth is almost 15 million euros.

Manchester United's offer is actually similar to Bayern's.

But the difference is that I gave you who you wanted.

Without Van Nistelrooy, Real Madrid may not be able to buy their favorite striker for 20 million elsewhere.

It's hard to buy your heart.

So this offer is more competitive than Bayern.

Now even the fans have an opinion.

"What happened to Real Madrid? If you don't renew your contract with Su Hang, more and more giants will participate!

"The Serie A side has encountered the telephone door this year, but if it is slowed down, it will not be done next year."

"Chelsea are looking at each other, although they and Shevchenko have eyebrows, but it is not impossible to ask for another Su Hang, anyway, there is money!"

"My Su team loyalty is also expressed, is it difficult for the management to directly renew the contract?"

"The World Cup is coming, don't affect the state of my Su team!" This year's lineup, it should be no problem to qualify for the group stage, let's see if you can rush to the quarterfinals. "

Real Madrid are bitter.

They really want to tell everyone that our asking price has reached 5.5 million euros, and the actual expenditure is higher than that of Beckham.

But they couldn't say.

Because they know that for fans, Su Airlines' highlight performance this season, not giving the top salary is a loss of conscience!

Fans don't think about it that much.

Even if you think about it so much, you will feel that Su Hang is worthy of Real Madrid's top salary.

After all, I, Sue, am still the captain!

In the end, Calderon's assistant called Su Hang again and directly said that Su Hang received the team's top salary of 6.4 million euros!

Money is one thing, and more importantly, it also recognizes the status of Su Airlines in the team.

In the new season, no matter what head coach is changed and what star is recruited, no one will be able to shake the position of the local boss of Su Airlines.

Considering the imminent disintegration of the Brazilian gang, Real Madrid is unlikely to form a large mountain in the team in the future, and the leadership position of the Soviet Airlines team has actually been established.

Even this assistant had to praise Su Hang: "You and Raul have encountered the same situation, but what you have obtained now is far more than what Raul got at the beginning." "

And now you are younger than Raul, and you will be one of the most powerful people in Real Madrid's future."

In this regard, Su Hang had a different opinion: "In fact, I don't care about these things, I have never thought about what power."

"If you had treated me with even a little more respect in the beginning, things wouldn't have gotten to this point."

"Six million four million euros is actually no different for me, and four million euros and one million euros."

"I'm not interested in money, money doesn't bring me happiness, and my happiest days were when I was in junior high school when I lived on 40,000 euros a month. Although the money is small, I can at least enjoy it.

"Similarly, my status in the team does not need to be reflected by the top salary."

"If you know me, you will know my style and ideas."

"Unfortunately, you didn't."

The assistant was silent for a while: "Indeed, you forced to pretend, eh... You have a point, after all, you are already so rich. Then the contract let..." Su

Hang: "Let's talk about the contract, I want to concentrate on playing the World Cup well during this time." The

assistant was stunned: "What? But if you don't renew your contract now, Mr. Calderon will be under a lot of pressure. Is there anything else you are not satisfied with, this is already the best contract Real Madrid can offer a player! It couldn't be higher!

Su Hang smiled: "Look, that's what I said, you guys have a little more respect for me."

"I ask you, from the beginning of the renewal event to now. Or has Mr. Calderon personally made any phone calls to me since he took office? "

There is a price to talk about feelings."

"When you talk about business, you have to talk about the price of business."

"There is an old Chinese saying that things are not more than three, and this is your third opportunity to squander and talk about feelings."

"Next, we can talk about business."

"After the World Cup, I will find time to meet with Mr Calderon and hopefully he will not be so busy by then."

Toot toot!

Su Hang hung up the phone.

Simon, who came to find Su Hang, was sweating.

I Sue... Is it so rigid?

The first time in Simon's life was when Florentino disqualified him as head coach and brought in Lusenborg.

But his approach was to resign.

And Su Hang's rigid method is to let Calderon personally come to him.

It's not the same realm at all.

Perhaps too shocking, Simon even forgot to hide after Su Hang turned around.

The two looked at each other and dreamed back to the men's bathroom at the Real Madrid training ground that year.

Simon was the first to speak: "In this way, won't you offend Calderon?"

The corners of Su Hang's mouth raised: "People have to do different things at different stages."

"Before I became captain, I didn't have any complaints about my situation, and it didn't matter how hard I suffered."

"When I was captain, I could temporarily sacrifice my interests for this responsibility."

"But it was all because I volunteered."

"My interests, my dignity, shall not be violated and trampled upon by anyone without my permission."

"I'm not going to be tough all the time, but when it's time to be tough, I'm never weak."

"That's how I do things."

Su Hang patted Simon's shoulder.

Simon nodded: "By the way, Mr. Aragonnes asked the whole team to assemble, as if he was going to announce something." The

two walked towards the training ground.


In the training ground, all the players have arrived, only Su Hang remains.

With the belated arrival of Su Airlines, the personnel are complete.

Aragonés glanced at Su Hang and cleared his throat: "In the past period, everyone has devoted themselves to training, and I am proud of your attitude.

"Next, we're going to leave for Germany."

"I hope that our trip will live up to everyone's efforts and everyone's expectations of us."

"Before embarking on this journey, I would like to announce one thing."

"After discussing with Raul, Puyol, Casillas, Salgado, Albelda and many other players who have the qualifications for captaincy, combined with the opinions of the coaching staff, the captain of the Spanish national team will be Su Hang!"


Many players were stunned.

Especially the young players.

"What? Soviet Airlines?

"How could it be Su Hang?"

"Isn't it always Raul?"

"Even if Raul is not right, it should be Casillas or Puyol, right?"

"He's so young, not yet twenty."

'But he is really strong and understands the team's tactics more than all of us.'

"Don't forget, he's the captain of Real Madrid."

"If Puyol has no opinion, no one should have an opinion, right?"

"It's very impressive, but I think it's a good thing, the passion of the fans will be completely awakened."

"Next, let us welcome Su Hang with applause to say a few words." Aragonés motioned for Su Hang to step forward.

The teammates applauded, and the scene was not cold at all.

Puyol even muttered, "It's much more suitable than Cassie."

Casillas rolled his eyes.

Don't you know that in addition to your Barça people, others are already very supportive of Su Hang as captain?

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