"Real Madrid won!"

"Su Hang, Raul, Figo, David Beckham, Zidane, they took over the game!"

"Rosenberg! These are the players you put on the bench!

"Two Mr. Ballon d'Or, World Footballer of the Year! Two Golden Globe seconds! And a future Mr. Golden Globe! "

At the scene, the Real Madrid fans were happy.

In the previous three games, the team has scored a total of three goals.

In eight minutes of the game, three were scored.

This effect is really... Immediate results.

Where do you need Robinho's bike.

Where is Baptista's hand-to-hand combat needed.

Where to need a wide supercar in Ciccinho.

In this front court, anyone can knock on the goal in their own way.

That's the superstar!

Sixty-third minute.

Garcia brought down the Athletic Bilbao player and received a yellow card.

Lusenborg replaced Garcia with Guti.

Originally, he wanted to replace Graveson.

But...... Simon reminded Lussenburg that as the "assistant coach" assigned by the management to supervise Lusenborg, he strictly implemented Su Hang's substitution opinion.

In the 68th minute, Figo was tackled in attack.

His physical strength was somewhat exhausted.

He can't play 90 minutes at full capacity now.

Simon replaced Figo with Baptista this time.

Baptista was a little surprised, because he was not the one of Su Hang's group, and he thought that he would not have the opportunity to play.

But Su Hang seems to ... It's really for the sake of the team.

Instead of remembering personal vendettas.

Seventy-first minute.

Su Hang received a cross from Zidane and shot from a distance of 20 meters from the goal.

The football was saved by the goalkeeper.

Shot a little straighter.

David Beckham then took a corner kick, but the Bilbao player snatched the first drop and cleared the ball to the other side.

Roberto Carlos did not hesitate to cross the cross.

No more reservations!

He has two passing points.

One is Baptista in front, and the other is Suhang in the back.

It stands to reason that he should have looked for Baptista.

But I don't know why, Carlos remembered the scene in the dressing room.

"We need your help"!

Baptista and the defenders jumped up, but they couldn't stand up to the football.

The next moment, Su Hang rose from the ground.


A loud bang.

The football smashed the net angrily, stirring up countless white waves!

"And! And also! There really is! "

Carlos' cross is so beautiful! It's like opening a lock!

"Four to zero! Real Madrid are still scoring! "

Su Hang finished scoring twice! And it was a header twice! Su

Hang rushed out from the crowd.

His right hand shook, and he was close to the Real Madrid fans.

Here it comes!

The things you want are coming!

Su Hang jumped up and turned around one hundred and eighty degrees in mid-air.

Then it landed heavily on the ground, and the heavenly gods descended!

Eighty thousand people at the Bernabéu Stadium roared in unison:


At this moment, the whole Madrid knew that Su Hang had scored.

Such a neat siu sound.

I'm afraid it's more than one!

Are Real Madrid finally going to win?

Want to end a three-game losing streak?

Then, to everyone's cheers, Simon used up the last substitution.

Robinho replaced Zidane and gave Zizu a rest.

The same replacement Zidane, but with a very different meaning.

Rosenberg's replacement is "Fuck off, old guy, let the one who can play up".

Simon's replacement is "Qizu has worked hard, the rest is garbage time, let the children feel it".

It also puts a lot of pressure on Robinho.

It's the first time he's seen Real Madrid fans like this... Agitated.

It was also the first time he saw the scene of 80,000 Mei Linger cheering for a certain person.

He has never felt that Su Hang is a powerful player.

Apart from power and headers, Robinho can finish off in every way.

He had no respect for the captain.

But now... He was a little afraid to look Su Hang in the eyes.

That murderous look.

That domineering that almost condensed into substance.

Robinho couldn't help but want to go up and say, "Obey!" "

Seventy-fifth minute.

Robinho, who was eager to perform, pedaled the bike continuously, but was steadily and ruthlessly completed the steal by Biba's players.

The opponent is suspected of fouling the ball.

But Biba, Atletico Madrid, and the Spanish national derby have always been big, and the confrontation has always been strong.

Robinho rolled on the ground for a long time.

But the result was that Athletic Bilbao scored with this counter-attack.

One to four!

Athletic Bilbao finally saved some face.

Robinho was not convinced, chasing the referee and saying that it was a foul, this goal cannot be counted, are you professional?

As a result, the referee awarded Robinho a yellow card.

Professional or not, you say?

Baptista and Carlos then pulled Robinho.

It is not wise to provoke the referee.

Eighty-third minute.

Demon Dao Guti kicked straight to create the perfect opportunity.

Robinho cut inside without the ball, received the football, and pedaled continuously on the left side of the penalty area, and the scene looked like a showman.

But...... As long as he casually kicks horizontally, Su Hang, who is unguarded at the top of the arc of the big penalty area, can enter the box with the ball and complete an attack that is almost like shooting training.


After the pass route between Suhang and Robinho was blocked, Robinho volleyed on the defender and popped off the line.

Su Hang's face visibly darkened.

Without affecting the team, Su Hang understood Robinho and allowed him to have some more independent performances.

Newcomers always want to prove themselves.

This is a good thing.

Show that you are self-motivated.

But if this independence affects the entire team, this is not right.

"What are you doing?" Su Hang walked towards Robinho, "Did you not see me, or did you deliberately not pass the ball to me?"

"Are you playing alone? Opportunity does not belong to you or me, but to all of us!

"Didn't your coach teach you how to work with your teammates?"

"If this happens again, you won't get another chance to play!"

"Did you hear that?"

Su Hang one meter eight, Robinho one meter seventy-two.

Su Hang was angry, and when he walked over, Robinho even took several steps back.

Baptista and other players also hurried around, for fear that the two would have some conflict.

"Answer me, hear no!" Su Hang raised his voice again.

"Heard me!" Robinho nodded repeatedly, his face white with fright.

Otherwise, he felt that Su Hang would kill himself.

After Su Hang turned to leave, Robinho stood in place, his face green and red for a while.

He was not happy with his reaction.

He just... Frightened by Su Hang?

How so?

Robinho was ashamed of his reaction just now.

Next time, he will definitely give Su Hang back... Well...... Certain!

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