"And over time, I... We...... All of us saw his leadership qualities! "

He's always turning the tide when it matters."

'He was able to sacrifice his playing position and maintain as much harmony as possible within the team.'

"He can make the right decisions when everyone is silent, even if it is against the coaching staff and management."

"He can stand up in the midst of thousands of fans, stop the strife and fulfill his promise to bring us the title!"

"That's right! I'm talking about you... Sue!

Raul said, pulling Su Hang to the front of the float.

Zidane laughed silently.

This moment... It's finally here.

Raul is more responsible than Zidane imagined.

Perhaps, this is also the change that Su Airlines brought to Raul.

In the past, Raul would not have chosen a time like today, even if he was not the captain.

He would look for Florentino privately.

But now... Raul's heart is even stronger.

That's what leaders can bring to everyone.

Raul shoved the captain's armband into Su Hang's hand and said loudly: "Now, I officially announce that I, Raul Gonzalez... I will no longer be any captain of Real Madrid in the future!

"At the same time, I will also advise the team on the successor in my capacity as the previous captain, as is customary."

"I think Real Madrid will lead Su Hang to glory!"

"I hope Su Hang can become the next captain of Real Madrid!"

"If you wish, please join me in calling out his name..."

Raul turned the microphone forward, while raising Su Hang's hand.

The next moment, Madrid shouted tsunami: "Su Hang! "

Su Hang!"

"Su Hang!"

Dozens of broadcast media outlets at the scene were shocked.


This celebration really didn't come in vain!

This wave of blood earned!

The media that does not come loses death!

Raul actually took the initiative to "Zen" the position of captain.

It's so rare!

How dare Raul!

That's awesome!

Raul finally toughened his breath once!

Well done!

Of course, not that Raul is bad, but ... Su Hang is indeed too good!

Su Hang's performance is indeed too explosive!

In the midst of cheers, Su Hang took the microphone.

He pinched the captain's armband in his hand and said that it was fake that he was not excited.

But he knew what he should do now.

After all, there are some words, he has been drafting in his heart for a long time.

"Thank you, thank you." Su Hang controlled the situation and quieted the fans, "First of all, I want to tell you a concept in my heart.

"I think there are ups and downs for everything in this world."

"As a leader, no matter how strong your ability is, sometimes you need to wait for a certain time."

"So the success or failure of a team, the peak or not, is not the criterion for judging whether a leader is good."

"The greatest success of a leader is not whether he can take the team to the top, but whether he can find the next qualified successor for the team!"

"From that point of view, I think Raul is definitely one of the best and successful captains in Real Madrid history!"


There was countless applause at the scene.

Raul's eyes were also red and quite excited.

It can be seen that Su Hang is talking about Raul's heart.

Judging from the record and honor, Raul, the captain, is definitely unsuccessful, and even very dense.

But Su Hang's words made Raul's efforts get the due reward.

His efforts were finally seen by everyone.

Su Hang and Raul hugged.

Raul helped Su Hang put on the captain's armband.

Then Raul handed the stage to Su Hang alone and retreated to the back himself.

Su Hang looked at so many fans alone and said, "I have nothing to say, and I have nothing to promise to everyone." "

Everyone in this position will do their best to do their best."

"I'll just say one word."

"Next season, our goal is the Champions League!"


Su Hang was hoarse.

The next moment, 100,000 fans of Madrid exploded in an instant:


This sound continues to spread throughout Europe and even world football!

After three years, Real Madrid once again made the strongest voice in the championship!

Their goal is the Champions League!


《Burst! Raul announces that he will no longer be Real Madrid captain from next season! 《

Boom! In the championship parade, Raul elected Su Hang as the captain of the team, and 100,000 fans cheered through! "

After Atletico Torres, La Liga has another junior captain, this time Real Madrid Su Airlines!" "

Real Madrid issued a Champions League declaration! The new captain speaks out: lead the team to the top of the world next season! "

Real Madrid Fan Association: Thank you Raul for his efforts, and look forward to the contribution of Su Airlines!" "

Nineteen years old, less than twenty games, this new Real Madrid captain is not convinced! Because he let people see Ronaldo + Zidane + Makelele! 《

Raul Certification! The first Asian captain in the history of Real Madrid - Su Hang! 《

The strongest Chinese in football! The leader of Su Airlines impressed Raul and became the twentieth captain in the history of Real Madrid! 》


News of the change of Real Madrid's captain spread overnight.

This is even more shocking than Su Hang's statement that Real Madrid will be competing for the Champions League next season.

After all, the Galactic Battleship, it is reasonable to say that it is reasonable to compete for any championship.

But Raul Zen Jean, Su Hang succeeded to the throne, this is simply a little... Supergod.

TV series can't play such a horse-grabbing plot.

Raul is twenty-eight years old, a player's theoretical peak.

Ability, experience, fame, professionalism, all aspects have reached a perfect balance.

This is the age at which you really should be a captain.

Raul, however, gave way.

How to see how unreasonable.

How much benefit does this have to be given up?

But only those who know Raul know how pleasant and relaxed Raul is after making a decision.

Raul's wife and family said that they had not seen such a relaxed and sincere smile on Raul's face for a long time.

Their Raul is back.

As for the benefits... In the team, Raul has no moral shackles of the captain and will only profit.

For example, position, he can compete openly.

Whatever you Owen or Totty, I, Raul, will not give way again.

Everyone has their own skills!

Of course, Toti should not be able to come.

For a time, the two words of Su Hang turned red and purple in Europe.

While reporting relevant news, major media tried to find Real Madrid officials for verification.

But something interesting happened.

"Real Madrid's sporting director: I didn't know about this and didn't get notice from Raul and the rest of the team beforehand.

Real Madrid hierarchy: Raul does not have the power to decide who is the next captain of the team.

"As": "If Su Hang becomes the captain of Real Madrid, Real Madrid's original selection system for captains will fail, which is very dangerous!" "

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