"We will win La Liga this season!"

"If you can't do it! I will voluntarily step down! Never again in any position within the Real Madrid team!

"I, Su Hang, swear by the captain's armband in my hand!"

"We ... It's a champion! "


Su Hang raised his arms and shouted, letting out his strongest cheer.

The next moment, he raised his arms high.

More than 10,000 Real Madrid fans immediately made an earth-shattering voice:


The sound of the mountain shaking, the sound formed by this sound swept around.

Many distant cameras have shaken because of this.

The sound reached the Real Madrid bus.

Zidane finally breathed a sigh of relief: "This kid!

Raul had a relieved smile on his face: "He did it!" The

Real Madrid players nodded.

Even Carlos and Lusenborg's stiff faces had a hint of blood.

The sound also came into the stadium.

Some of the 20,000 fans inside the stadium already knew what was going on outside.

But now it seems....


The fans in the stadium also cheered in silence.

and the sound of siu outside formed a response.

The sky is full of siu.

Su Hang returned to the bus surrounded by fans.

The bus slowly drove into the home of Zaragoza.

The conflict subsided.

But across the globe.

It also exploded instantly because of this conflict!

Bild: "Thousands of Real Madrid fans and Zaragoza fans clash! Zaragoza officials dispatched hundreds of police officers to rush to the stadium!

The Kicker: "Incredible! The siu sounded, like the Bible!

"Record News": "An arrow through the clouds, thousands of troops come to meet!" Su Hang held the captain's armband and ordered tens of thousands of Mei Linger!

"Sky Sports": "The sky is loud, and Su Hang is shining!" Su Hang calmed the conflict of 10,000 people alone, which is rare in football!

France Football: "Burst! Su Airlines promised that if Real Madrid did not win La Liga, he would never hold any position in the team!

Gazzetta dello Sport: "We are champions? Why did Real Madrid fans celebrate in advance outside the home stadium of Zaragoza? It turned out that he did it!

Torino Sport Daily: "Bet on the promise of a career!" Su Hang said that he would play closed immediately and would come off the bench in the second half!

Marca: "Hero's Declaration! Real Madrid spirit! Su Hang is not afraid of danger, holding the captain's armband deep into the heart of the conflict and calming the chaos!

Daily Sport: "Speak loudly! Su Hang lied and fooled fans into saying that Real Madrid can reverse Barça to win the title?

World Sport: "Big joke! Su Hang's career at Real Madrid is over! Barça are unlikely to lose, and Real Madrid are unlikely to beat Zaragoza by four goals!

"The Sun": "Deep analysis, why is it Su Hang and not Raul!" "

Most of these media outlets were shocked by the incident.

Normal media are shocked.

Especially after the pictures and videos of the scene came, everyone was even more incredulous about Su Hang's performance.

What is it called a husband and a man?

What is a universal enemy?

What is it called to fight one against million?

In the face of the crisis, Su Airlines showed the style of a general!

It has inspired the heroic complex in the hearts of countless fans.

Basically, only the media in the Jiatai area will speak ill of Su Airlines.

But The Sun's angle is really tricky.

They analyzed this move of Su Airlines from the perspective of sunk costs.

Raul is the starter after all.

If you really suffer from fan attacks and so on, and you can't play, then Real Madrid is really finished.

And Su Hang is an injured man anyway, not to mention whether it is sealed or not, anyway, he will definitely not be able to play in the first half.

Even if it is really "broken" in the conflict.

Real Madrid still have the opportunity to fight on the pitch.

The news soon spread to the country as well.

But after review.

Basically, at the stage of entering the players of both sides, the commentary on the domestic side only got the exact news from the director's side, and then broadcast.

"Hello everyone, I'm your commentator Han Qiaosheng. Sitting next to me is the narrator He Wei. "

We just got shocking news."

"Just over an hour earlier, more than 3,000 Real Madrid fans had a fierce fight with Zaragoza fans outside the stadium."

"Nearly hundreds of police officers from Zaragoza arrived at the scene and failed to control the situation."

At the critical moment, the crown prince of Real Madrid and Chinese player Su Hang jumped from the three-story bus. Holding the captain's armband, God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks Buddha... Finally calmed down this hundred regiments war!

He Wei was sweating as he listened.

Teacher Han, do you want to take another look at the copy sent by the director?

Just ask you any number that says right?

Is this the Real Madrid Dauphin or Harry Potter?

Do you think that Su Hang is the Terminator?

Your explanation of sports is really talented.

You should go and explain science fiction movies.

It's a huge shame that Star Wars didn't ask you to be a voice act.

Domestic sci-fi film shooting is right for you, where do you need to spend money to invite a Hollywood special effects team?

They have been doing special effects for several years, and they are not as thrilling as your statement!

Fortunately, the director was sensible, and when Han Qiaosheng was playing freely, he cut into the picture and video information that Zhan Jun transmitted back from Europe.

Domestic fans in front of the TV were completely impressed by those scenes.

"Groove! I'm awesome! "

White clothes fluttering, this is Su Hang? This is Su Qi is good! "

Su beggar? What terrier?

"He's talking about killing gods in vain."

"It's so strong! Although I have not seen Lv Bu 1,900 years ago, I have the privilege of meeting me Su 1,900 years later!

"Chitu in the horse, Eevee in the man! If you are a husband, you have to be my siu!

"It is said that Ibrahimovic of Juventus looks at the world, and I feel that I Su is the real invincible in the world!"

"Don't hit the seal! This will affect your entire career!

"It's just, Su Hang really... Even if he were able, it would be difficult for Real Madrid to beat Zaragoza by four goals.

"Alas, it's a pity! It's hard to find a European player who is close to us, and this is about to fall. There

was a sigh.

Multiple matches in the final round of La Liga start at the same time!

On the Real Madrid side, the starting line-up is:

Raul, Owen

Solari, Zidane, David Beckham

, Graveson

Carlos, Samuel, Helguera, Salgado



this is the most capable lineup for Real Madrid at the moment.

From the first minute of the game, these players made no secret of their desire to score.

And yet the same.

From the first minute of the game, Zaragoza made no secret of their purpose in squatting to defend.

Sniping is victory!

Zaragoza is in no hurry.

They naturally took the initiative in this game!

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