Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 72 Kuzan's Self-awareness


The office door is closed.

Nomi, who was originally smiling, stopped smiling and looked at the sea outside the window with a frown.

During the youth training camp...

If it weren't for Teacher Zefa and Kuzan who stopped him at that time, maybe he would be dead now.

But the self who died like that should be the most powerful self.

Face your inner fears and act according to your heart without hesitation. The domineering feeling at that moment was really strong.

Kevin...what exactly do you want to do?

In such a world, even if you become an admiral or a marshal, there is nothing you can do to face the group of borers on Mariejoia.

"Dong dong dong."

"Come in."

Holiday glanced at Nomi: "There is still no news of the refuge ship on the other side of Upside Down Mountain."

Nomi frowned: "There is also an interception at the entrance to the Grand Airway after going down the Upside Down Mountain. We can't control that side. If they really go over there, they will be caught."

Holiday replied: "Maybe they are hiding on an island in the Western Sea?"

Nomi: "We can only hope that this is the case. The Western Sea is very big, and our headquarters has always had a problem of insufficient troops, so we won't be searching the Western Sea all the time. As for the agents of the World Government, we can also cause trouble secretly."

Holiday was silent for a while and nodded, that was all he could do for now.

Islands like O'Hara were destroyed, and it's unknown if any scholars survived.

The people on the two refuge ships now don’t know where they are.

"Lieutenant General Kuzan is here this time..."

"Testing. After all, we have been friends for many years, and he knows my character very well. He has already begun to doubt Kevin's position. It is easy to cover up this time, but not necessarily next time."

"I heard that the lieutenant general was held accountable because he was unwilling to take action on the asylum ship?"

"It's just about accountability. The monsters in the youth training camp are prepared with the highest combat power. In recent years, including Kevin, there are only four."

Nomi looked disdainful: "Although those guys never considered themselves human beings and regarded the navy as nothing more than dogs. But when they reach that level, being driven by a rope is the best choice for them."

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

With this promotion from colonel to major general, Kevin finally met the current top commander of the navy: Marshal Warring States.

But from the moment he entered the door, he knew that the marshal was dissatisfied with him.

After all, in the O'Hara incident, he was the only one in the entire navy who proved that Spangdine had pressed the demon-slaying order.

As for why the navy didn't start shelling immediately?

I'm not on the warship, so I don't know! I saw the commander of CP9 pressing the demon-slaying order, and then a scholar tried to grab it, but the phone bug accidentally died.

Such questioning made Sengoku's brain hurt. The justice of the guy in front of him was obviously the same as that of the World Government.

The order for promotion also came from the World Government, both for merit and combat power. Sengoku couldn't suppress it and there was nothing he could do. After all, there was still Kuzan's matter there.

Obviously, the World Government also feels that the navy dog ​​is not very obedient and needs an obedient dog to set an example.

"Kevin, you don't have a last name, right?"

"Yes, Marshal, are there any questions?"

"You must have had a difficult childhood without a surname, right?"

Kevin looked at Sengoku: "So Marshal Sengoku wants to ask me why this is happening? The South China Sea incident and the O'Hara incident more than a week ago?"

"It is precisely because I have experienced suffering that I don't want to go back to the days like the past. What does their life and death have to do with me? The most important thing is that I get what I want, right?"

The two looked at each other.

After a long time, Warring States finally spoke: "I hope you can find your own justice. With the rank of rear admiral, you can already independently equip a warship to carry out missions. Next, you can..."

The door of the office is closed, and Kevin, who has become a rear admiral, needs to assign warships and subordinates, and then go to the first half of the Grand Route to complete the mission.

Although he is also a subordinate of Kuzan, there is no need to follow him now.

After all, there is a shortage of troops, and Kevin, who has outstanding combat capabilities, has to go out and act alone.

While the degree of freedom increases, the credit will also be raised during this period.

In the office, Seng Guo, who had a head as big as a bucket, fed documents to the goat.

There are so many files to shred these days that this sheep is just a little too slow.

"Dong dong dong."

"Come in."

Warring States glanced up, then lowered his head and continued feeding the goat.

As time passed by, Sengoku, who had been ignoring Kuzan for a while, raised his head, and the scene that came into view almost made him angry to death.

At this moment, Kuzan was slumped on the sofa, with his blindfold pulled down and barely snoring.

" it!"

Amidst the scolding, Kuzan pulled up his eye mask sleepily, stood up and looked at Warring States: "Have you finished your work, Marshal?"

Veins popped up on Zhan Guo's forehead: "I'm very busy. I have too many things to settle for you!"

Kuzan understood what it meant, and could only say helplessly: "The activation of the demon-slaying order has really not been received, but Sakaski asked me to take action against the refuge ship, and I can't do it."

Hearing this, Warring States paused and replied after a while: "I can't do it either, but Sakaski's decision is not wrong in my opinion."

Hearing this, Kuzan looked towards Sengoku, and their eyes met.

"I don't know whether ancient weapons will destroy the world, but as soon as such a thing appears, it will inevitably arouse the desires of all ambitious people, and the sea will become more chaotic."

Warring States stood up: "There are many ordinary people on the refuge ship, and O'Hara's scholars are also very weak. But precisely because of this, their appearance will attract the prying eyes of those guys."

"We have no way to change, so we can only do our best to maintain it, right?"

Kuzan exhaled.


Waiting for this big tree to be completely dragged down by rotten roots?

But if this is the case, how many people will die?

"I see."

After leaving Warring States' office, Kuzan went to the youth training camp.

Zefa, who had finished training, looked at the absent-minded disciple and frowned.

"Been reprimanded?"

"I was trained and persuaded."

Zefa sighed: "You came back a few days late. Did you go to Rath Gap?"

Kuzan nodded: "I met Nomi, but I didn't get the answer I wanted."

As he spoke, Kuzan raised his head slightly: "Teacher, do you regret it?"

These words chilled the scene.

But Zefa was not angry. He knew what the disciple was asking.


"Me too."

Kuzan continued: "If I didn't become a navy at that time, maybe I would have taken a different path. Or I would have stayed in Sihai like Nomi, and I wouldn't have had to think so much."

Zefa smiled: "It is impossible for a natural ability user with natural disaster ability to stay in the world."

Kuzan nodded: "Teacher, can you know more if you become a general?"

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