Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 885: 289 varieties are different, how could it be a biological father and son?

Sandy shook his head, with urgency and longing in his eyes, saying: "You are the beastmaster, the name you give is different."

Gu Mengmeng chuckled and instantly understood the meaning of Sandy.

The parents of the world are like this, always want to give the best of everything to their children.

Gu Mengmen nodded and said, "Well, when you are born, I will help them get their names."

Sandy laughed and said, "I know you are the best for me."

When the two females came together, there was always a topic that couldn't be finished. The East Laxi said it for a long time, and the four males had no room to intervene.

Gu Mengmeng has been in a bad mood for Chi Xuan and Walkley for a while. There is a person who can talk to her and make her laugh. Ervis and Leia are naturally happy. It is rare that there is no forcible intervention because of the embarrassment, because they both eat and laugh, whispering lol, happy.

As for Bode and Colin

Oh, Sandy has been playing various in-situ explosions at home these days, and they have no way to take her. Finally found a person who can make her laugh, as long as Gu Mengmeng's two big Buddhas don't worry, they can't wait for Sandy and Gu Mengmeng to get along for a while, so that Sandy's mood is better for a while.

"Hey, what about your house?" Why didn't you see him?" Sandy said this, everyone is a glimpse.

Gu Mengmeng’s doubts blinked, trying not to show the same, while eating the barbecue and saying: “My family?”

"Yeah." Sandy nodded. "You haven't forgiven him yet? Although he hasn't found what you want, but let him go home in Chi Xuan. Or else they." It’s not a problem that the two are always floating outside." Gu Mengmeng raised his eyebrows and said: "What did he say to you?"

Sandy nodded and said: "Yeah, he and Leia together with you, although not as good as Leia will please you, but it is also a five-level orc, you have another son of Chi Xuan did not find it back. I will slowly find you, and you will not let the two of them go home."

"Kehe and Leia with me?" Gu Mengmeng is more and more eager to listen.

She and Leia are in the Snake Valley, but after returning to St. Naze, Gu Mengmeng did not block the news, so many things happened to her in the Snake King Valley. Many of these people naturally include Sandy.

Moreover, at the time of digging the well, Gu Mengmeng also asked the majority of female friends to take out the things that happened in the Snake King Valley.

Sandy is the friend who has been with her for the longest time. She doesn't believe that Sandy doesn't know what is going on between her and Køge.

But Sandy’s current appearance is obviously not like lying, which is similar to her attitude when she went to the cave to help Ervis and Leia.

and so

Sandy is convinced that Kee is one of her companions, and is Chi Xuan the son of her and Khe?


Special Chi Chi Xuan is a wolf, Kee is a fox, the varieties are different, how could it be a biological father and son? Even the DNA is not used, can the naked eye be able to distinguish it?

"Sandy, let's go back. You are entangled in Gu Mengmeng, and Leia is going to lose his temper again." Bod said as he held a little tough to hold Sandy and gave Colin a Look, then he left with the uncompromising Sandy.

Colin sighed, sitting cross-legged on the side of the campfire, silent for a long while before opening, said: "I wanted to tell you, but I have never found a chance. Sandy seems to be in the middle of Khee."

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