Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 221 Ye Fan? Ye Fan? (1/2)

"Yes, he is the reincarnation of Emperor Ye Tian." Emperor Tian said: "Ye Fan!"

Speaking of these two words, he couldn't help but think of a novel he had read.

Same name, same title.

I just don’t know who is stronger.

"It's really him, great!" Huo Lao's face was full of excitement. His inheritance fell into his hands and he became his inheritor. It seemed that he had taken advantage of it.

The other party is the reincarnation of the most powerful emperor, and he is just a small king.

Under normal circumstances, if his inheritance is given to others, the other party will not even look at it.

But now, it's different.

The other party hasn't awakened yet, so it's the last time.

If he can succeed, even if he dies, he will die without regrets.

"Not good!" Suddenly Huo Lao thought of something.

In the palace, in the second trial space, every space is bursting with flames.


The volcano erupted and lava almost covered the entire world.

The temperature is so horribly high that even the Venerable Realm cannot resist it.

"Taliang, how long will it take?" Amid the flames that filled the sky, a voice full of hateful displeasure came from a figure whose body was wrapped in thunder.

Thunder Blade is filled with anger at this moment. It has been several hours. The flames have not stopped, and the test has not ended. Instead, the fire is getting bigger and bigger, and the temperature is getting higher and higher.

Until now, he still hasn't figured out what the second test is.

This is still the second level, so annoying.

I don’t know what tests will come next.

But it won't be that simple.

King realm inheritance is indeed not that easy to obtain.





Suddenly there was a loud roar all around, and more than a dozen fireballs were seen hitting the thunder knife.

"Holy shit!" Lei Dao looked helpless when he saw this. There really was no end to it, right?

"Eighteen cuts with the thunder knife!" The thunder time around the thunder knife turned into violent thunder knives and slashed towards the fireball.

"Break it!" Lei Dao roared.




At the moment of contact, the thunder knife and the fireball exploded at the same time. Sparks filled the sky. The violent thunder snakes wandered around, and everything they passed was like the end of the world.

With this attack, most of the thunder on Lei Dao's body has been consumed, and it has become much scarcer.

"Huh!" Lei Dao's face was red, but if he looked carefully, he could see that his face was a little pale.

He has reached the extreme, and all the strength in his body has been exhausted.

Just pray that the test will end immediately and that he will pass it.




As soon as the thought came to an end, there was movement around him again.

The scorching fireballs seemed to have eyes, attacking towards the thunder knife.


"It's over!" Lei Dao looked desperate.

Then it was submerged in a sea of ​​flames.

"Second level, test failed!"

"What's going on?" In the same space, a figure was wrapped in golden light, and fire exploded in his body from time to time.

As time goes by, the golden light becomes weaker and weaker.

Also revealed its true appearance.

It's Jin Million.

He looked puzzled at this time.

"Shouldn't it?"

"According to my guess, the test should have ended."

"But why not yet?"

"Could it be that my guess is wrong?"

"No, absolutely impossible." Jin Wanwan firmly believed in his guess.

But why isn't it over yet?

If it doesn't end, he won't be able to persist.




The sea of ​​​​fire all around him once again sent out more than a dozen rays of fire towards him.

"I don't accept it..." Jin Wanwan's unwilling voice echoed in the fire.

"Second level, test failed!"


"It's endless."

Nanyang's expression was ugly. Apart from the fireball attacks that appeared from time to time, what puzzled him even more was why the fireball attacks were getting stronger and stronger.

They have all reached the peak of Tianyi realm.

If this continues, he will definitely fail.

"Damn it!"

Nanyang had an angry look on his face, he felt that the heir was deliberately messing with him.

He is a strong man in the Tianyi realm.

If he can't pass, no one else can.

Naturally, this is impossible.

Otherwise, the test of the successor is a joke.





Perhaps the other party sensed his anger and began to launch powerful and terrifying attacks.

Fireballs filled the sky and hit Nanyang.

"Rain of Ten Thousand Fire Gods!"

When Nanyang saw this, his face became extremely ugly. In order to save his life, he had to use his strongest attack.

As the technique moved, flames formed around him, and because this was a world of flames, they gathered very quickly.

When the surrounding flames gathered, they immediately formed red, hot and flame-filled divine arrows, which were like rain of fire all over the sky.

A terrifying aura erupted from each rocket, forming a field of fire the moment it was formed.

"Go to hell!"

Nanyang roared.





As soon as Nanyang finished speaking, the divine arrows all over the sky shot towards the fireballs all over the sky.


When one collided with the fireball, sparks instantly flew into the air, and a terrifying air wave swept across.



Then, there was the sound of bombing and terrifying flames.



Nanyang's face was pale, and his strength was almost gone.

"It should be over!"

Such a terrifying attack was blocked by him, so it should be over.

Otherwise it would be unreasonable.




Countless fireballs rose around at the same time.

It was like a sky full of stars, densely packed, with an extremely huge fireball among them, emitting a terrifying aura beyond the Tianyi realm.


"Absolutely impossible!" Nanyang roared.

He majored in fire, and it stands to reason that the inheritance here should be prepared for him.

But in this situation, he is completely going to be destroyed.

This is completely reasonable.

This is only the second level.

He is in the Tianyi realm.

And it is consistent with the inheritance.

Such a terrifying test, no one can pass it.

What kind of inheritor is chosen.

Unless, the inheritor has no intention of letting them get the inheritance.

At this moment, Nanyang thought of a possibility.

This King Realm inheritance is a trap.

"I am unwilling!" Nanyang roared: "Flame King, I curse you to die!"




"It's over!"

"It's over!"

In a room in the palace, a young man was pale at this time.

And his body was covered with scars.

Originally thought that if he could pass the first level, he would also pass the second level, but he almost died.



Suddenly, there were roars and collisions from outside the room.

"What should I do?" Ye Fan was startled and hurriedly blocked the square door. His face was pale and ugly.

"What should I do?"

He didn't want to die, he hadn't lived enough, he still wanted revenge.

Those things were at worst in the Real Realm, he was no match at all.

What should I do?




There were constant roars from outside the door, and Ye Fan was so scared that his face turned pale as paper.

Fortunately, he found that the thing couldn't break through the room.


Ye Fan turned around and leaned against the door, and breathed a deep sigh of relief.


Suddenly he saw a wall with dense and strange words written on it.

"What is this?" Ye Fan looked at it puzzled.

"Fire Transformation Technique?"

The more he looked, the more shocked he became.

Transform the fire of all worlds into oneself, whether it is ordinary fire or spiritual fire, even earth fire and heavenly fire can be cultivated for one's own use.

When cultivated to a certain extreme, one will actively comprehend the law.

Seeing this, Ye Fan's eyes lit up.

Automatically comprehend the law?

Isn't that the king realm?

Is this the king realm inheritance?

Ye Fan's breathing was rapid. He didn't expect the inheritance to appear in this way.

Are the tests all fake?

Or are there two king realm inheritances in it?

However, no matter what, he has now obtained a king realm inheritance.

It's worth the trip.

Not long after, he knew what those things outside were from above.

The fire beast evolved from flames, and a wisp of flame can be obtained from it when it is killed.

It can be used to practice the Fire Transformation Technique.

And practicing the Fire Transformation Technique can weaken the strength of the Fire Beast.

"That's great." Ye Fan said excitedly.

God really helped him.

It didn't take long for him to learn the Fire Transformation Technique completely.

It was too simple.

It was as if he was born to be prepared for it.

"Purify, practice it into the origin?" Ye Fan has completely understood the mystery of the Fire Transformation Technique.



The Fire Beast outside launched a fierce attack.

Ye Fan was immediately scared.

"Damn it?"

Although he learned the Fire Transformation Technique, his current strength is very weak.

Unless the one outside is a Fire Beast in the True Realm.

But he didn't dare to gamble.





The fierce collision sounded continuously, making Ye Fan feel uneasy.

What if he broke in?

Even if he didn't break in, he couldn't show up.

He couldn't stay here forever, right?

Even if he had a good talent, he couldn't practice with peace of mind.

What to do?

Should he block it?

"Bet!" Ye Fan thought again and again, and finally made up his mind after hesitating for a long time.

It was impossible to wait.

He was not sure whether the Fire Beast would break in.

What if?

It was better to leave life and death to himself.


He was able to obtain the Fire Transformation Technique and reach the King Realm inheritance, which showed that he was very lucky.

He was possessed by luck.

He was afraid of nothing.




The sound of knocking on the door continued.

Ye Fan did not open the door immediately, he needed to seize the opportunity.

"Flame Blade!" Ye Fan first condensed a flame blade using the method of the Fire Transformation Technique. The flame condensation was not in the form of burning.

After he was ready, he took a deep breath and quickly opened the door when the Fire Beast hit him.


As soon as the door opened, a creature full of flames jumped out.

The whole body was full of flames, and it was hard to see its specific appearance, but it could see the sharp horns on its head that appeared from the magma, which were similar to the horns of rhinoceros.

Ye Fan could clearly feel that the power and flames of the Fire Beast came from its horns.

But when he saw the huge size of the Fireworks Beast, his face suddenly turned ugly.

"Fuck, how could it be a Fireworks Beast of Tongtian Realm!" Ye Fan looked incredulous, but it was already a critical moment, and he had to attack.


Ye Fan gritted his teeth fiercely, and the Fiery Blade in his hand chopped directly on the head of the Fireworks Beast. The two sides collided, and suddenly a terrifying force exploded, and a strong shock wave blew Ye Fan away.


Ye Fan spat out a piece of blood, his eyes full of unwillingness.

It's over, he's dead.

He made a wrong bet.

The opponent was not in the True Realm at all, but in the Tongtian Realm, which was one level higher.

He was naturally no match at all.

You used all your strength, but you only hurt the opponent.


The Fireworks Beast, which was full of flames, was suddenly attacked by someone, and immediately let out a roaring sound.

The flames all over his body suddenly exploded, and when he saw the culprit, his eyes burst into two flames and shot towards Ye Fan.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Ye Fan's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He used all his strength to barely dodge.

He was almost finished.


The Fireworks Beast saw that the other party dodged and immediately let out an angry roar.


It opened its huge mouth, and suddenly a flame appeared in its mouth, and it became as big as a basketball in just a moment.

Ye Fan felt the breath of death from it.

At the same time, he also found that he couldn't dodge at all.

He had no strength at this time, and he couldn't dodge even if he wanted to.

Even if he had strength, he might not be able to dodge.

It's over!

This time he is really dead.


"I can't die!"

Ye Fan roared in his heart.

As his heart continued to be angry, a faint flame rose from his body.

But he was in a state of anger, so he naturally didn't notice it.


The Fireworks Beast directly attacked, and the flames in its huge mouth were aimed at Ye Fan and blasted out.


But when it felt the flames appearing on Ye Fan, its body suddenly began to tremble.

There was also a very fearful roar.

Even the flames that were emitted dimmed because of the loss of control, and even the speed slowed down.

When the flames fell on Ye Fan, a strange scene appeared.

The moment the flames touched Ye Fan, they were absorbed by the flames that suddenly appeared on his body.

"Go to hell!"

Ye Fan didn't know what happened, but at this moment, he felt an extremely terrifying power and aimed at the flame beast with a flaming knife.


The flame beast roared in despair and wanted to escape, but was cut in two by the flame knife.


After slashing, Ye Fan felt that he was suddenly very weak. The previous knife had drained his strength.


As the flame beast died, a pure flame burst out from its horn.

At the same time, because of the appearance of pure flames, the surrounding area quickly condensed into flames all over the sky, and a prototype fire tornado appeared in just a moment.

Ye Fan knew that he couldn't sit and wait for death.

As long as he thought of the flames of Tongtian Realm and practiced them, he might be able to break through the realm.

But he had no strength at all at this time, and could only watch helplessly, his eyes full of unwillingness.


The flame that had disappeared appeared again, and with its appearance, the flame that was about to form a fire tornado instantly dissipated.


Then a small flame penetrated into Ye Fan's body.

"What's going on?" Before Ye Fan could react, he saw that his body and physique were changing rapidly.

Even his realm was increasing rapidly.

"It's the flame of the fire beast!" Ye Fan found that after the fire tornado in front of him dissipated, he did not see the purest flame of the strong, and he immediately thought of some problems.

The pure flame was absorbed by him.

BS: The typos will be updated first and corrected later.

I was so uncomfortable after sitting in the car for 38 hours. I almost didn't have time to code today. Even if I did, it would be very watery. Wait a little longer, it will be fine in a few days, and it won't be so watery by then.

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