Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 219 It’s Not Impossible (1/2)

The sky was full of fire. As time passed, the fire became more and more fierce, and the temperature became higher and higher.

There were magma and volcanic eruptions everywhere.

It was like a fire from heaven destroying the world.

Even the Venerable Realm could not be trusted.

As time went on, gradually some strong men fell into the sea of ​​fire.

"The test failed!"

A voice full of domineering pressure sounded.

"The test failed!"

The voice of the old man sounded in every world of fire.

As the old man's voice sounded, a strong man was eliminated.

"Nine Thunder Swords!"

The Thunder Blade chopped out nine thunder swords and chopped Zhou Si.




Suddenly there was a constant roar.

But before he could relax, several more flames shot towards the sky.

"Taliang, it's really endless." Lei Dao was angry and chopped several more times.

I don't know what kind of ghost world this is.

I don't know when the trial will end.

At the beginning, the temperature was just rising, but the later it was, the more outrageous it became.

There were volcanic eruptions and magma shaking everywhere.

If you are not careful, you will die here.

Not to mention the inheritance of the king realm.

Jin Baiwan's whole body was golden, and from time to time, there were flames falling on him, but they were all blocked by the golden light on his body.

"I don't know how long it will take to end?" Jin Baiwan sat cross-legged on the ground and said, without any emotion on his face, just a little bored, hoping to end this level of trial as soon as possible.

At the beginning, he found some problems.

As time passed, and as the surroundings changed, he became more and more certain that this level should test persistence.

The longer he persisted, perhaps he could pass the second level.

At the beginning, he could still roast his own body to resist, but as time passed, the temperature became higher and higher, and various flames began to erupt around him, so he had to use his own strength.

As for not moving, it was naturally to maintain strength.

At the same time, it was one of the reasons why Tian tried this trial.

And he also deliberately found a place where there was no volcanic eruption and the temperature was relatively low.

But in less than an hour, it became a scene of fire and flames.

This is also what he guessed the real purpose of the test.


"Damn it!" Nanyang punched a beam of fire and said gloomily, "It's endless!"

At first he could keep silent, but as time went on, his patience was gradually exhausted.

He was not afraid of the flames that filled him, but he didn't like to passively resist.

He hated the feeling of being controlled.

If it weren't for the inheritance of the king realm, he really wanted to blow up this world of fire.

At the same time, another identical opponent.

Zhao Peng, he had been walking for a day and a night.

But what puzzled him was that the trial tested his will!

What kind of will was it testing?

It wouldn't just keep walking like this.

The temperature was getting higher, but for her, as long as she was careful and didn't miss those volcanic eruptions and magma areas, there would be no danger.

It's just that it's been a day and a night, and it hasn't ended yet, and I don't know when it will end.

"Isn't it difficult?"

Tianming walked on the scorching land.

Looking at the scene of the volcanic eruption in the distance, she still felt it was very beautiful and romantic.

Looking towards...

The Emperor of Heaven was not there.

She was alone, and no matter how beautiful the scenery was, it was a bit boring.

Thinking of this, Tianming's face turned slightly red.


The Fire Dragon Scaled Beast flew into a molten lava. Others were desperately resisting, but it was like swimming in the water.

It was very comfortable, and it roared excitedly from time to time.

Outside the palace!


"The tenth supreme creature?"

When he heard what Huo Lao said, Tiandi was stunned.

He was the tenth supreme creature?

How could it be possible?

How could he be him?

He knew the supreme creature when he merged the Shenwu Continent and stepped into the Nine Heavens.

He was absolutely sure that he was not the tenth supreme creature at all.

He was not those guys.

Arrogant and conceited, they were just a group of creatures who got opportunities.

"No one knows the history and information of Tiandi?" Tiandi thought in his heart.

This is a bit troublesome.

He really wants to know who Tiandi is.

So that he can know whether his system is related to Tiandi.

Whether it was arranged by Tiandi.

Although he can know it after upgrading the system.

But he was curious and wanted to know in advance.

It seems that it is no longer possible now.

Tiandi, who are you?

No background, no information!

Could it be that he is also a time traveler?

Or is he the master of the universe or something like that?

Otherwise, he would not appear suddenly and be extremely terrifying.

Forget it, the other party does not know, so he did not ask more.

At worst, he will ask after the system is upgraded.

By the way, I just don’t know what Huo Lao wants to do with him?

“I don’t know what Huo Lao wants to do with me?” Tiandi said.

“It’s like this…” Huo Lao thought for a while and said, “I want to give you my inheritance…”

“Give it to me?” Tiandi was stunned, a little surprised and puzzled.

Why give it to me?

It’s just the king realm. Even if it is the inheritance of the Supreme Emperor, he doesn’t look down on it.

Only the inheritance of the master may attract his curiosity.

If it is the Lord of the Universe, it is not so bad.

"Don't misunderstand, my friend. I just want you to find a suitable candidate for me to pass on my inheritance." Huo Lao's reaction was a little awkward.

It is very embarrassing for anyone to be disliked by the other party.

If the other party is not related to the Emperor of Heaven.

His strength is similar to his, he might have to teach him a lesson.

"I wonder if he is the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven?" Huo Lao thought in his heart: "Or maybe he is just the descendant of the Emperor of Heaven?"

Of the two situations, he is more willing to believe the former.

The Emperor of Heaven saved the universe.

That is to say, he saved him.

Otherwise, he would not even have a residual soul now.

For someone who admires him so much, he naturally does not want him to die like this.

However, according to the current situation, both are possible and impossible.

If it is the former, the other party should be the backup left by the Emperor of Heaven.

It is impossible to be exposed like this.

Although the Emperor of Heaven is strong, if he is reincarnated, he will naturally be weaker.

To admire the Emperor of Heaven, there must be people who hate him.

If it is reincarnation, it is also the means of the Emperor of Heaven. Naturally, he will hide and practice slowly in secret until he is fully recovered.

In addition, the Emperor of Heaven evolved the origin of the universe, and his soul, body and power have been completely integrated.

Logically, there should be no reincarnation.

But nothing is absolute in the world.

It is unknown whether there is any secret in it.

As for the latter, the descendants of the Emperor of Heaven.

This is also possible.

But if the other party is the descendant of the Emperor of Heaven, why doesn't he know the great events of the Emperor of Heaven?

"Let me help you find the inheritance?" The Emperor of Heaven was stunned.

Your inheritance, shouldn't you know how to find it?

Why are you looking for me?


Isn't the inheritance test already in progress?

"I don't have time, you should find it slowly by yourself."

"Shouldn't your trial start?" The Emperor of Heaven said a little unhappy: "Why bother?"

He doesn't have time to find it.

They are not familiar with each other, even if they are familiar, he doesn't have the time and energy to help find the inheritor.

Besides, the other party has already started the inheritance test, and now he is saying this.

Isn't this a clear attempt to deceive those people?

He really likes this kind of people.

He suddenly thought of a few words.

Eating from the bowl, thinking about the pot.

Greedy snake swallowing elephant.

Sheep in wolf's clothing.


"No need to find it, young friend!" Huo Lao heard the other party's words and suddenly looked embarrassed.

Seeing the other party looking at him strangely, he suddenly felt puzzled.

He felt that the other party was despising him.

It's a pity that there is no evidence.

However, it seems...

There is no evidence, and he has no way.

"I already have a candidate, but I don't know what you think!" Huo Lao said.

"My opinion?" Tiandi was puzzled.

The other party has a candidate, why do they need my opinion?

Could it be?

Unless the other party is interested in his people?

Who is it?

Is it Tianming or Zhao...

No, Zhao Peng is not his person, just his debtor.

"I don't know, who does Huo Lao like?"

"She!" Huo Lao said, and a blurry woman appeared in the sight of the two.

"Why is this?" Huo Lao looked puzzled and puzzled.

The woman in his sight was blurry.

However, the Emperor of Heaven recognized that the other party was Tianming at a glance.

It was just that he didn't know why it was blurry.

Under the gaze of the Emperor of Heaven, the blurry picture gradually became clear.

"Hey?" Huo Lao looked surprised and strange.

What's going on?

How come it's fine again.

"You are talking about her, right?" The Emperor of Heaven said lightly.

"Yes..." Huo Lao was extremely excited. He couldn't see through this woman. The most important thing was that the other party had a relationship with the Emperor of Heaven, that is, there was a cause and effect.

Such a person would definitely be able to perfectly inherit his inheritance.

"You should find someone else." The Emperor of Heaven shook his head and said, "Is she not suitable?"

Tianming cultivates destiny, which is inconsistent with Huo Lao's inheritance.

One is illusory.

One cultivates fire attributes.

It doesn't match at all.

Of course, it's not that he can't cultivate, but in the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, it's a waste of time.

He wants other inheritances and powers.

He can buy the best in the system.

"Why?" Huo Lao couldn't help but ask curiously.

He is a king!

Although he is not the strongest in the universe.

At least he is a strong man.

Could it be that he looked down on his inheritance?

Huo Lao looked at the Emperor of Heaven and guessed.

No, if the other party looked down on his inheritance, why did he let his men participate in the inheritance competition.

"I said, he is not suitable." The Emperor of Heaven said lightly.

"Why not?" Huo Lao asked puzzledly.

"Are you sure you want to know?" The Emperor of Heaven reminded: "Some things may not be a good thing to know!"

Tianming cultivates destiny, he doesn't want others to know for the time being.

This involves the supreme rules.

He doesn't want to be disturbed by the outside world.

"Please tell me, my friend!" Huo Lao thought about it and asked.

If he doesn't figure it out.

He will die with his eyes open.

"Forget it, let you see it?" The Emperor of Heaven said, and scenes appeared in front of them.

They are also communicating with consciousness.

And the space they are in is called consciousness space.

It can only be formed when one becomes a king.

As pictures continue to appear in the consciousness space.

Huo Lao's face became more and more shocked.

"This..." Huo Lao was shocked, stunned, and full of disbelief.

Not suitable?

That's right!

It's indeed not suitable!

The artistic conception can affect the venerable realm, and the talent is indeed terrifying.

But, what exactly is her artistic conception?

Why is it so special and powerful?

He is a king-level strongman.

He can't even understand the artistic conception of an artistic conception realm.

This shocked him.

In ancient times, all races stood side by side. What kind of artistic conception and genius have they seen.

But he couldn't understand the other party's artistic conception?

Influence others invisibly!

Or the influence of the soul?

Or the influence of illusion?

"Don't know what her artistic conception is?" Huo Lao couldn't help but ask curiously.

There was no way, he knew too much.

What kind of artistic conception was it that he didn't know.

"Are you sure you want to know?" The Emperor of Heaven said lightly, but a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"I..." Huo Lao felt his soul suddenly cold, and then he realized that his words had crossed the other party's bottom line.

He is a strong man, so he naturally knows that some questions can be asked, but some questions cannot be asked.

Asking is an enemy.

The other party has such a mysterious and powerful state of mind.

Naturally, the strong also have secrets.

This is the foundation of others.

He asked this, and the other party didn't take action on the spot.

"My friend, I'm really sorry!" Huo Lao hurriedly said: "The most important thing is that I am too curious."

This can't be blamed on him, the most important thing is that he wants to know what the other party's state of mind is.

"No problem!" Tiandi said lightly, and the murderous intent in his eyes disappeared.

"You know it now, so I don't need to say more."

"Also, please keep it secret about what happened just now."

"This is natural..." Huo Lao said: "Don't worry, my friend, even if I want to say it, there is no chance. After my inheritance is inherited by someone, I should return to heaven and earth."

"Well!" Hearing the other party's words, Tiandi nodded.

If the other party insists on wanting to know, he will take action to destroy the other party.

It was just a remnant soul of the king realm, and he wanted to destroy the other party easily.

Even if it was the real king realm, he didn't take it seriously.

His current strength was at the peak of the emperor realm.

Even if he met the emperor realm, he could defeat it.

As for killing, he was not sure.

"That..." Huo Lao thought about it and said: "Young friend..."

"What about him?"

He still didn't give up, and Zhao Peng's figure appeared in front of the two.

"Why is it still a little blurry?" Huo Lao looked at the slightly blurry picture, and his heart was very puzzled.

"He can't do it either?" The emperor was a little speechless.

What on earth is this old guy going to do?

"He can't do it either?" Huo Lao was stunned and looked weird.

Does this guy also have some special artistic conception?

The emperor would naturally not tell him.

Zhao Peng has become a demon because of demonization.

"What about it?" Huo Lao was also cruel, and he gritted his teeth and said, and the picture of the fire dragon scale armor beast appeared in front of the emperor.

"..." The emperor looked weird.

Looking at Huo Lao, what on earth is this guy going to do?

Even the monster beast is not spared.

Is it because of the Emperor?

Or has the other party discovered his identity?

"It's someone else's mount, I can't make the decision." The Emperor said: "You should find someone else to inherit your heritage."

After thinking for a while, he said: "If you want me to help find the successor, it's not a problem!"

BS: The typo was corrected first and then corrected

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