Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 200: 20 million medium-grade spirit stones (1/2)


A faint voice spoke.

They saw three people suddenly stopping in the air, with horrified expressions on their faces.

"How is that possible?" Bai Li said in disbelief and horror: "You are not in the Heaven-Bearing Realm!"

He is in the Tongtian realm, so he naturally knows the strength and abilities of this realm best.

But the person in front of them just spoke softly and stopped them with one word.

He is a powerful person at the pinnacle of Tongtian Realm.

How can it be?

The opponent is definitely at the Venerable Realm, or even a powerful person beyond the Venerable Realm.

Bai Cai and Bai Ci also looked horrified, not expecting this at all.

"Who are you?" Bai Li asked with a look of reluctance.

The Bai family has been in the Ten Thousand Domains battlefield for more than a thousand years. Although it is only a medium force, it is very clear about every force in it.

Especially the middle-level forces or top-level forces with powerful people in the Venerable Realm, the Bai family is very aware of it, and they are afraid of accidentally offending them.

But the person in front of him is obviously a powerful person in the Venerable Realm or even beyond the Venerable Realm, but the Bai family has never heard of him.

Otherwise, we won’t hit the iron plate.

At this moment, Bai Li finally understood why the other party didn't care about the Venerable's inheritance. It was completely because the other party looked down upon him.

"Senior!" Shen Ping reacted at this moment and was a little scared. It seemed that senior was really powerful and terrifying.

Even the strongest people at the peak of Heaven Realm can freeze easily.

It is indeed the realm of the Venerable.

But what is the true meaning of his words?

"Who am I?" Qin Tian said lightly: "Is this important?"

It really didn't matter. At this moment, the Bai family was in trouble.

"I said I gave up the Venerable inheritance, why are you still doing this?" Qin Tian asked.

He naturally knew that the other party's sudden move was for the sake of the Venerable's inheritance.

"You promised too quickly and neatly, which makes me very worried." Bai Li sighed.

That is the inheritance of the Venerable. No one would believe that Qin Tian would give up so easily.

After all, it is the inheritance of the Venerable Realm.

As long as you can get it, you can be promoted from ordinary power to high power.

It can be said that it is a step to reach the sky.

But who would have known that the other party turned out to be someone who really didn't like him.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything.

"So, you just gave out the spirit stones so simply?" Qin Tiandao said, no wonder Bai Li gave out 100,000 spirit stones without blinking an eye just now. It turned out to be such a calculation.

It's a pity that Qin Tian's strength was underestimated.

"Yes, mainly to make you relax your vigilance." Bai Li sighed: "It's a pity..."

It's a pity that all strategies are powerless in the face of strength.

"Senior, if you want to kill me, just kill the three of me. I hope senior can let the Bai family go." Bai Li thought about it and gritted his teeth and said.

To be honest, his request was quite excessive, and it was even impossible for the other party to agree to it.

They murdered Qin Tian without stopping. If Qin Tian was not strong enough, he would have died at this time.

At this point, Bai Li's request is a joke.

But for the sake of the Bai family, he still chose to speak.

After hearing Bai Li's words, Qin Tian was silent. Even if he destroyed the Bai family at this moment, he would not have any psychological burden.

After all, it was the other party who made the first move to kill him.

"How much do you think your Bai family is worth?" Qin Tian thought for a while and asked.

When Shen Ping heard Qin Tian's words, she suddenly had a strange idea.

Bai Li was stunned for a moment, but he immediately came to his senses and said quickly: "Our Bai family belongs to the middle power, and is the strongest echelon among the middle power. If we insist on saying how much it is worth, it is probably worth 10 million mid-grade spiritual stones. "

Qin Tian did not agree directly, nor did he say that he would kill them. Instead, he asked about the value of the Bai family.

Bai Li already had some guesses about the situation before the gathering, and he only hoped that his guesses would be the same.

"Ten million mid-grade spiritual stones?"

Qin Tian looked surprised, smiled and said excitedly: "Not bad."

"Twenty million medium-grade spiritual stones, I will let you Bai family go..." Qin Tian thought for a while and said, "And I will not interfere with the inheritance of the venerable."

There is no original aroma in killing people.

Unless the other party is ungrateful.

"Senior..." Bai Li almost fainted when he heard the 20 million mid-grade spiritual stones, but when he heard that the other party would not interfere with the Venerable's inheritance, excitement suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Thank you, senior." Bai Li quickly thanked him.

Bai Cai and Bai Ci breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Qin Tian let them go.

Just thinking of 20 million mid-grade spiritual stones, I couldn't help but look at the ancestor.

I really want to beat him up.

Originally there was no need to hand over 20 million mid-grade spiritual stones, but because of a decision made by the ancestor, the Bai family was almost destroyed, and now it is even more ruined.

Fortunately, the other party gave up the venerable inheritance.

As long as you can break through to the Venerable Realm, it doesn't matter what you give. Compared to 20 million mid-grade spiritual stones, it's nothing.

"It's just seniors, um... our Bai family doesn't have 20 million middle-grade spirits at all. Can we..." Bai Li said with a bitter look on his face. Even if their Bai family is worth 10 million middle-grade spirits, it's only worth that much. Really? It's really impossible to take it out immediately, and it's even more impossible to take out 20 million mid-grade spiritual stones.

"How many?" Qin Tian asked with a frown. He actually knew that the other party would not be able to immediately produce 20 million mid-grade spiritual stones.

But the punishment should still be punished.

The Bai family can't get the 20 million mid-grade spiritual stones for the time being, but that doesn't mean they won't be able to get them in the future.

As long as the other person's IQ is not worrying and he is not stupid, he can only work for him obediently.

"Eight million middle-grade spiritual stones." Bai Li said uneasily.

"Eight million?" Qin Tian's eyes lit up, but he immediately regained his composure and said, "Not even half..."

"Senior, don't worry. As long as I break through to the Venerable Realm, I can give it all in three months." Bai Li said hurriedly, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Three months?" Qin Tian frowned and asked, "Can it be done in one month?"

"One month?" Bai Li said hurriedly, "Senior, I really can't do it in one month!"

One month, even if he breaks through to the Venerable Realm, he can't do it.

Spiritual stones are hard currency in the Wanyu battlefield. Everyone can use them, and they are used a little bit less.

Even if he returns to the clan land, it will take time to mine.

"One month, your Bai family can do it." Qin Tian smiled.

Bai Li was puzzled.

"If you don't have enough spiritual stones, you can use the corresponding gold and silver treasures." Qin Tian said.

As long as the original energy can be converted, he doesn't care whether it is spiritual stones or gold and silver treasures.

"Gold and silver treasures?" Bai Li was stunned and almost didn't react for a while.

He didn't understand Qin Tian's thoughts at all.

Gold and silver treasures are huge wealth for ordinary people, but for them, cultivators, they are like dirt.

He didn't understand Qin Tian's thoughts at all.

Could it be that the senior wanted to let them off on purpose?

Or did the senior like these things?

Based on the situation before the gathering, he guessed it should be the latter.

Perhaps the senior just likes gold, silver and treasures.

Who can say for sure?

But in this case, it can really be done in a month.

"Thank you, senior. Bai will definitely complete the task in a month." Bai Li said quickly.

After that, he looked at Bai Cai and Bai Ci and said, "Why are you still standing there? Go and make arrangements quickly."

"Yes, ancestor." The two said at the same time. Although they were unhappy with the ancestor, they did not dare to disobey.

"Okay, then I won't bother you, but I want to see eight million middle-grade spirit stones in one day." Qin Tian said.

"Don't worry, senior, I will ask them to prepare eight million middle-grade spirit stones and give them to you within one day." Bai Li said quickly.

"Then I'll leave first." Qin Tian nodded and took Shen Ping to the right.

Compared to killing all the people in the Bai family, it is better to earn more source energy.

The level 5 system can purchase various law cards.

Can you buy various rule cards at level 6?

What about level 7 and level 8?

At that time, even if you are not strong enough, as long as you can buy the Supreme Rule Temporary Card, or even higher abilities, won’t you be invincible?

“By the way, on the left is the inheritance of the Venerable. There is a peak Tongtian Realm monster that has been suppressed by me. Just consider it as helping you for the sake of 20 million medium-grade spirit stones.” Qin Tian walked a few steps and said.


“Peak Tongtian Realm monster?” Bai Li’s face suddenly changed. He didn’t expect that there was such a terrifying monster inside.

Even he might not be able to beat it.

If he was on guard, he would even be seriously injured.

But fortunately, he was suppressed by the senior.

The senior is really terrifying. He suppressed the other party before meeting.

It seems that the senior is definitely not as simple as the Venerable Realm. Maybe he is really the Tianyi Realm.

The most terrifying existence in the Wanyu battlefield.

Thinking of this, Bai Li felt that it must be the blessing he had accumulated in his previous life.

At the same time, a cold sweat covered his body, and he felt really stupid.

Just heard that he looked at the face of 20 million middle-grade spirits.

Bai Li felt insulted, but unfortunately he had no evidence.

"Also, you must use formal means to obtain gold or spirit stones. I don't want to be involved in any cause and effect." Qin Tian thought about it and reminded him. In addition to not wanting to be involved in cause and effect, he didn't want to cause other people to be hurt because of his own interests.

"Senior, don't worry, our Bai family has always been harvested in a formal way." Bai Li said hurriedly.

After Qin Tian and the others walked away, he said again: "No wonder the senior didn't destroy our Bai family. It turns out that he is a great man."

He has never seen such a strong man.

Who doesn't do whatever it takes for their own interests.

If Qin Tian was not a great man, he would never let their Bai family go, and he would not remind them and speak for those weak people.

As for the 20 million middle-grade spirit stones, it was just an excuse in his opinion.

Otherwise, he would not say that he could make up with gold.

"The senior is really a good person." Bai Li was full of admiration at this moment.

Speaking of this, he regretted it, he regretted it.

If I had known earlier...

It's okay... It's not too late.


A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Bai Li and said.

"I was also frozen just now."

Thinking of the people who left, he broke into a cold sweat and trembled.

Just now, he felt the breath of death.

Because he was hiding in the dark, Qin Tian particularly targeted him.


"No need to say anything more." Bai Li hurriedly interrupted the black shadow, fearing that the other party would say something wrong.

The reason why he took the risk to kill Qin Tian before, in addition to being a peak master of Tongtian Realm, was this black shadow.

Bai Ying, because of his special physique, was cultivated by Bai Li since childhood, and his talent was terrifying. It took only two hundred years to reach Tongtian Realm. He was the hidden power of the Bai family.

So the Bai family has two Tongtian Realm masters, which is also one of the reasons why Bai Li took action against Qin Tian.

"Tell the clan leader that obtaining gold, silver, treasures or spirit stones must be done by formal means. Whoever dares to mess around will be punished according to ten times the family rules." Bai Li said very seriously.

"Yes, Ancestor." Bai Ying was a little surprised, but did not ask more questions. As soon as the voice fell, he disappeared without a trace.

"Shadow physique! Interesting!" Qin Tian muttered to himself.

Shen Ping next to him was now completely sure that the senior was a money-loving person, and had some ideas in his mind.

After a while, Qin Tian and the others came to a spacious cave.

The cave was shrouded in white light. Seeing this scene, Qin Tian felt a little pain in his heart. These were all spiritual stones.

The formation is generally maintained by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but because of the problem of the origin of the Wanyu battlefield, the laws of heaven and earth and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth have been reduced to one tenth.

So the formation only has one way to maintain it, consuming spiritual stones.

The formation outside just now was the same. Bai Li and the others just waited for the spiritual stones to be consumed. Without spiritual stones, the formation automatically broke.

The white light in the cave was some small formations, which naturally needed spiritual stones to maintain.

From the appearance of the Venerable inheritance to the present, it has been countless years, and the spiritual stones consumed are absolutely terrifying.

Qin Tian felt pain in his heart just thinking about it.

There are three smaller caves inside, which should be the opposite side where various resources are piled up.

Qin Tian walked directly to the small cave on the right.

Seeing Shen Ping following him, Qin Tian thought for a moment and said, "If you want the skills, go to the middle, and if you want the elixir, go to the left, but you'd better be mentally prepared."

Shen Ping was stunned and a little puzzled, but she hurriedly said happily, "Thank you for reminding me, senior."

After that, she ran towards the cave in the middle.

Qin Tian ignored her and came to the cave. There were more than a dozen boxes inside. When he opened them, a burst of white light refracted.

"Low-grade spiritual stones?" Qin Tian shook his head with some disappointment and said, "What a pity!"

From his eyes, he could see at a glance that this batch of spiritual stones should have been medium-grade or even high-grade, but it was a pity that the spiritual energy inside had lost over time, and the quality naturally decreased.

"Low-grade again."

Qin Tian opened another box, and the result was still the same.

After several boxes of low-grade spiritual stones, Qin Tian looked bitter and helpless.

"This is... a medium-grade spiritual stone!" When Qin Tian opened a box, the white light was bright, and a huge spiritual energy came to his nose.

"Not bad." Qin Tian finally showed some smile on his face, and continued to open the boxes after putting them into the system space warehouse.

"Low-grade spiritual stones."

"Low-grade spiritual stones."

"Low-grade spiritual stones again." He opened several boxes in a row, and they were all low-grade spiritual stones. He really didn't have the physique of the European emperor.

"Low-grade again..." Qin Tian was speechless, looking at the last box, he didn't even have to think about it, they must be the same.

"This... this... is it a high-grade spiritual stone?" When he opened the last box, the white light was like daylight, almost blinding his eyes, and a huge spiritual energy was like white mist.

Qin Tian immediately closed the box and put it into the system space warehouse, he was afraid that the spiritual energy would disappear.


Suddenly, Shen Ping screamed in the distance.

Qin Tian disappeared in the cave in an instant.

On the other side, Bai Li came to a palace.

"Is this the inheritance of the Venerable?" Bai Li's face was full of excitement, but when he looked to the side, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Fire Dragon Scale Armored Beast?"

BS: The typo was corrected first and then corrected

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