Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 196 Solution! Liquid medicine?

"You should believe it now, and know what death is and what fear is!"

Xiao Qing said: "Those who kill people will always be killed!"

"Who...are you...?" Bai Gui hesitated.

His blood dyed the earth red, he was dying, and he was not far from death.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that anyone who offends Xia will be punished no matter how far away he is." Xiao Qing activated a card and said according to Qin Tian's wishes.

This time she spoke on her own.


After saying that, a green light flashed, and a head soared into the sky.

Everyone was frightened, and Mu Yuan was also frightened.


Did they hear a sound just now?

Anyone who offends Xia G will be punished no matter how far away he is!


The green sword disappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone just felt that they were dreaming now, or a dream that was either good or bad.

What happened to the Mu Yuan Group hit the whole world like a storm.

Of course, there are naturally shadows of small machines among them.

With the help of a small computer, it can naturally be spread all over the Internet easily.

And publish the identities of these dangerous individuals.

None of them are from Xia G.

Of course, they didn’t say who was from the G family, nor did they announce the person behind the scenes.

Qin Tian just wanted the whole world to know, but he didn't want to start a war.

"It's so abominable, so abominable!"


"You are so inhuman."

"Good kill, good kill."

"Excalibur, definitely the Excalibur!"

"This is an apparition."

"This stunt is awesome."

"Muyuan Group? I think I've heard of it. It should be true."

"Muyuan Group has been researching cancer drugs many years ago. I didn't expect it to be successful. These guys are really hateful. They don't care about robbing, but they also want to monopolize other people's use. Kill well."

"It's so cruel! This is definitely a magic sword!"

"What's cruel? Is it right for them to rob and kill?"

"That's right, these people deserve to die. If only I were at the scene, I would definitely kill these turtles."

"That is, those who violate the country will be punished no matter how far away they are."

"It's well said, those who violate the country will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

"Those who violate the country will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

Everyone in Xia G saw a video at this moment, but everyone had a different opinion.

But most people are filled with anger.

Those people are not simply robbing, but are endangering Xia G, endangering mankind, and even endangering the entire world.

If they don't die, will the whole world die? Or even the entire human race disappear?

These people are not human at all.

Except for Xia G, other countries were affected by this video. After knowing the reason, they all blamed those people.

But some people don't believe it.

Because the video is so magical.

If Xia G really has such a magical artifact, it will be a huge threat to other countries.

After Xiaoqing killed Bai Gui, another video appeared. In the video, a young man dressed in white said: "Those who violate the country will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

Just one sentence, but full of domineering.

"If you dare to harm Xia G, I will destroy you. This is my warning. If you don't believe me, try it." The young man said again, his voice full of warning and murderous intent.


This day, Tianli G was in turmoil.


"Master, I have complete control over everything about them, and I will punish them according to your request."

"Very good, good job, continue to monitor." Qin Tian reminded.

Don't blame him for being cruel then.

"Also, if anyone else dares to covet..." Qin Tian thought for a while and said coldly: "Directly hand over their crimes to the security team, and no one will be spared."

"It's the master." Xiaoji said.

The Mu Yuan Group has been taken over by the security team at this moment. Although they have seen the video, they still need to find out the operation behind the scenes. It is best to find out whether the Excalibur is operated by humans and what it is.

"Dad!" Mu Ling hurriedly came to Mu Yuan, his face full of anxiety. When he saw the video just now, he almost scared her to death.

"I'm fine." Mu Yuan said.

Jiba is fine, and Mu Ling's face looks much better now.

"Old man, let me take a look." Chen Daiyun was still a little worried.

"Uncle Mu, are you okay?" Qin Tian and Xiao Xi came over, the former asked worriedly.

He has no plans to reveal his true identity yet.

"I'm fine." Mu Yuan shook his head and said, "But one person was injured, but it seems to have been cured by the divine sword."

"Excalibur? What happened to Uncle Mu just now?" Qin Tian asked.

Everyone else was full of curiosity. Although there was a video, I still wanted to hear what Mu Yuan had to say.

"The thing is like this..." Mu Yuan said.

"Damn it, it's so abominable." Mu Ling said angrily with a small face.

Chen Daiyun was frightened when he heard this.

Qin Tian and Xiao Xi also looked angry.

"Xiaotian, I'm sorry, our cooperation may be postponed again." Mu Yuan said.

"It's okay, Uncle Mu." Qin Tian shook his head.

"Xiaotian, I originally wanted to talk to you about something today..." Mu Yuan said, "You are here, so I will tell you."

"Uncle Mu, tell me." Qin Tiandao, everyone was curious.

"The thing is like this. According to the elixir formula and the situation in front of us, it may be..." Mu Yuan said with an ugly face: "It may not be fully produced."

After hearing Mu Yuan's words, Mu Ling next to him also turned ugly.

Qin Tian invested tens of billions, but if the research and development fails in the end, the other party will lose a lot.

He was naturally filled with shame.

"Cannot produce?" Qin Tian frowned and said, "Can you tell me in detail?"

"This is what happened." Mu Yuan began to tell the story.

"Cannot make a pill?" Qin Tian immediately understood what Mu Yuan meant after hearing it.

According to Mu Yuan, it is actually impossible to make a pill.

Just like an alchemist, everything else has been successful, but the last step of gathering the pill into a pill has never been successful.

Qin Tian actually knew about the racial situation a long time ago.

Wan Yao Dan, that is, the healing pill, was originally made by the alchemist, but now he wants to use technology to make it, and the result is naturally cruel.

"Uncle Mu, I have a way that may solve this problem." Qin Tian actually made an arrangement.

"What method?" Mu Yuan and the other three were full of curiosity.

Even Xiao Xi next to him was very curious.

"Can't make a pill, then can I make medicine?" Qin Tian said.

"You mean the liquid medicine?"

Mu Yuan's eyes lit up and said, "Why didn't I think of it?"

"After this is over, I will try it with you." Qin Tian said. In fact, he already knew how to make the healing liquid. His clone is an alchemist.

He didn't tell them directly because he didn't want to be exposed.

At that time, just remind them unintentionally.

The healing liquid is different from the elixir. It can be refined as long as it is in proportion.

At that time, Mu Yuan Group can directly produce it.

The cost is low, and the company will not lose money, so it can produce continuously.

The most important thing is that ordinary people can buy it.

BS: The wrong words are corrected in sequence

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