Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 189 Nine Heavens Realm (1/2)


Qin Tian was a little confused at this moment.

Others think that fusing the origin of the Shenwu Continent is a heaven-defying thing.

But in Qin Tian's view, it is a shackle.

He is a man with a system.

He has unlimited future.

Although fusing the Shenwu origin now will bring him many benefits, it is also a shackle for him.

If the former is broken, he will also be backlashed if he merges with the Shenwu origin.

Of course, fusion is not impossible.

The premise is that fusion will not affect him.

"Don't worry, our fusion is an equal contract." Shenwu origin sensed Qin Tian's worry and reminded him.

Fusion is actually a contract.

There are many kinds of contracts.

There are unequal contracts, such as slave contracts, soul contracts, summoning contracts... etc.

There are also special contracts, such as life contracts, which are actually beast control contracts.

In this kind of contract, the lives of both parties will grow as the other grows.

However, the best contract is the equal contract.

The equal contract actually only creates a connection and cause and effect between the two parties.

But the impact on both parties is not very large.

There will be no backlash, and it will not become stronger because the other party is strong.

For example, Qin Tian and Shenwu Continent have an equal contract, and Qin Tian will not be able to become the master of Shenwu Continent because of the contract with the other party.

On the contrary, the origin of Shenwu Continent cannot grow because of Qin Tian's future growth.

Of course, the equal contract is not without benefits.

After Qin Tian merged with the Shenwu origin, he could always comprehend the three thousand laws.

As long as there is enough time, Qin Tian will become a veritable world master sooner or later.

The advantage of the Shenwu origin is that if it is broken again, it can be restored.

Unless Qin Tian dies, the Shenwu origin will not be broken again.

"Equal contract?" Qin Tian muttered to himself.

Forget it, an equal contract is an equal contract.

"Ding, host, do you want to change the contract?"

Suddenly the system sounded in his mind.

"Can you change the contract?" Qin Tian looked surprised. To be honest, although the equal contract is good, it is not the contract Qin Tian needs.

"Ding, yes, the contract can be changed. This is your great opportunity, host, don't miss it." The system reminded him rarely.

"Ding, host, do you want to change it?"

"Change?" Qin Tian was silent. Of course he wanted to change it.

"What contract?"

"Ding, the host is a life contract. After system optimization, it is different. Both parties will not be hurt by each other and retaliate..."

After the system explanation, Qin Tian understood the benefits of the contract.

If the contract is changed, both parties will get great benefits.

Qin Tian will be the master in Shenwu Continent and can use various laws.

The advantage of Shenwu Continent is that as Qin Tian grows up, Shenwu Origin will also grow, and even one day it will become the most powerful continent in the universe.

Of course, Qin Tian's benefits are far more than that.

Because he has a system, there is too much space to use.

"Okay, I'll ask it." Qin Tian thought about it and decided to ask Shenwu Continent Origin.

In the end, Qin Tian told Shenwu Origin everything.

"Change the contract?" Shenwu Origin said with a look of horror.

He and Qin Tian formed an equal contract because of the same origin.

The contract is also done. If you want to change or terminate it, unless you have the strength of the Domination Realm.

That is to control the rules.

Does the other party control what rules?

That's not right?

If the other party controls the rules, it is not the Unity Realm at this moment, but the Domination Realm.

And the rules have been broken in the ancient war.

The existence that can control the rules of the entire universe has sealed itself.

The other party also changed the contract in this way.

By the way, the other party seems to be the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven.

Shenwu Origin thought of this possibility.

He himself did not know that Qin Tian had a system.

"Okay, I agree." Shenwu Origin thought about it and agreed.

He had already signed a contract with the other party, and the other party told it for respect.

It means that the other party is worthy of the contract.

And the other party also saved it.

The life contract is not a slave contract.

Maybe one day, it may really become the most powerful realm in the universe.

"System, change the contract." Qin Tian said.

"Ding, the contract is changing..."


As the contract changed, Shenwu Origin's wound was completely healed in an instant.

Shenwu Continent also underwent various changes at this moment.

The sky was filled with thousands of miles of rosy clouds, and golden lotus bloomed.

There was also a nine-day opportunity.

People saw a golden staircase appear in the sky.

"God's Road? Is this the God's Road?"

"How did the God's Road appear?"

"Is it the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Didn't he say that he would tell me the way to become a god after the auction ended in ten days? What's the situation now?"

Some strong men wanted to get closer, but were blocked by the terrifying pressure from Jiu Tian.

"I felt it, I finally felt the shackles."

Some martial gods cheered.

At the same time, they were also very confused as to why the shackles that had troubled them for a long time were breaking.

As Qin Tian merged with the origin of the divine martial arts, the laws of heaven and earth also began to recover rapidly.

The most obvious of these was the suppression of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the martial gods all felt something strange in their bodies.

They felt the opportunity to become gods.

What's going on?

Why did they suddenly feel the way to become gods?

Hasn't the Emperor of Heaven announced it yet?

Will it be related to the Emperor of Heaven?

At this moment, both humans and monsters on the Shenwu Continent found the opportunity to loosen their realm.

"I broke through."

"I finally broke through."

Some people cheered excitedly because of the breakthrough.

The Tianxia Chamber of Commerce, the four heavens and nine earths, all felt the opportunity to break through at this moment.

"Everyone start practicing immediately." Tianling said.

"Yes, Lingzun."

"What's going on?"

"Is the Emperor of Heaven doing something?" Tianlang also felt the loosening of his realm, and immediately took a realm-breaking pill and began to break through.

In the garden, the blue bird also felt the breakthrough.

At this moment, the Shenwu Continent was in a breakthrough.

"Is this the Shenwu Continent?" Qin Tian opened his eyes, and two rays of light penetrated the entire world.

When he completely merged with the Shenwu Origin, his spiritual consciousness had completely covered the entire continent.

The flowers and plants on it, all kinds of monsters, and every human movement, he could feel it clearly.

"Hmm!" Qin Tian suddenly felt something about the other party, where he felt a strong man who surpassed the Martial God Realm.

They were originally in a deep sleep, and they were reviving as the Shenwu Origin was repaired.

Qin Tian just looked at it and didn't look at it again.

On the Shenwu Continent, whether the opponent is in the King Realm or the Emperor Realm, it can't threaten him.


When Qin Tian completely merged with the Shenwu Origin, his realm began to break through.

The Nine Heavens Road that originally appeared in the outside world suddenly solidified.

The originally broken golden stairs also began to recover.

A vague figure appeared on the golden stairs.

Because people were breaking through at this time, they didn't notice the changes in the Nine Heavens Road.

"This is..." Qin Tian only felt that the shackles in his body were opened. When he reacted, he found that his consciousness had left the origin space.

Looking at the golden stairs in front of him, Qin Tian had an extra memory in his mind.

The golden stairs in front of him are called the Nine Heavens Road.

When you cultivate to the peak of the Unity Realm, the Nine Heavens Road may appear.

As long as you step on the Nine Heavens Road, you will have a chance to break through to the King Realm.

Qin Tian took a step without hesitation.


At the step he took, Qin Tian's mind suddenly buzzed.

The true meaning he understood kept appearing in his mind at this moment.

This is to deepen his understanding of the true meaning.

It is not easy to enter the Nine Heavens, and it is even more difficult to become a king.

To break through and become a king, you need to comprehend a law.

The Road to the Nine Heavens is actually an opportunity to comprehend the law.

As long as the understanding of the law reaches a certain level, the height of the Nine Heavens you walk will be higher.

When you completely reach the Nine Heavens, you will have the opportunity to become a king.

Qin Tian felt that his body was extremely heavy. He had comprehended three thousand true meanings, so the Nine Heavens suppressed him very much.

I don’t know how long it has been, Qin Tian’s other foot also stepped into the same level of the Nine Heavens.


The Nine Heavens Road came with a strong pressure, almost making him retreat directly.

Qin Tian didn’t expect that he would almost fail because of the many true meanings he comprehended.

But the benefits are also very terrifying.

If all the three thousand true meanings are comprehended into laws, he will step into the master in one step.

Time passed, and I don’t know how long it has been. Qin Tian slowly opened his eyes. He has completely stabilized his body. The pressure on him from this level has completely disappeared. He has reached the Nine Heavens.

He even comprehended a little bit of the law.

What surprised Qin Tian was that the law he comprehended was actually the law of wood.

Looking at the remaining golden steps, Qin Tian did not continue. He wanted to comprehend all the laws before moving forward.

After comprehending for a while, Qin Tian finally withdrew from the Nine Heavens Road.

As Qin Tian's shadow disappeared, the Nine Heavens Road also slowly disappeared.

Qin Tian woke up and found that he was still in the origin space.

The origin crystal had been fully restored, and the surrounding origin energy had completely disappeared.

"These are..."

"Spirit stones?"

When Qin Tian looked at the origin space, he found that there were crystal clear stones all around.

Just like a small mountain, the origin space was not discovered because of the white gas dispersion and the energy was on repairing the origin.

It was not until this time that the origin was repaired and the scattered origin of the origin space was absorbed that the spirit stones were discovered.

Why so many?

This time it was sent!

"Are you useful to these?" Qin Tian looked at the Shenwu origin crystal and asked.

"It's useless. Take them all if you need them." Shenwu Origin said.

There are not many things that are useful to him now.

Spiritual stones are its products.

When its origin was broken, it naturally stopped forming spiritual stones in order to protect itself.

The spiritual stones in the origin space are just automatically formed.

Even if Qin Tian doesn't take them away, Shenwu Origin will clean them out.

"Then I won't be polite." Qin Tian was excited. He waved his hand lightly, and one of the spiritual stone hills disappeared out of thin air.

Not long after, the spiritual stones in the origin space disappeared completely.

"Top-grade spiritual stones?" Qin Tian was excited. He didn't expect that all of them were top-grade spiritual stones.

Spiritual stones, he knew from the system that they were divided into five types: ordinary, low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, and top-grade.

The quality of spiritual stones is different, and the source of energy they transform is also different.

All he saw were ordinary spiritual stones. An ordinary spiritual stone is equivalent to a piece of gold, that is, a wisp of source energy.

One hundred ordinary spirit stones are equal to one low-grade spirit stone, one medium-grade spirit stone is equal to one hundred low-grade spirit stones, and the ratio between ordinary and high-grade spirit stones is one hundred.

And from the top grade to the best grade, it costs 10,000.

You can imagine how much origin energy a top grade spirit stone can have.

One top grade spirit stone is equivalent to one million ordinary spirit stones, which is equivalent to 1 million strands of origin energy.

And a top grade is equivalent to 10 billion strands of origin energy.

The top grade spirit stones he just put into the system warehouse are estimated by the system to be 421 million top grade spirit stones in total.

It's rich, it's really rich this time.

But it's normal to have so many top grade spirit stones.

Since the problem of the Shenwu origin ten thousand years ago, in order to protect the three thousand laws of the origin, the spiritual energy produced by the origin has accumulated for a long time, and it is normal to have hundreds of millions of top grade spirit stones.

It can be said that Qin Tian made a lot of money by fusing the Shenwu origin this time.

Not only did he break through the realm, but he also comprehended the true meaning of three thousand.

The most important thing is the more than 400 million top grade spirit stones.

This is the most important harvest.

Originally, there was still a shortfall of 10 million strands of origin energy, but now there is no worry at all.

He could have upgraded immediately.

But Qin Tian did not upgrade immediately.

It was too wasteful to exchange spirit stones for origin energy. If he exchanged spirit stones for gold and then exchanged them for origin energy, he would be truly prosperous.

Before, he exchanged 400 spirit stones for 4 million gold, which is 4 million strands of origin energy.

Of course, Qin Tian did not intend to exchange them with top-grade spirit stones.

The origin space is full of top-grade spirit stones, but there are ordinary low-grade spirit stones on the Shenwu Continent.

He is now the master of the Shenwu Continent, so it is not difficult for him to find some spirit stone mines.

After leaving the origin space, he came to the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce and saw that everyone was practicing, so he did not leave to choose spirit stones, and waited for them to wake up.

Tianfa and Tiansha are impacting the Martial Emperor Realm.

Tianling and Tianying are impacting the Golden Body Realm.

The four of them are very talented, and with the skills given by Qin Tian, ​​they will naturally not fail.

In addition to the four days, the nine lands are also talented, and they are all impacting the Martial King Realm.

Qin Tian was bored after looking at it for a while, so he opened the system panel.

Name: Qin Tian [Original Clone (Perfect Creature)]

Life: 32

Realm: Nine Heavens Realm. First Layer (Half-Step King Realm. First Layer +)

Strength: Nine Heavens Realm. Seventh Layer (Half-Step King Realm. Seventh Layer)

Constitution: Origin Body [Great Success (0.01%) +]

Yuanshen: Minor Success (0.1%)

Spiritual Awareness: 100%

True Spiritual Energy: 100%

Lifespan: 15/32,000

Dantian: 108 square miles

Gongfa: Origin Gong (Minor Success), Origin Clone Body (+)

Spiritual Method: Origin Method (Minor Success +)

Artistic Conception: Origin Artistic Conception (100%), Five Elements Artistic Conception (100%)

Realistic Conception: Origin True Meaning, Five Elements True Meaning, Time and Space True Meaning, Life and Death True Meaning Meaning, Yin and Yang, Light and Dark, Thunder and Lightning, Wind...

Law: Wood Law (0.52%+)

World Origin: Shenwu Origin (Low Level 26%+)

Origin Qi: 90 million strands

Origin Points: 9.224 billion (50 million Alliance Coins cannot be converted, 521.032 billion Summer Coins cannot be converted)

Origin Shop: Level 4 [Level 5 (0/1 Origin Qi)]

Storage Space: 100 km (+)

Equipment: Nine-grade Black Iron Sword (Top Grade), Nine-grade White Jade Armor (Top Grade)

Items: Time Watch, Top Grade Spirit Stone 421 million...

Rule Items: None

This fusion greatly improved both realm and strength.

BS: Typos will be corrected later

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