Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 187 Entering the Origin of Shenwu Continent (1/2)

"Ding, consuming 20,000 strands of origin energy, realm is being upgraded..."

As the system sounded.

The three phantoms above Qin Tian's head began to merge.


The heaven and earth shook, and at this moment, the Shenwu Continent felt something strange.

Especially the martial gods.

They were all in the Tiandu Dynasty, and the feeling was the most obvious.

"Is it in that direction?"

"That's the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce."

"Is it the gods breaking through?"

The strong men finally felt who caused it.

"What is that?"

A strong man was shocked when he found the strange phenomenon in the sky.

As the three flowers gathered at the top of the head, rays of light fell.

One of the colorful rays of light fell on the fused figure, which looked awe-inspiring.


When the three flowers gathered at the top of the head completely merged, a figure exactly like Qin Tian appeared.

His appearance and figure were clearly visible, just like Qin Tian's original body.

It was almost like an avatar.


This is Qin Tian's Yuanshen.

The fusion of the three flowers gathered at the top of the head creates Yuanshen.

It is formed by the collection of spiritual consciousness, blood, and spiritual energy.

The soul is immortal, and the body is immortal.


A terrifying breath that can destroy the Shenwu Continent rises in the soul.


When the soul is formed, a golden staircase appears in the sky.

"Is that the God Road?"

"The God Road appears!"

Some strong men are excited.

Qin Tian also saw the golden staircase, but what he saw was different from what others saw.

The golden staircase is also called the Nine Heavens Road.

But it is not the Fall of the Gods.

The Nine Heavens Road has nine layers, one layer of heaven.

Only by stepping into it can you understand the laws of heaven and earth.

Qin Tian originally wanted to try, but found that the Nine Heavens Fall was already broken.

He guessed that it should be caused by the ancient war.

Otherwise, ten thousand years ago, that strong man would not have forced his way into the origin of Shenwu.

It turned out that the Nine Heavens Road had been broken.

As the soul entered the soul space, the strange phenomenon above the sky also disappeared.

"The God Road disappeared?"

"What happened?"

"Why didn't the Emperor of Heaven see the God Road?"

"Has the Emperor of Heaven not become a god yet?"

Many strong men discussed.

"Help me!"

"Help me!"

When Qin Tian broke through the unity realm, the voice of the Divine Martial Origin sounded again.

"How can I help you?" Qin Tian said.

"You will know when you enter my Origin Core."

"How do I enter?" Qin Tian asked.

"Don't worry about that."

When the voice of the Divine Martial Origin fell, the front of Qin Tian suddenly became violent.



The space was broken, and a black vortex slowly appeared.

A black passage appeared in front of Qin Tian in a short while.

Qin Tian felt the familiar breath of the Origin from it.

After thinking about it, Qin Tian stepped into it.

When he entered, the black passage disappeared quickly, and disappeared without a trace in less than a moment, leaving no trace.

Qin Tian only realized that it was so spacious when he entered the black passage.

Although the black passage was pitch black, Qin Tian found that he could see the surrounding environment.

The black passage was formed by an unknown force, without various attribute powers, but extremely terrifying, very similar to the Origin Power but not the Origin Power.

Qin Tian felt that he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember where.

After walking for a long time and a long distance, various lights finally appeared in front of him.

The closest one was the silver passage, which emitted silver light.

When Qin Tian entered it, he found that the silver passage was very long and he couldn't see the end at a glance.


Qin Tian walked for a long time, but found that he was still in the same place.

"What's going on?"

"This is a space-time channel."

The Divine Martial Origin said, "There are space-time laws, so you always feel that you are still in the same place."

"What should I do now?" Qin Tian asked speechlessly, "Isn't this your territory?"

"Can't you just let me enter the Origin Core?"

"No, my brokenness has triggered the advent of the rules. In order to protect me, the rules mobilize countless laws. You can only see me after you have walked through all the law channels."

Qin Tian: "..."

Qin Tian's face was dark and unhappy, "Why didn't you say it before?"

"This... But these are not dangerous to you, but an opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Qin Tian frowned, thought about it and asked the system, "Is what the system said true?"

"Ding, what the Divine Martial Origin said is true. This law channel is indeed a great opportunity for the host."

"But compared to the law channel, the Divine Martial Origin Core is the real opportunity."

Hearing the voice of the system, Qin Tian felt much better.

"How can I pass through the space-time law channel?" Qin Tian said.

"There are two ways. One is to keep moving forward until you leave the passage of the space-time law." Shenwu Origin said.

"What about the second way?" Qin Tian asked.

"Understand the true meaning of space-time. When you understand the true meaning of space-time, you will easily leave here." Shenwu Origin explained.

"Okay, I know." Qin Tian sat cross-legged after saying that.

Both methods require time, so Qin Tian naturally chose the second method.

Only by understanding the true meaning of space-time can you have the opportunity to understand the space-time law.

He has a deep understanding of space-time travel.

If you can travel through space-time, you can go wherever you want.

"System, if I add some time and space truth directly, how much source energy will I need to consume?" Qin Tian did not immediately comprehend.

"Ding, it will consume 50 million source energy!"

"Ding, host, do you want to add some?"


Qin Tian refused directly.

Damn, so much.

"System, open the current strongest enlightenment space." Qin Tian said.

"Ding, open it too, consume 100 source energy per hour, start the timer, 00:01..."

When the enlightenment space was opened, the silver channel in front of Qin Tian immediately changed its appearance.

The silver channel was entangled by countless rays of light, among which there were some empty rays in addition to the silver rays. Because the empty rays were entangled by the silver rays, it was difficult to find.

The silver rays were transformed by the laws of space, and the empty rays were formed by time.

The continuous entanglement of time and space formed the silver channel.

After discovering these, Qin Tian couldn't help but touch the two laws.

When he touched one of the silver rays, he found that he touched another one.

After trying many times, the results were the same.

"Is space everywhere?" Qin Tian muttered to himself.

In fact, it's not that he didn't touch it, but that what he touched was not that one at all.

Space is everywhere, and when he touches one, he actually touches all.

After thinking it through, Qin Tian touched that one again and really touched it.

It was as expected.

The finger did not move, and when Qin Tian looked at other things, he found strangely that his finger had touched the space light he saw.

"Space is everywhere, but it doesn't exist." Qin Tian looked at his fingers again and found that he didn't touch any silver light at all.

At this moment, Qin Tian understood.

Then he looked at the light of nothingness.

Space is invisible and intangible.

But time is illusory.

You say you can't see it, but it really exists.

You say you can see it, but you don't know where time comes from.

Sometimes time feels very slow, and sometimes it feels very fast.

Feeling that I can control time, but I find that it is time that controls me.

Gradually, Qin Tian immersed himself in perception.

I don't know how long it has been.

Qin Tian slowly opened his eyes.

One side of his eye was silver, and the other side was empty.

At this moment, the space-time channel suddenly stopped.

Qin Tian stretched out his finger and pressed it to the place where the silver light and the empty light were intertwined.

The next moment, Qin Tian's figure disappeared out of thin air.

When he appeared again, his figure had appeared at the end of the space-time law channel.

The place Qin Tian just touched was the space-time node.

Every space-time node is connected.

Space-time shuttle is actually like this.

Of course, Qin Tian can't do space-time shuttle now.

The reason why he was able to teleport just now is because there are only space-time laws here.

In the outside world, if he wants to teleport through space and time, or even space-time shuttle, he still needs to comprehend the space-time laws.

He is only initially comprehending the true meaning of space and time now, and there is still a long way to go.

"System, how long has it been?" Qin Tian said.

"Ding, one year and three months, a total of 1 million strands of origin energy are consumed."


"So long?" Qin Tian looked surprised, he felt as if it hadn't been long.

"One million strands of origin energy?"

"So much?"

Qin Tian felt a little pain, but he felt much better when he thought about the 50 million he added directly.

"Ding, the time of the host's space-time channel is different from that outside."

"How long has it been outside now?" Qin Tian thought about it and it seemed to be true.

The space-time law channel is full of space-time laws, and the time and space inside are different.

"Ding, twelve minutes have passed outside the host."

"Twelve minutes?" Qin Tian looked weird, time and space are really special laws.

Qin Tian didn't think much about it and left the space-time law channel directly.

The front of the space-time channel is still a silver channel, but Qin Tian knows that this is just affected by the space-time law.

Qin Tian took a step forward, and the silver channel in front of him suddenly vibrated violently.

Qin Tian closed his eyes involuntarily.

When he opened his eyes again, there was no channel in front of him, but an endless giant tree.

"This is..." Qin Tian was a little confused. He felt a familiar breath from the giant tree, but this breath was different.

"This is the tree of life." The voice of the divine origin came to his ears.

"The tree of life?" Qin Tian was puzzled.

"The tree of life is condensed by the law of life..."

Before Shenwu Yuanyuan finished speaking, Qin Tian thought of something and said, "You mean, you need to comprehend the true meaning of life to pass through here?"

"Yes and no."

"What do you mean?" Qin Tian was puzzled.

"To pass through here, you need to comprehend the true meaning of life and death." Shenwu Yuanyuan said.

"The true meaning of life and death?" Qin Tian was still puzzled. He only felt the rich breath of life here.

He didn't feel a trace of the breath of death.

"It won't be long before you know it." Shenwu Yuanyuan was silent after he finished speaking.

Qin Tian was not discouraged at all.

Instead, he was full of expectations.

How could he miss such a good opportunity to feel other true meanings.

Although adding some true meanings of life and death is not as expensive as the true meaning of time and space, it also consumes 32 million strands of original qi.

Qin Tian did not open the perception space immediately.

He needed to know the situation here first and find the breath of death first.

Qin Tian looked for a while, but didn't see any changes. Out of curiosity, he reached out and touched the giant tree.


In just a moment of touching, Qin Tian felt a huge vitality constantly pouring into his body.



Because the vitality was too huge and strong, it actually caused Qin Tian's life shackles to break directly.

Qin Tian was horrified. He could feel that when the life shackles were completely broken, his life level would be turned upside down. He might directly cross the nine heavens and become a king.

It's even possible to become an emperor.

At this moment, Qin Tian's heart was full of excitement. He would not miss such an opportunity.

He wanted to become a king, or even an emperor.

Unconsciously, Qin Tian was affected by life. His other hand had touched the tree of life, and the thick vitality was constantly entering his body.




I don't know when the life shackles in Qin Tian's body were broken.

A huge vitality and terrifying strength burst out from Qin Tian.

"Is this the King Realm?" At this moment, Qin Tian felt that he could break through the Shenwu Continent with just a little effort.

"Continue..." Qin Tian was excited.




After an unknown amount of time, Qin Tian's life level broke through again.

The Emperor Realm was finally achieved.

"Continue..." As his life level continued to break through, Qin Tian was completely immersed in his own world.




Qin Tian broke through the Emperor Realm!






I don't know how long it took, nor what realm he broke through to.

Qin Tian broke through again!




Just at this moment, Qin Tian suddenly felt a huge vitality running rampant in his body.

Although vitality is precious, it is also dangerous when vitality reaches its extreme.

No matter what kind of power, when it reaches the most terrifying level and cannot be controlled, even the vitality that can cure everything is a force of death.

At this moment, Qin Tian finally felt the breath of death.

It was also at this time that Qin Tian finally woke up.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

With the huge influx of vitality, he could no longer control his body, nor could he cut off the influx of vitality.



Qin Tian hurriedly shouted, but unfortunately the system did not reply to him.

"It's over?" Qin Tian's face was full of bitterness. He didn't expect that he would die because of vitality.

As vitality continued to pour in, his body gradually swelled up.

His situation at this time was like a water tank.

Water is the source of life.

But when the amount of water exceeds the capacity of the water tank, it is possible to burst the water tank.

Just like people, drinking more water can increase immunity.

Drinking too much water is easy to get water poisoning.

Qin Tian regretted it now, but it was useless.

Greed, if not controlled well, will eventually harm yourself.

Acceptance without return is often the greatest sorrow and harm.

Just like Qin Tian.

The desire in your heart will be infinitely magnified.

Until one day you completely lose yourself.

Finally, he was left with nowhere to go and fell into an endless abyss.

There is no free lunch in this world.

Whatever you do, there will be a relative cause and effect.


Just when Qin Tian regretted, the tree of life withered, and the life force that flowed into his life finally stopped, and he survived.


Just when Qin Tian had such a thought.

His body changed again.

BS: The typo will be updated first and corrected later.

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