Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 173 Four Days at the World Chamber of Commerce (1/2)

"Old slave, pay homage to Concubine Yao." The old man quickly stepped forward and knelt down.

"Do you know me?" Xinyao was surprised. She didn't expect that fifteen years later, someone would still recognize her.

She glanced at Qin Tian worriedly.

Qin Tian frowned. He didn't expect that the old man knew his mother, but considering that his mother was going back to the family, it didn't matter.

It will be exposed sooner or later anyway.

Xinyao did not deny it because of this.

"This old slave was lucky enough to see Concubine Yao's true appearance sixteen years ago." The old man said, but his heart was already filled with turmoil.

Everyone originally thought that Concubine Yao was dead, but they didn't expect that she was still alive.

He is still alive and well. Fifteen years have passed, but his appearance is still so young.


Just now, the Martial King Realm called the other party his mother.

So who is the person in front of me?

Could it be?

Suddenly the old man broke out in a cold sweat because he discovered an even more terrifying information.

No wonder the other party would help the prince and the others.

It turns out that they are related by blood.

Will he be silenced?

Will he compete for the throne?

It is entirely possible given the strength shown by the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce at this time.

At this moment, the old man's head was buzzing.

"Don't call me Concubine Yao anymore, I am no longer that person."

Knowing that she was confused, Xinyao didn't ask any more questions. She thought for a while and said, "She is already dead."

His voice was filled with slight anger.

"Yes..." the old man said quickly, wiping the sweat from his face from time to time.

"Then get up."


"Mother, you..." Qin Tian said deliberately doubtfully, even though he knew his life experience.

Thinking of something, he looked at the black shadow and said, "Tianying takes him down to eat something."

"Yes, Tianzun." Tianying said. Before the old man could react, he was led away from the hall by an invisible force.

"Xiaotian, it's time to tell you something." Xinyao said. After learning that the Eastern Qin Dynasty was in turmoil, she had already planned to tell Qin Tian about it, otherwise she would not have admitted it just now.

Although she resented that person, the Eastern Qin Dynasty was always her home.

There, too, was his mother.

"My mother's identity is actually the second lady of the Zhao family in the Eastern Qin Dynasty. Because of an accident, she became the princess..." Xiyao began to narrate: "Later, she fell and was rescued by my master because of some things."

"Actually, you are a prince."

Qin Tian fell into silence after hearing his mother's story.

Seeing Qin Tian's silence, Xinyao thought for a while and then said: "Xiaotian, no matter what you want to do, your mother will support you. Even if you want to become a king, your mother will support you."

"Mother..." Qin Tian was silent for a while and thought before deciding to speak: "Actually, I already know my life experience."


"You know everything?" Xinyao looked shocked. She never thought that Qin Tian already knew.

But thinking about Qin Tian's strength and his various phenomena, it was exactly as he said. She had known it for a long time, but she didn't ask her.

"Yes, mother, I have actually known my identity for a long time." Qin Tian said.

"and you…"

"I'm not interested in the throne." Qin Tian knew what his mother meant. I had never thought about being a king when I was an ordinary person in my previous life, but now I am too lazy to be busy every day.

Still worrying about here, worrying about there.

Isn’t it delicious to practice?

"Okay, mother will take you to see grandma." Xinyao was very pleased. She actually did not want her son to become that ruthless and unjust person.

She didn't ask how Qin Tian knew his identity.

In fact, she still had some guesses in her mind, but she didn't ask.

"Tianling, you and Jiudi are in charge of Tianyuan City, and everything is arranged by you." Qin Tian began to make arrangements.

"During my absence, you try to recruit some alchemists."

"Yes, Heavenly Lord." A woman in a white dress said respectfully.

"These pills can also allow you to break through to the Martial God Realm." Qin Tian took out ten bottles of pills. Although Tianling is also the Martial King Realm, it is still not enough to scare the surrounding dynasties.

Although in the southern region, the elixir has temporarily reached saturation, it will naturally continue after digestion. Coupled with the feedback brought about by the digestion of the elixir, the economic wealth will be greatly improved.

With the resources he left behind, we can still sustain ourselves for a while.

The reason why Tian Ling was arranged to stay was because she was relatively calm.

She was called Tianling because she practiced the Emperor Spirit Art and looked full of aura.

"These two cards are for you. The gold one is a defense card, and the red one is an attack card. How to use it is..."

Qin Tian told her the rules of use, thought about it and reminded her: "Don't use these two cards unless your life is in danger."

"Yes, Tianzun." Tianling looked excited. Although she didn't know how these two cards were made, she was very happy to know about Tianzun's relationship.

"Tianying, you should protect my mother." Qin Tiandao also gave her ten bottles of pills, similar to Tianling, and also gave her two cards.

Tianying, who practices the Dark God Art, can hide in the darkness and is the best person to protect his mother.

"Yes, Tianzun." Tianying said.

"Tiansha and Tianpu follow me." Qin Tian said.

The Tianxia Chamber of Commerce, apart from him as the president, has four worlds and nine places.

They were all women saved by Qin Tian, ​​and many of their experiences were very miserable.

Qin Tian wanted to take revenge on them by becoming stronger, and they had to do things for him.

With the system in place, I naturally know that everyone is very loyal.

Tiansha is prone to killing. If she is not by his side, something bad may happen. Her strength has reached the peak of martial arts. It will not take long for her to break through to the Golden Body Realm.

Except for him and Tianfa, no one else in the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce can suppress her.

Tiansha was originally the apple of a family's eye. Later, because of her stunning appearance, she was favored by another family's young master.

Tiansha refused, so the other party held a grudge and finally destroyed her family.

She was saved by Qin Tian at the critical moment.

She also went crazy because of this. Although she was rescued by Qin Tian, ​​the seeds of killing had been planted in her heart.

It was precisely because of this that her strength improved by leaps and bounds.

Qin Tian could actually use the purification card to completely purify her mind, but unfortunately she refused.

She didn't want to experience that kind of experience again. She wanted to become stronger.

Finally, Qin Tian chose a method to cultivate murderous intent and evil spirit according to her situation.

Emperor Sha Tiandao Jue, to kill to suppress the world.

Tianfa, an ordinary girl, had a similar experience to Tiansha. Her family was wiped out, but she was determined. She felt that their experiences were caused by the ruthlessness and injustice of heaven and earth.

She wanted to punish the world on behalf of heaven and cleanse the darkness of the world.

Before meeting Qin Tian, ​​her strength had reached the martial arts realm.

When she killed a big man from one of the three major forces, she was framed by the other party and was seriously injured. In order not to be abused by the other party, she disfigured herself.

Finally, she was exposed to the sun in Sanjiao City, which is now Tianyuan City.

Perhaps she was not destined to die. After three days and three nights, she roared to the sky when she died.

"Heaven is unfair, the world is ruthless, I don't accept it. Why do bad people run rampant in the world, while good people have to endure injustice and darkness."

"I swear here that I will fight against heaven in life and death, and one day I will establish order in the world."

Qin Tian still remembers the scene at that time.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds, and the sky was punished by heaven.

This made Qin Tian immediately think of his previous experience.

So he saved her, but what Qin Tian didn't expect was that the other party actually merged a trace of the power of heavenly thunder due to the heavenly punishment.

That is, the power of heavenly punishment.

If there was no Qin Tian and no system, she would be wiped out.

In the end, Qin Tian not only saved her, but also spent a lot of money, that is, the original energy, to buy her a great emperor's skill, the Eye of Heavenly Punishment.

If you practice to the peak, you can punish the sky, you can replace the sky, and you can control the rules of destruction.

You can practice to become a great emperor.

Of course, the skills Qin Tian gave them can only be practiced to the God Realm, that is, the Extraordinary Realm.

Even with a system, you can't be unscrupulous.

The subsequent skills will depend on their performance.

The degree of loyalty to yourself.

The four heavens are naturally Heavenly Punishment, Heavenly Spirit, Heavenly Evil, and Heavenly Shadow.

The Heavenly Punishment Golden Body Realm, and the other three are in the Martial King Realm.

And the nine lands are all in the Vault Realm.

Everyone can challenge across levels.

This is naturally Qin Tian's credit. If there is a system, if even geniuses cannot be cultivated.

It is not worthy of being a system.

"By the way, Tianling, if a person called Kaoshanzong comes to Tianxia Chamber of Commerce, if the other party encounters a big crisis, help them once." Qin Tian thought of something and spoke again.

"Yes, Tianzun." Tianling said.

After leaving Tianyuan City, half an hour later, everyone arrived at the capital of Dongqin Dynasty.

"What realm is he in?" The old man was horrified at this time.

It took him five days to get there from Tianyuan Dynasty to the capital.

And the other party only took half an hour.

The main thing is to lead them. If Qin Tian goes all out alone, how terrifying will the speed be.

Maybe it will take a few minutes to arrive.

"Is it the Martial Emperor Realm?" The old man guessed, but immediately denied it: "No... He is definitely not the Martial Emperor Realm."

Although the Martial Emperor Realm is powerful, it is impossible to have such a speed.

"Could he be..." The old man suddenly thought of another possibility.

Martial God Realm!

Although it is a bit incredible, this is the only explanation.

"You two go with the old man to save people." Qin Tian looked at Tianfa and Tiansha and said, "Remember not to mess around, just save people."

"Yes, Tianzun."

Tiansha knew that this was said to her, and she knew that Tianzun was good to her.

After the three disappeared in front of him, Qin Tian said, "Mother, let's go."

"Okay." Xinyao was both expectant and nervous.

Deep in the sky prison.

"Let me out, let me out, I want to see my father." Qin Li said angrily.

"Tenth brother, don't call, it's useless." Qin Hao sighed helplessly.

He never thought that Qin An and Qin Xu would accuse them of conspiracy to get rid of them.

"Twelfth brother, do you think Brother Tian will come to save us?" Qin Li said.

Although he was not afraid of death, he didn't want to die so cowardly.

"I don't know." Qin Hao said.

Although he didn't have much contact with Qin Tian, ​​he already knew some of his personality.

The other party actually knew their identities and would definitely save them.

But he was still a little worried that Lao Qu couldn't find Brother Tian.

"It's all my fault." Qin Li roared. If he was stronger, it wouldn't be like this.

He swore that if he could get out, he would work a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times harder.

"Oh no, someone broke in, someone broke into the prison, come quickly..."

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the prison.

But it all quieted down after a while.


Just when Qin Hao and Qin Li were confused, an old man appeared in front of them.

"Old Qu?" Qin Hao was excited. He didn't expect that the noise just now was caused by the other party.

They are saved.

"It's the old slave." The old man was relieved when he saw that the prince was fine.

"Old Qu, where is Brother Tian?" Qin Hao said.

"Before... he didn't come." The old man said.

"Didn't come?" Qin Hao's face was a little ugly. Did he see the wrong person?


At this time, the iron chain was cut by a knife.

"If you want to chat, go home and chat." Tiansha said coldly.

Then he disappeared in front of him.

"Old Qu, just now..." Qin Li said with horror, because he just felt the breath of the martial king from the black shadow.

It was still that powerful martial king.

"Old Qu, who is that person?" Qin Hao asked curiously, "Is he the helper you invited?"

"Prince, let's go out first and talk." Old Qu saw Tiansha completely leave before he hurriedly said, "Don't offend that person just now."

It can be said that he is most afraid of Tiansha. Just his breath makes him breathless.

He also heard that Tiansha kills.

If possible, he would rather follow the Martial Emperor than follow her.

"You mean, they are Tiange's men?" Qin Hao and Qin Li were shocked and fell silent after listening to the old man's story.

But there was an incredible look on his face.

It turned out that Tiange was more terrifying than they thought.

President of the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce.

He has four Martial King Realm powerhouses.

Of course, it was because Old Qu didn't know the true strength of Tianfa.

Otherwise, he would be more surprised.

When Qin Hao and the other two came outside, there were people lying on the ground everywhere.

"They are not dead." Tiansha thought about it and said, she knew that two of them knew Tianzun, and she didn't want to be misunderstood by Tianzun.

If there was no Tianzun, there might really be a river of blood here.

"Someone is coming, someone is robbing the prison..." Someone noticed the noise here and rushed towards them, but fainted after taking only half a step.

"Let's go." At this time, a woman in a black dress walked out of the prison. Beside her were two little girls of seven or eight years old, with tattered clothes and some scars on their bodies.

Everyone looked strange, but Qin Hao was angry, and of course a little ashamed.

I didn't expect that there were children in the prison.

Even if the other party was implicated, it shouldn't be so cruel.

At this moment, he really wanted to be the king, he wanted to change the East Qin Dynasty.

"Damn..." Seeing the two little girls, Tiansha suddenly felt a murderous aura.

She was very angry and couldn't help but think of her own experience.

Qin Hao and the other two suddenly changed their faces.

Tianfa quickly used his power to protect the two little girls.

"Tiansha, calm down, let Tianzun handle anything." Tianfa said.

"Let's go..." Hearing Tianfa's words, Tiansha regained his calm, and before Qin Hao and the other two could react, he was lifted up by a force.

"Let's go too." Tianfa took the two little girls and took off into the air.


"Don't be afraid."

Because of her own experience, she likes to save anyone who has the same experience as them.

Many people in the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce were saved by her.

BS: The typos will be corrected later.

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